Sure, Saleh knows it doesn't apply, but what about all the Jets fans out there who don't know beans about Zach? His QB was personally verbally attacked and his character called into question publicly. I think he should have defended Zach. Saying "I don't know abou that" was a lame response, and sounds as if Saleh didn't know whether they were right or not, or they may possibly be right. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this because I think there's a time when you have to put people in their place when they're as out of line as those three assclowns were.
I think you're reading a little too much into this one but like you said, I think we'll have to agree to disagree.
Bart Scott sucks. I already like Zach Wilson more than I ever liked Bart Scott. By a mile. No one cares what he has to say. Hopefully networks start to realize that.
Agreed. Saleh shouldn’t say shit to them. The Jets and their media team who help fund and produce that show should tell those guys to shut the fuck up though.
I love Bart Scott. He’s entitled to his opinion, y’all just don’t like it. I think he’s a great analyst myself and can disagree with a take and not hate on him I always enjoy him in the post game but he won’t be long in the tooth there as SNY will boot him once the Johnsons request it. Sad
But you also think that Zach Wilson dodges accountability, which is blatantly false, so it makes sense that you'd agree with someone who also makes shit up.
The rant from Colon and Scott is a sad reflection of their own big ego-small person make up. Trash sells. Is the key success criteria for a job with SNY sports to be a big mouth incompetent babbler. if so they have hit a bullseye. Time to change channel.
I never say anything about Scott, but I am not a fan. Then he talks like that yesterday, so he surely deserves some criticism. It was a terrible take. Embarrassing really. Do you like Rex Ryan too? I think they go hand in hand. I don't like Rex and I don't like Bart. Meaning, I could care less what they have to say. They are full of crap and always have been.
He's not afraid to say what he thinks about the Jets. Again, those people don't last long on SNY because Woody Johnson asks for their removal. I suspect he wont be back next year. I have much respect for him for not bowing down to that. He could go on there and be all "rah rah go Jets" after every loss, keep his job and all that. But he doesn't do that. I have always enjoyed his insights they are the right amount of "football-ese" that respects the intelligence of the audience with his personal quips & anecdotes for color. If Ashton Davis gets a 100% rating from PFF, he's not the type to throw that out there. He will tell you its a bullshit rating ... and WHY. ultimately, its like I said though, I can disagree with a take he has, and I have, and not go all "PMS OMG FIRE HIM" like many on this site are doing today
There's been subtle self-absorbed behavior from ZW that I've observed just being a fan--and the guys on the field know way more about it. That's the rep ZW is gaining and I believe it was similar at BYU.
It's got nothing to do with being blunt and saying what's on his mind. I like when analysts call out the BS instead of being all rah rah, but it needs to have a basis in fact. He makes unfounded claims about the teams starting QB, which is the issue. Saying he's a selfish player and has character issues because BOTH the QB and CS made mistakes on the 4th and 2. He has been so anti-Zach Wilson from the moment we drafted him because he wanted the Jets to keep Sam Darnold and trade down from #2 and will do anything to try to prove his take was the right one. He just flat out doesn't like Zach Wilson because he wanted to keep Sam.
How awful!! A grown man gave another grown man the middle finger like 10 years ago. I think it says more about Costello that he's been stewing on it for so long
Correct you are, it was someone else I won't name. I'm the Bart Scott of remembering who said what: fucking awful and stupid and no one should listen to me without proof.
I think I know who it is. It's too bad because this poster has had many well reasoned takes prior to that one.
So Bart, the 4th and 2 was a "bad call" and it failed making the loss all Wilsons fault. We're expected to forget that the defense had the opportunity to stop the Bucs from scoring a 95 yard drive for a touchdown? You're kind of a dumbass, Bart.
No, he's the very definition of dumbass if he actually believes what he spewed. But I think he was just trolling for eyeballs and clicks.