It looks the same (or very close) on Twitter. In the video the Jets released that opens with Sauce, it looks more Kelly green than this.
I love it! Woody posted and said we asked and they heard. They're wearing them twice, on weeks 1 vs the Bills (Sept. 11) and 4 vs the Chiefs (Oct. 1 when Klecko gets his HOF ring).
I agree. At this point the only thing that would excite me more would be getting through TC and preseason with no major injuries. I love those unis!
If Woody really listens to the fans, then next year we'll get these as our primaries. This will be our 5th year with the current uniforms, so we'll be allowed to change them next offseason.
my thoughts on uni's: 1. Don't understand the love for all whites at all...I love the green jerseys and we should wear those every time we can. period. 2. Don't understand the love for that kindergarten level Jets logo with the airplane swish...doesn't come even close to the original Namath era logo which was unique...simply writing out the team name is a stupid-ass logo...I don't care for the block letters either 3. As much as I think that swish logo sucks balls, the current one is even more stupid and even less creative, as if that were possible 4. I wish the NFL would go back to actually giving a shit about uniforms like they used to and get rid of these cutoff jerseys with the undershirts sticking out, as well as the no sleeves look...Q looks like a hot mess in that photo, and if you look back at the uniform pics in the countdown to season thread, those old school ones look WORLDS better 5. I could deal with the clean look of those 80's uniforms with just green and white if we were to update the logo, but either way I like those better than our current 6. There is no need to spell out New York on the jersey...we know who we are 7. We should go back to that original Namath logo with the oval and the NY underneath the Jets wordmark if we're not going to come up with a new creative logo 8. I like the idea of these throwbacks, but we should go with the green jerseys instead of the white.. there...I think I covered it
I couldn't possibly disagree with you more on most of your points. 1. The whites are the classic Jets look. That's what I remember the Jets wearing with Namath much, if not most of the time. 2. IMO there's nothing kindergarentish about the Jets logo with the airplane swish. It's better than anything else they've ever had. I think it's clever. 3. IMO all of the ones with the football are stupid and kindergartenish. I mean like duh! we know it's the NY football Jets. 4. This is the one of only a few with which I can agree. 5. I agree except the logo change. 6. I agree. We don't need New York or a football on the unis/in the logo. 7. No 8. Hopefully, next year, the greens will come back and the whites and greens will become our permanent jerseys. No more black crap unis, no more dumb footballs on the helmet.
2019: Sam gets mono, Jets win a bunch of meaningless games down the stretch. 2020: Jets blow the tank for Trevor. 2021: Zach sucks + rest of team sucks. 2022: Zach sucks + rest of team does not suck. 2023: A-a-ron.
Ha! Love it! I’m am all good on the debate! I know lots of folks love the whites…I know lots of folks love the JETS with the swish above logo…I just don’t But that’s fine…to each his own Just goes to show you can’t design a uniform that EVERYONE will love On another note, if I had to pick out the best uni’s in football, that’d be a great convo as well…I like the Steelers classic black, the Raiders have a good look as well even though I’m not a fan of silver most of the time, I think the Packers have another classic good look…I know many love the Cowboys look but I think the mishmash of 3 different shades of blue and the white jerseys just look a hot mess to me…but I guess that would be another thread entirely!
Yes, everyone's fashion tastes are different. To each his own. For that matter, I don't think one would ever be able to come up with ANYTHING for the Jets where all fans would agree. I agree that I like the Steelers' classic black, think the Packers have a classic look, and even though I detest the Raiders, think their unis are good as well.