Jets signed this guy: To be frank, I am very worried. 80% career FG, 90% XP, and looks like doesn't have the leg to kick 50 yard + FG. Last year kicked 5 FGs, missed 2. Scored on all 12 XP. Now, frankly I am very surprised we didn't get Matthew Wright, who also tried out: 87% career FG, 95% XP. Has a big leg, 6 of 8 50+ career. Last year hit 15 of 18, including both 50+, and all 15 XP. It just doesn't seem like it is close between the two. On paper Wright should have been the easy choice. Again, I hope JD knows what he is doing and Seibert doesn't cost us the game.
Worried about this too as Zach has had a tough time bringing in TDs and we have traditionally fizzled out in the red zone
not much of a gambler but C'boys giving 81/2 pts looks better and better every minute. they're going to outscore their first two opponents 85-0.
Clearly they are signing this guy to be a bandaid until Zuerlein is back, which is another mistake by Joe. A groin injury for a kicker is like a hamstring for a RB. They rarely heal before the offseason. Greg the Leg will probably be 60% when he gets back. We need a new kicker and this Seibert ain't it.
well at least hes 19 for 19 career on under 40 yarders. 7/9 from 40-49 the last 2 seasons. Hopefully he has an accurate day tomorrow and it wont cost us.
oh crap i didnt even think about kickoffs. Now im more worried. Only 16% Touchbacks on kickoffs OUCH. Greg the leg was 83% last year. That could really hurt us even more than the FG kicking.
ah! good point now i feel better. As long as we miss all our FG tries then we will only kickoff once lol
Yeah, but at 40 plus you are odds for clean score are about the same as going bare back with a $5 whore.
By signing this guy, I like the confidence they have that the D will hold the Dallas O in-check, & that the Jets O will be scoring TDs. I like the plan... if it works... .
It really is. I was behind this guy all the way until this year but just too many mistakes. He makes some spectacular plays but blows the easy ones. Just like Zach, haha.