Adam Gase Thread (Merged)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Longsuffering88, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    "Failure to prepare is preparing to fail"

    There are better Coaches on TGG than Jets CS right now.
  2. rockyusmc2003

    rockyusmc2003 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Turns out Gase's protection schemes don't account for blitzing.

    I went back this morning to watch the 2nd half of this debacle on DVR, abysmal. Good god, Sam went on before the game talking about really knowing protections now, which made this an even harder pill to swallow.

    NFL protection schemes are complicated, more so for young offensive lineman, and these guys look lost. I said last week they played on roller skates, and last night was obviously even worse. Blame Sam if you must, but it's not only his fault. On his first pick, he literally called out the blitzing linebacker to deaf ears. Gase fails to account for the total shit line that's on the field during the game. These guys are young, worthless (Kalil), average (Winters) or inexperienced. Everyone can see this, but where are the adjustments? Instead, Gase continues with the same play calling, same everything.

    Anyone count how many 2 TE sets were used (I saw 1 in the first half that I can remember)? 3 Back sets? Yeah, Jets were in "comeback" mode (or were they, cause they still did absolutely nothing), but at what point do you change things up to just protect the QB and try to put SOMETHING together? I know some view a loss as a loss, but I'd rather build something then getting completely embarrassed and demoralize the team & fanbase in the process. Gase was hired for his offensive creativity, not seeing anything creative.

    I loved the hurry up hot read to beat the 2 minute warning, a 1 yard quick out to the TE. Either the options given are atrocious, or more worrisome is that Sam now thinks that's a good play to run in that situation. Either way, comically bad.

    Before it's said that they ran into an "iconic" defense. The Pats defense is good, we'll see how "good" they are when they start seeing real offenses. I'm not sold that they're the 85 Bears, they've played the Steelers, Dolphins, Jets twice, Bills, Redskins, and Giants (Steelers/Dolphins/Jets/Skins/Giants=Bottom 5 offensive teams in the NFL).
  3. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Maybe Darnold was actually seeing ghosts..maybe he uncovered some type of paranormal medium type of powers..The 6th sense starring Sam Darnold.
    phubbadaman likes this.
  4. WoodyHarrelson

    WoodyHarrelson Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    3 Monster games for AG:
    1. Jags....solely to see how Sam can bounce back. Can he coach him up?
    2. Dolphins...if he loses to the worst team in football and the team that just fired him lol....Seat will be HOT
    3. Home vs the Giants...would be an embarrassment and I would think he is gone.
  5. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I will say this positive about Gase. While there were similar issues of unblocked blitzers last week against Dallas Darnold was able to overcome those problems through making quick reads and checking out of the play. The Pats did not give him those quick options.

    Last week Darnold looked a little like Manning in Gaes's offense. Which was really exciting to see. This week Darnold looked like everyone else in Gase's offense.

    While i would love to have the attacking offense every week I think i would be happy to see a protected more conservative Darnold. That game was so brutal on him. He was so shell shocked and mentally unable to play in the 2nd quarter. He had completely lost it. He should have been benched at the half. It was idiotic and pointless continuing to play him.

    Next week is a real test of what Darnold is made of and how willing Gase is to adapt. His offense is not working. I have no desire to watch another Jet game anytime soon but next week is such an important game to see how our QB responds.
    NYJetsO12 and SOJAZ like this.
  6. donkey

    donkey Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Has he been sacked yet? That was disgusting.

    No oline, so where were the quick throws?

    Where was the evidence of planning?

    After last week, delusions of adequacy. Gase stinks.
    ColoradoContrails and K'OB like this.
  7. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    I think as we pile on Gase we should watch what Tannehill does with the Titans. This past week another notch against Gase. Tannehill looked good. The Titans won and he threw for 312 yards, 2 tds, and an int. Be interesting to see how he does as the season progresses, and he is away from Gase.
    NYJetsO12 and HomeoftheJets like this.
  8. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    When does Gregg Williams revolt?
    SOJAZ likes this.
  9. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    The sooner the better. Gase is awful.
    PabloJa and SOJAZ like this.
  10. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    So - here is my question.

    Obviously, Jets OL needs a lot of help. That is given. Why don't we use TEs?

    What's more - why didn't we draft H-back this past draft? With the emphasis on passing, old-school positions like H-back is nearly an afterthought for most of the teams anyway. Hell, not many teams use Fullbacks in favor of receivers for crying out loud. [Notable exception happens to be 49ers this year, and their running game is absolutely brutal.] Why didn't we draft a FB?

    Hell, we can grab a FB/TE off the street and coach them up to be the future H-back. Blocking TEs and FBs are not valued much in today's NFL, no?

    Is WCO moniker that much important, that positions like H-back is not allowed? Last time I checked, Bill Walsh had no problem utilizing FBs, both in running and passing games.

    The whole point of this gripe is; if the OL is such a deficiency that everybody knows, why don't the CS address the issue?
  11. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I can see it now.

    In ten years we will be saying, "Remember that year when Miami was purposely trying to tank the season and still finished ahead of the Adam Gase led Jets?"
    NYJetsO12, KurtTheJetsFan and K'OB like this.
  12. WoodyHarrelson

    WoodyHarrelson Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    SOJAZ likes this.
  13. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Lol. We're definitely losing a game to them if Fitzpatrick starts. No doubt in my mind. Sad.
  14. Ive had the thought that Gase might just be better suited as more of a CEO style HC who happens to have a background in offense & working w QBs. If we’re somehow stuck w him id rather move forward w that distinction & hand the offense over to someone better equipped not named Dowell.

    Ive seen enough on the field & read enough from an X’s & O’s perspective to have alot of concerns about his system & ability to coordinate a high octane offense w a sophisticated comprehensive gameplan. I see more wrinkles/adjustments in D3 offenses than i see right now & im far from joking. If the OL is holding everything back then get it fixed.its a veteran group.Dumb down the scheme, bench guys, micromanage the hell out of them..but get it fixed. Its been a complete embarassment.
  15. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Gase seems incapable or unwilling to adjust to the personnel he has.

    It's gonna be a tough road until we either get better players that fit his scheme or he gets fired.

    I'm leaning toward the latter...
  16. SOJAZ

    SOJAZ Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    AMEN to your bolded statement and Thank you! here is why he needs to go - out coached again.... Facing a 4th-and-2 from the Jets’ 33-yard line and slightly over 10:00 remaining, Belichick chose to take his foot off Gang Green’s throat and punt the ball. It wasn’t a free punt, however — the Patriots were running the clock down as much as possible, which led to a delay of game penalty. Realizing that Belichick may have wanted to give his punter a little extra room in an effort to drop the ball inside the 10, Gase declined the penalty, which would have led to a 4th-and-7 and a clock stoppage. Instead, the officials re-spotted the ball and whistled for the game clock to resume.

    Once again, Belichick let the clock wind down and then had his players commit a false start to give them the additional space anyway. And once again, Gase declined the penalty. That’s when the smirk crossed Belichick’s face — not because he was annoyed, but because he knowingly exploited a loophole in the NFL rules that Gase was, apparently, unfamiliar with. And when all was said and done, the Patriots had run more than a full additional minute off the clock. he has been out coached in every game except Dallas....

    One more point... If anyone doubts that the players already are showing signs of AG losing the locker room just think about the strip sack where multiple JETS stood around. Let me repeat that...they stood around!!!!!

    Not enough, how about the entire team looked unprepared for the same blitz package and O that they played three weeks ago. When your team seems unprepared week in and week out that is Coaching. When professional FB players - essentially the same guys as last year all of a sudden can not block basic stunts/blitizs, that is the coaching scheme and HC failure to make the adjustments. When SAM was in trouble he never made an adjustment, called the same stupid calls he been making since the 1st game.

    Yet this fool mouths that we need to do a better job...really coach. maybe just maybe you have exceed your abilities aka "Peter's Principle."
  17. Since1969

    Since1969 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Check out what Gase said today, per PFT. As I read it (after removing the meaningless double-talk), he's putting the blame on the players and injuries, thereby absolving himself of any responsibility. If only the players executed my masterful game plan on game day they way they do at practice, he seems to be saying , we'd be fine. Am I misreading this?

    “I really think the first year of the program, we’ve had some tough games, we’ve had some shifting lineups, we just haven’t had any chance to have any consistency as far as who’s out there, who’s doing things together,” Gase said. “It just feels like we have been a little bit all over the place. . . . We just have to find some kind of consistency as an entire team of guys going in there, doing their job, executing what we practice all week. That’s really the biggest thing we have to find a way to do is make our game days look like what our practices look like, I don’t think we’re translating things from practice to game day as consistently as we need to.”
    ColoradoContrails and Ralebird like this.
  18. rockyusmc2003

    rockyusmc2003 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    I've been clamoring for TEs as well! I get the feeling that if Gase loses a key player on offense, he has NO backup plan. He obviously did this when Sam was out, and it appears that he's also doing it while Herndon is out. So maybe we'll see those TE sets when Herndon finally suits up?

    We also have 3 backs with the same traits (albeit Bell is the best of them), and they can all block. Yet, we never see them in the game together. Instead, we got Robbie running fly patterns when Sam can't even drop back. Somehow Berrios is a better option than 3 guys that have had over 50 catches in a season.

    Also, the WR screen garbage is the only quick throw in the arsenal, and it sucks. Can anyone recall seeing any slants run? I don't, but maybe I'm mistaken.
  19. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Hmmm, kind of the thing that he should have been prepared for during the long week before the game, no? Why wasn't he?
  20. Mogriffjr

    Mogriffjr Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    So are we willing to give Gase just 3 games with the franchise QB to say he's toast?

    One game he basically had mono, one where he played his ass off and one where he played horrific playing a potentially all-time great defense (we will see).

    There were troubling signs including if youre going to go empty set, why no audible to a slant to the inside WR if they are zero blitzing? Maybe having Bell out wide isn't a good thing since Dan O said the corner basically cheated towards a real WR. Why not have a RB in to help with blocking protections? Gase did say this is Sam's offense to own so in that sense I feel he wasn't seeing things right at making the hot read was his responsibility. Putting the team into the right play calls, that's on Gase IMO.

    Still, it's only 3 games in and you have to give Gase and Darnold more time to gel here.

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