How hard would it be to no longer be a jet fan?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sack exchange, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I am here for the long haul. I could not totally give up on this team. As much as they have brought me misery they have brought me joy. Albeit no Super Bowl joy but they have had their moments.
  2. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Not Canada...England, but I’m pretty sure most of the world has us on a travel ban right now.

    I won’t ditch the Jets over Gase but I probably would it they left NY/NJ.
    westiedog1 and Footballgod214 like this.
  3. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    So many of you talk about not being able to stop because it's your home team. I get that. I'll never stop rooting for my home team either. I don't think it's ever a good thing to do that.

    For me though, I've never even been to NY or NJ. It sounds way easier to just say fuck it... But I just can't. I've been invested almost all my life.
    Footballgod214 likes this.
  4. jixxjr

    jixxjr Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I've found that I've become more of a casual fan rather than the fanatic that I used to be. Before the internet, I would buy every newspaper, magazine, etc that had any info about the Jets. I had season tickets and bought countless jerseys, hats, etc. When the team lost, I'd be in a funk till Wednesday. Right before the PSL's, I wasn't able to give tickets away on the rare occasions that I couldn't attend the game. Then to be told that I had to pay $20,000 for the "RIGHT" to buy season tickets? That they were "A Good investment," Sorry. I had discovered that going to a bar/restaurant was much less expensive than going to the games. I didn't have to worry about weather, or prepping the food for the tailgate, etc. and it cost me about half what it cost to go to the stadium and I would watch all 3 games and highlights.

    I was home one Sunday and my parents lived in the apartment directly above me, after watching a Jets game and losing my mind, I went upstairs to join my parents for dinner. My father looked at me and said,
    "If you don't enjoy the game, why do you waste your time watching? Sports are entertainment and if you're not entertained, why waste your time."

    Now I tune in occasionally, hoping to see a team play sound fundamental football, not beat themselves and keep the game close. If the other team is better, or luckier, so be it. I can live with that. Sadly, this is not the Jets as they are currently constructed so I skip watching and take care of stuff around the house. I watched the first game this season and I have no interest in watching anymore. I already know what to expect. Maybe one day, the team will rebound and the games will be fun to watch but as for right now, I'd rather pick up the dog doo in the back yard than watch this mess.

    The Jets have been so bad for so long that I don't even watch any other football. I just don't care. It only reminds me of how putrid this team really is. What's really sad is that my kids (aged 12 and 13) also have no interest in football. The Jets being as bad as they have been is actually costing the NFL future fans.

    Now, I only come here to keep up with the goings-on in Jet land. Maybe, sometime in the future, The Jets will place on the field, a competitive team and I'll begin to watch again but for now. I just don't care.
  5. westiedog1

    westiedog1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Don't think it's very realistic. What would the Johnson's (or whoever owns the team) hope to gain by that? There are so many more people living in NY for the team to draw on. But to answer your question, if it did happen: No, that wouldn't be enough for me, because a name change NY to NJ would be very superficial. Other than the name, nothing much else would change. Stadium, players, coaches, logo, colors, etc. would remain the same. Even if they changed the name from Jets to Hot Air Balloons, as long as they stayed in NY/NJ.
  6. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    What if they changed our name to the Big Johnsons? What would our new helmets look like? Purple?
  7. No Fly Zone

    No Fly Zone Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    Springsteen - "I'll move to Australia if Trump wins".

    Bon Jovi - "Good day Mate, enjoy going walk about. Stop your preaching and just sing. Oh, btw, I bought a step stool for you so you can see Trump face to face."
    Footballgod214 likes this.
  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I'm almost there on pro sports in general, although the Jets are making it pretty easy for me.

    I just find myself sitting there staring at the TV wondering "Why am I watching this? Why does this matter to me? What benefit has this ever provided to my quality of life?"

    It's like somehow I attached feelings to a corporation that I'm not affiliated with at all and I get a dopamine boost every time that company's stock price goes up a point, even though I don't own a single share. Rooting for a corporation would probably be less annoying too, because Tom the MetLife tax lawyer probably doesn't have a hero complex and certainly doesn't have a media platform where he can preach his half-assed social beliefs.

    But hey, maybe I'll just root for the Jets to lose out the season so they can draft another Franchise QB, because surely this is the time they will put a guy in position to succeed. All those other times were flukes. This time is going to be the real deal.
    rohirrim665 likes this.
  9. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Well, the Jets aren't on TV in South Jersey so I don't watch games. Even when the Jets are playing in NJ, CBS and Fox put on non-local games so I boycott CBS.

    I don't go to games.
    I don't buy Jets stuff.
    And I message Jets sponsors on Facebook that I won't buy their shit since they are funding the Johnsons.
    I picked a defense on fantasy BECAUSE they were playing the Jets and bragged about how many points I got as a result.

    I'm at an all time low of giving a shit about this team. The Johnson family is extremely disrespectful to the fans and Woody Johnson should go fuck himself regardless of football stuff.
  10. GTA_G20

    GTA_G20 Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I can’t believe what I’m seeing week in week out. I was happy to watch Rex leave New York but it’s been a downward spiral ever since. Draft picks horrible. Trades horrible. Our defense is horrible. Coaching is terrible. We have no talent in our receivers. Darnold has nobody to throw to. Offensive line is trash. Somehow we get rid of all our players and are the worst in the nfl.
    How the once mighty have fallen
  11. Jetsfansince95

    Jetsfansince95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    We were mighty !?!
  12. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I'm actually having a fun time watching the Jets lose and following teams like the Falcons, Bengals, etc. hoping they win.

    This is fun! Knowing Trevor Lawrence is that much closer!
  13. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Very difficult to continue supporting this organization and wishing them well, considering the incompetence of the Admin. Better that they suck because they don't deserve better. Fuck 'em.
  14. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I have been a fan since 1977 I was 8 yrs old this is the first time and I was in the Army and deployed in the 80s that I am purposely missing games and doing other things. I will not watch or support this team as long as gase is there. You want the root cause it is not the fans or the players it is the coach and then the owners. WTF is the owner doing running out the coach and doing the same things no matter who is calling the plays when the issue is the offense and the coach they hired to develop Sam that failed miserably a the cost of Jamal Adams for starters and now fans are not watching or buying items. I wont watch till next yr maybe and that is if gase is gone, he has failed with 2 other young qbs why give him a 3rd to f up?

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