If the front office gets its act together, this foundation will compete for a decade. If it doesn't, we're back to SOJ. Makes me crazy. We're so close. And have to trust that leadership won't screw it up. F@#$%
Factoring in draft position for the past 12 seasons, the Jets probably have the highest average draft position of any team. Their inexplicable failure to build a competitive team in all this time is another level of long term sucking which most franchises never get the pleasure to experience. If you look at how many bad teams make the playoffs with this new watered down greed driven playoff tournament, the Jets seem much further away from being a competitive team than even previously thought. Anyway, it's still fun to sit here and believe a new OC, new mediocre QB and a few OL men will turn things around in just one off season. Win, lose or draw, the Jets are still a very profitable investment for team Woody. Of course, this probably will not last forever considering major professional sports is not really popular with the younger generation, whose average attention span is closer to 3 minutes than 3 hours. Can't really blame them, considering the quality of the product has been regressing for several decades now while prices continue to skyrocket. This is why the NFL has pivoted to using the scripted WWF athletic theatre template (which caters to the lowest common denominator of spectator) and bullshit virtue signaling propaganda to drum up new business.