Hypothetical situation for TGG: And surrounding Trevor Lawrence, Adam Gase and Bill Belichick...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DefenseWinsChampionships, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    I'm just the messenger. Please don't attack the messager.

    Hypothetical Situation:

    If the Jets drafted Trevor Lawrence after an 0-16 season, right.

    And let's just say during our current disaster of a season we're having, let's just say that the N.E Patriots continue to fall below .500 and end up losing as well and actually miss out on the postseason completely....

    Things quickly begin to turn sour between coach Bill and owner Robert Kraft behind the scenes...

    Words are said.

    Words that can not be taken back.

    Their relationship is ruined and finally over.

    Brady left Bill and Kraft for TB...

    and now Bill is leaving Kraft for...Revenge?

    Bill Parcells gets together with Belly. They have a conversation. A simple phone call. The hoodie calls the big Tuna for coaching advice. Parcells, Belly asks... Where do I go from here with my coaching career? I'm ready to give it one more swing and create a legacy without Tom Brady before riding off into the Sunset on my white horse.

    Parcells then pulls a Peyton Manning/Adam Gase and actually convinces Belichick to follow his coaching footsteps of leaving the N.E Patriots before joining the New York Jets (because our head coaching spot could be vacant with Gase on the hot seat and ready to be replaced)...

    Now just think...

    (think 1-15 of 1996 Jets before Bill Parcells joined NY the very next season of 1997. And going 9-7 followed by 1998's AFC Championship Game run under BILL PARCELLS (the time of our Jet fans lives) - only two years removed of the stink of 1-15)...

    (Now think 0-16 of 2020 with the #1 overall pick and Trevor Lawrence soon to be drafted a JET!.

    AND Bill Belichick (now) a man on a mission wanting to coach and lead our NY JETS by beating both Kraft and Brady at the game of Chess...

    While also wanting to finish off what he started back in 1998 as our Defensive Coordinator under Parcells; before picking NE over the Jets. He now wants to do what no man has done for this poor NFL Franchise since dating back to the 1968-1969 season. And win us a Lombardi .

    Would you...

    A.) Accept his future apology for leaving us for 20 years and welcome our old Defensive Coordinator in Bill Belichick back to NY?

    And if you only had one other option...

    B.) Say NO Bill and keep Adam Gase as the one to develop Trevor Lawrence over the next 5-6 years alongside of JD?

    I only ask this question because I want to see how serious some of us Jet fans are about truly QUITTING on our favorite childhood team because "the Johnson's keep Gase beyond 2020 and our fan base quits" (a topic of discussion that we've all seen around here lately).

    And no. I don't want to include no poll. I just want to see TGGs reaction to this hypothetical situation and read the responses.

    For me personally? My heart would say to stick with Gase. Because I'm 35 of today. I've despised this man as a HC for 20 years since I was 15. Not only that. But when and if the Jets ever win the SB? I would want it to be about the JETS and our legendary players - Not just another story about Bill Belichick being the greatest ever. So a piece of me would rather die never seeing the Jets win a SB before I watched Bill Belichick become the NY Cover Story.

    On the flip side...

    The NFL is becoming more and more entertainment. WWF Wrestling type sports entertainment. A soap opera. What a story that would become amongst the sports world.

    The only piece of me that would say YES - Is just the thought of NE fans FACE(S) of seeing the Jets win a SB for the first time since 1969 - And with their former head coach and once beloved BILL BELICHICK leading the way. And with a young gun Franchise QB in Trevor Lawrence, who's now our new Joe Namath legend; here to torture their division and rub it in their faces for 15-20 YEARS! That thought alone is almost enough to make me say YESSS LORD YESSSS.

    You guys remember PatsFanTx. LOL Between JI/JN/TGG that man trolled us for many of years. Like over 1,000,000 post's or something. Omg would I love to make a screen name of JetsFanFL and post on their N.E forum's for like 1 month following the Jets SB Parade at Time Square lol to talk about and laugh at them for Spygate. Mock them for losing draft picks for cheating. Tell them that those SB titles are tainted ha post with asterisks ***, laugh about deflategate lol and absolutely destroy them for Bill and Trevor winning a SUPER BOWL in NY (before telling them Belly never needed their little Tom Brady) lololololo this would destroy their football psychy especially with Jet fans coming off a SB victory. Omg talk about PatsFanTx payback revenge for the many years he made me want to throw up as a Jets fan just 1 month of fun over in Boston would become hilarious to me as a Jet fan and make the wait almost worth it lol

    I'm just the messenger. Please don't kill the messangerr.

    Bill Belichick. Or Adam Gase. Who you rocking with? And nope. Quitting is not an option. It's either Belly or Gase... With Trevor Lawrence on the line as the kicker. Who you taking?
    NYJetsO12 and twown like this.
  2. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Are you fuckin kidding with this shit bud. Belichick would choose 30 other teams plus retirement before working for stupid Woody and this shitstain organization.
    NYJetsO12, Vida, JetsNation06 and 8 others like this.
  3. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    You might be right. However an ugly divorce could be happening in N.E between Belly and Kraft. Things can quickly turn sour with a losing season after Brady bolted.

    No one thought Jason Taylor would ever become a Jet lol although Belly to the Jets is on a completely nother level a completely different magnitude.

    But hey. Don't coward out. You've only got one option. Answer the question at hand and don't run away from it. :)

    A.) Bill Belichick to coach up Trevor.

    B.) Adam Gase to develop Lawrence.

    A or B Jake?
  4. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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  5. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Lol it's obviously a difficult question for you to answer because I threw out two PSAs of don't attack and kill the messanger and you didn't answer the question.

    Are you picking Gase or the Hoodie if your Jets life depended on it?

    Just an honest question HOJ. Bill or Adam?
  6. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    I am trying DWC. I am really trying but I am dying here you know. Uggggghhhhh. I want to resign :( Any takers?
    Centiment, Noam and HomeoftheJets like this.
  7. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Omg I Love you guys Brook! I love these types of responses.

    I knew this question would be difficult lol I made it out of comedy and laughter because the Jet inside of me is struggling but come on give me your best shot. Trevor Lawrence on the line here. Who you taking. Bill or Gase?!?

    And I can't take your place. I've been in too many arguments these neck of the woods id automatically ban the one's who frustrate me lol I kid I kid I'd just suspended the entire board mods included for 60 days lololol :) I kid but no in all seriousness I'm not mod material I'd end up banning myself ahhhhhha
  8. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    And just like you disregard everyone who wants you to stop making these threads, I disregarded your PSAs. ;)
  9. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    I've never made this type of thread. Ever.

    But ok party pooper I see you couldn't answer it. You've been swamped lol
  10. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    This thread makes me want to attack the messenger.
    barfolomew, FJF, Noam and 1 other person like this.
  11. Jerryjeudy

    Jerryjeudy Active Member

    Apr 28, 2020
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  12. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Who would you take Jeudy?

    Bill Belichick.


    Adam Gase.

    You have only one choice.

    For the next 5 years...

    Just imagine. One day NYJ features a Trevor Lawrence/Jerry Jeudy duo @ QB/WR with Becton @ LT...

    Who you picking man the hoodie mumbles or the crazy eyes ?
  13. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Are you having a conversation with yourself? Drugs are bad okay
  14. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    What a stupid ass thread. Almost as dumb as a New York Jets gameplan
  15. hastygreen

    hastygreen Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I'm still pissed that that Mattingly didn't get any rings with the Yanks in any capacity. Meanwhile fuckin Boggs was riding around on a police horse in the OF the year after they let Don walk. There is no scenario of be ok with Bellicheck. I'm glad it will never happen because I'd hate to have to care less about this team than I do at the moment.
  16. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Personally, I appreciate these kind of thoughtful dream-scenarios, even if they're nightmares. It's absurd, but it's also refreshing to read something other than "Adam Gase is a million times worse than Hitler."

    As I've said countless times, there is no chance I will ever become attached to another NFL team. It's like choosing some random person to be your new sibling. Not going to happen for me.

    However, if there was one thing that might make me stop caring about the Jets, it would be Beli coming on as coach.
  17. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    I’ll play.

    Like twown, I can kick around a purely hypothetical question.

    I think I would probably prefer to stick with Gase and see if he could do better with some talent. I hate Belichick. He’s completely lacking in class, a weirdo and a cheat. Any success he brought here would be tainted by the stench he brought with it, and if he did by some miracle get us a Super Bowl, I bet he’d dump us right away, after proving his point.

    Side note: we are NEVER winning a Super Bowl. Accept that fact and come to terms with it
  18. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I don't think Gase is a cheat, but he's definitely a weirdo lacking in class.
    ukjetsfan likes this.
  19. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    You make a good point, but the hypothetical question only offered two possibilities!
  20. Sack exchange

    Sack exchange Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Bellicheat for sure... Gase is the worst!!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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