Bell was one of the few sunny siders last season. If he is wanting a trade you know without a doubt that Gase has lost the locker room. We are at rock bottom now and this is where things really get dark in problem organizations. You cant let this go on for multiple weeks. It will spiral into an attitude that cant be fixed for years. If we dont fire Gase immediately then not a single talented person on this roster is going to want to be a Jet. If it continues it wont matter who we bring in after Gase because the cloud of misery and lack of respect for our management will remain long after he is gone. If we don't fire Gase pronto our new coach might as will concede that he is going to need 54 new players. But no talented free agent is going to want to come to the Jets without a boatload of cash. So are we going to draft a whole new roster? This isn't a tanking game anymore. This is peoples lives and careers and it is a serious situation. What shreds of credibility we have left hangs in the balance of how long we keep this travisty of a HC. If Gase doesn't go within the next week or two we could be screwed for years.
LOL, this isn't tanking, it's the NY Jets!! What did you expect, from the moves that the majority claim is the greatest GM ever, insert eye roll, nobody could win with this shitty roster, this reminds me of the late 80's all over again, a bunch of nobodies in the starting roster. Douglas better hope he strikes gold in the draft, and finds some real corner stone pieces, otherwise this team will be set back another 5yrs.
I agree that we wouldn’t be a winning team with this roster...however, I think better coaching would show a better more competitive team ... instead of the double digit blowouts we’ve put out there
1 I couldn't agree more, there as always been a problem between Gase and Bell, Bell has done well to deny it for this long tbh. 2 I seriously hope we are at rock bottom and then something might finally change, it can't be fixed for years? What has it been for the last 10+ years? 3 What talented players? Also, the players will step into line or will be gone but I am sure a new coaching team will start off with respect from the players. 4 Again, we will really be needing that many players anyway, the squad is very poor but the doom and gloom ends or will end if the right person is brought in to be HC and or OC and or DC etc Also, we have done with the expensive FA signings and it is time we started drafting properly first. 5 We aren't tanking, it is only us the fans that say we may as well tank, it is just another word for losing, we don't need to tank as we are fucking shit. We keep Gase in charge until we get the number one pick and then the useless twat should be sent packing and Williams for that matter, put JD in charge of picking a new coaching team and he lives and dies on his decisions in 5 more years time. We have already been screwed for years, it is a shit franchise with shitty owners, these are the main problem, not Gase, he is just the current problem.
I am sure that the Johnsons are thanking god every day that there are no fans in the would be absolutely BRUTAL
As bad as the Jets have played they are behind the Giants and Falcons for the #1 pick. The strength of schedule is dumping on them from both sides.
The answer is simple. First of all bring back, Mike MacCagnan AND John Idzik as assistant GMs. Keep Gase, but make Rich Kotite his offensive coordinator, Clyde Gates WR coach Keep Williams but get Todd Bowles as assistant defensive coordinator, Rex Ryan as defensive line coach because Rex can always deliver a line. Bring back Mark Sanchez as QB, backed up by Christian Hackenberg Resign Trumaine Johnson to anchor the secondary. And just for "team spirit" give CJ Mosely ANOTHER $10 MILLION "roster bonus" next March which he will promptly collect (again) and then sit on his couch and laugh (again).
5 years from now we will look back on this time in Jets football and laugh. Oh, and we will be in another rebuild.
They have to construct a whole new Wing in Canton just dedicated to the worst of the worst NFL Organizations ever and charge extra admission The Jets would make History
Trevor Lawrence will probably go back to school to avoid the Jets or demand trade. Which I would completely understand.
Do you really think we should fire Gase mid season and bring in a new HC to try and 'spark' the team? With the lure of Trevor Lawrence and a brand new 5yr rookie contract growing brighter and brighter with ever loss, even the Johnson Brothers can't screw this up...can they???
They can and they will. Only a few things in life are absolute certainties. Death. Taxes. And the Jets finding a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
honestly If I was bell I'd walk into JDs office with all the top players/leaders (Fant, Sam, Maye, god this list is short) and tell him either trade me or fire gase but i'm done with this nonsense. Worked for JJ watt
it's not to spark the team. it's to stop the bleeding, stop players from regressing, let us be able to really evaluate our players for next year. Not to mention the falcons and texans already have HC spots open. there aren't enough to go around. JD needs to start laying some ground work
This reminds me of a Cormac McCarthy line and it's fitting "There are no absolutes in human misery, things can always get worse"