Aaron Rodgers going on a DARKNESS RETREAT... Wacky is an under statement

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan, Feb 7, 2023.

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  1. Get me the Damn Ball

    Get me the Damn Ball Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    He’s probably back in Wisconsin. The sun never comes out there.
    stinkyB likes this.
  2. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    My goodness..leave AR alone

    I have practiced meditation and Yoga for years so I get complete silence . But I incorporate my routine daily. Have I ever gone on a Yoga /Med retreat? Sure!...its excellent way for recharging your mind and body

    BUT IN DARKNESS ???..no no no. And really not necessary imo

    OTOH if he comes out of this strong contemplation a NYJ would anyone on TGG remotely care what Mr AR does or doesn't do?? ..of course not. And dont forget Rex Ryan was a decent Coach with a Toe Fetish hah
    IIMeanDeanII likes this.
  3. PennyRoyal10

    PennyRoyal10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2005
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    Man, I remember when it was "out there" when a star QB wore a fur coat...
  4. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Hostage shit is right. This is at least the 2nd offseason in a row when Rodgers appears to want everybody to beg him to play again. It seems like he thrives on and needs lots of attention in the offseason. He's obviously a great talent, but let's face it--the jets with draft error Zach Wilson at QB beat Rodgers in 2022. I'd rather have a little more certainty (and less drama) for the next 2 years with Jimmy G. or Carr (if we can get them).
    rockyusmc2003 likes this.
  5. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Filming new Allstate commercials
    Get me the Damn Ball likes this.
  6. Get me the Damn Ball

    Get me the Damn Ball Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Rodgers returns from his darkness retreat with a strong desire to be on the New England Patriots. Hello darkness my friend
    IIMeanDeanII likes this.
  7. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    So to get this straight, he’s literally taking time to go and essentially pray for 4 days to gain clarity on his direction, and to you that means he wants people to beg him to play? So instead you want either of the two most basic average QB’s over the last 10 years (neither are even top 15 QB’s) over a guy one year removed from back to back MVP seasons that played with a fucked up thumb all year last year. Because him going on a retreat to pray. It’s amazing how triggered people get when they see someone connecting to God in a way that doesn’t involve ritz crackers and grape juice from a smelly old guy.
    BradysTornACL and IIMeanDeanII like this.
  8. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I saw nothing about prayer, spirits or god in any of the articles. Do you have a source that mentions any of those things?
    NY Jets68 and tomdeb like this.
  9. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Do you have a source that It's not? You don't have all the details and he certainly didn't provide the itinerary. You are assuming, just like everyone else..

    Which, to me, Is non-sense. Dude can do whatever he wants, he has no obligation to do anything right now. He Is under contract with the Green Bay Packers. As far as he Is obligated to do, It's just to show up for training camp or retire. Considering that Is what his contract currently obligates him to do.

    He Is OBVIOUSLY going on this retreat to be enlightened In some way or another, that's a big deal for some people. What Is beyond that, well, that's completely unknown to us. As It should be, It's not our life or process.

    So, why should we care?

    He owes the NYJ and the NYJ fans nothing currently.

    It's wild how impatient NYJ fans are. Dude Isn't even a NYJ and the fans are already turning on him. It's just dumb to me.
  10. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Of course the guy can do whatever he wants, even hide out in the dark for a few days but the information we have tells us a bit about a little house with a hole they put food through but says nothing at all about getting in touch with spirits or god or even anything about prayer. Why invent something out of thin air rather than just take what the guy involved has actually stated?
    tomdeb likes this.
  11. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    It's for the same reasons that you are taking what you do know from his mouth and assume that's literally all he Is going for.

    Just to sit In a room for 4 days In complete silence.

    You think there Isn't a reason for this? That he's doing It because It's fun?

    Obviously there Is a very high chance that there Is more to It than that.


    Enlightenment Is what Is trying to be obtained and that can come In all kinds of ways. Including prayer, God, spirituality, etc..

    It may not have anything to do with God or prayer.. It could though.

    Just like It may just be that fucking boring of a process where he Is the one human being In the entire planet that finds sitting In silence and darkness for 4 days as a fun activity to partake In.

    One of those Is more likely than the other. At the same time, none of us truly know.

    It's a forum. It's OKAY to speculate.

    Just like, It's completely okay to mind our business and let him live out his process.

    At the end of the day. It's HIS process.

    Just because It doesn't work for a lot of NYJ fans timelines for their own greedy reasoning, doesn't mean It's wrong.

    Which, Is ultimately the point, but stay stuck on the particulars If you must.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  12. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Because that’s exactly what it is. What information does he owe you? He deals with the national media constantly. He’s firm in his beliefs about spirituality and health. That may seem terrifying to you but his teammates have always loved him and his problems with GB’s front office were completely justified. Hell, he was fighting for his own players to get resigned and paid on multiple occasions. The problem is Rogers doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about him or his beliefs. Personally I find that a positive trait.
  13. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    It could be anything at all. I assume nothing. The food coming through the window could be endless ramen, wagyu beef or a truckload of mushrooms. His time could be spent conjoining with the great googly moogly, dining with the pastafarians and leaping rainbows on a neon unicorn, but why not just keep things to what we know instead of conjuring up anything at all that the mind could conceive? Speculation is guessing, it's conjecture, it is not based on any reality. If we have a few articles and an interview or two why not just go with what's there instead of leaping off into fantasyland?
  14. NJJets

    NJJets Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Here’s a much more informative and useful piece of information that’s actually relevant to Rodgers the football player. Last year with a busted up thumb for most of the season at 39 years old he still had an equal or better season than pretty much every one of Derek Carr’s entire 10 year career except one.
    BrooklynJetsFan likes this.
  15. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    You say what you've described is "exactly what it is" but even after being asked to support your claims you do not. Repetition is not support. Rodgers owes me nothing; someone posting here making claims they want believed owes us their sources if they want it taken seriously. Whatever one, some, many or all of his teammates think of the guy has absolutely zero to do with whatever you allege will be Rodgers' itinerary and beliefs.
  16. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I missed the article where Rodgers stated that he was going to "essentially pray for 4 days" and was going to be "connecting to God." If he has said that, then I applaud him, but I have not read that.
    My bigger concern is I have read several times that the jets are ready to fork over not 1, but 2, first round picks for him. And this is the second offseason in a row where Rodgers can't decide whether to play next year. Pretty steep price for a guy who might be a one year rental, if that. I certainly would be more receptive to getting Aaron if the draft compensation was not so steep, and the player was not so unclear on whether he wanted to continue playing football (for the second spring in a row).
    IMO Douglas made a huge error in wasting the #2 overall on Zach. I hope he doesn't waste 2 more first rounder picks in a rush to correct that error on a player who has been so ambivalent.
  17. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I haven't seen any reliable source that says the Jets would be willing to give up two first round picks. I have seen a bunch of posts here making such claims but there's never been any quote or other legitimate support for those claims. Pretty much like so many claims from people who think their imagination is a viable source. I share your wariness of Rodgers and his ongoing desire to continue in the NFL. In fact, my opinion is that if Rodgers woke up some Saturday in some November and didn't feel like going to work the next day his career would be over that quickly; he can afford the loss of money.
    tomdeb likes this.
  18. coloradojet

    coloradojet Active Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    He should ask Brady for advice.
  19. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Here's a book I read years ago.. Couldn't find any Peyote in Boston though... :)

  20. Jets-N-Terps

    Jets-N-Terps Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Chicks are fucking goats at Yoga studios? I thought shit like that only happened in Tijuana.
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