The man is absolutely clueless when it comes to his fanbase. I would say he should go back to jolly ole England but that would stick us with his braindead little brother which would be another catastrophe.
Owning an NFL team means you get a photo with a celebrity when they are in your house. Not really seeing the problem with this one.
Just goes to show he doesn’t care whether the team wins, loses or gets screwed by the refs. It’s a social event. It’s possible he doesn’t even remember the outcome of the game
Aside from maybe having fun with Sauce, it's hard to believe it's even real..... It's like an episode of "The Office". "Woody?!?...... THAT"S WHAT SHE SAID!"
I thought maybe it was just a 1 time joke. Nope, he really wears it every time he’s on camera, how embarrassing
Well, see, it's not "his" house, it's legal semantics. It's a shared $2.6 billion dollar dump 10 feet away from the old dump that could have been twice as nice for at least 1/3 less $ had they used the old shell. All that nonsense of, "We finally have our own home!" Well, it's 50/50 100% ownership. That's great. In reality, you still have some other jackass living in your condo who rolled you and doesn't respect you. See how the Maras laugh. The New Dump is just another glorified time share in the Poconos. I mean, the swamps of NJ.
Look at that photo and then any wonder why the Jets have sucked and made bad decisions for so long becomes crystal clear.
Yeah I mean I’m not a big fan of MetLife or sharing a stadium at all. I think it’s a joke especially given the temple’s they’ve been across the league in Vegas, Los Angeles and Minnesota since. But to be fair to Woody he did try to move us to the west side Hudson yards which would’ve been fucking awesome even if it turned into a traffic nightmare.
It's even worse than what Mekhi Becton bought himself. Well, maybe it's a tie . . . ? Woody The Rube, he's such a dork.
She's worth an estimated $740 mil and she earned every penny of it. I highly doubt she's impressed by a guy born into his fortune. So I agree with you.
If the Jets were winning, no one would care what he wore, who he hosted, and be called the greatest NY sports owner since George Steinbrenner.