saw this and wow it jumped off the page at me ..get in early on this one, no way it stays there ..can see it +10 by game time
It already feels like it. Only thing that can screw all this up is Johnsons. “Bowles is our coach”. Fuck that. Whose feelings are you trying to save idiot Johnson brothers?
now it's +13.5, heading in the opposite direction calling for a beat down ..maybe Pats @ home in Dec w/ seeding on the line against the lowly, long out of it Jets w/ rookie QB is a huge public narrative ..I don't see said beat down but we will see
I'm pulling for 11 ejections. And then another 11 ejections. And then another . . . until we're left with some guy who is a weird fraction or an integer because 11 doesn't go into 53. EDIT: Calling on @statjeff22 . Math dummy here.
You've outed yourself. You're the first kid on his lap. EDIT: God fckn damn it, YOU'RE. Auto-correct, then bane of my existence.
We’re going into Cheatsboro & driving the stake through the heart. My doberman friend in my avatar Namath passed unexpectedly last night.Twisted stomach..nothing could be done. He was a great dog & friend.Kept us safe & sane through alot of shit.He always threw in an extra bark or growl towards patriot fans.Sunday is for him & i refuse to believe otherwise.
Sorry to hear about your dog. We lost our cocker spaniel a couple of years ago so well. Always a difficult situation. Hope Namath takes revenge this Sunday.
Ugh. I'm so sorry, Kurt. Either you're a dog person or you're not. I'm a dog person. Don't let anyone marginalize your grief or sense of loss. Having to put down a dog down is devastating stuff. Having one get killed is not only devastating but 10 times more horrific (raises hand on both counts). I was so destroyed over our last dog's passing (and still am) that a day doesn't go by where I don't flash cry. It's been a little over a year. We adopted another a dog from the shelter a month later (I'm always shelter all the way). I was dead set against pulling the trigger so soon (no Old Yeller jokes, thanks), but the old man couldn't stand the silence in the house so I agreed. So, now we have a Dobie mix who is King of the Brats. I've never met a human child who is this level of brat. He's terrible (lol), but we love him dearly. And when I say terrible, it's mainly because he punks us for laughs. "Bark bark bark! I have to go out!" . . . and then makes he me chase him around the kitchen table for five minutes because he thinks it's a hoot and a holler. I can't believe you named your dog Namath, haha, that's great. HOF dog right there. Anyone who thinks dogs don't have a soul is an imbecile. RIP Namath and peace to you. -J EDIT & P.S.: I wouldn't be surprised if it was dilated cardiomyopathy. It's very prevalent in Dobermans. Go Jets, win it for Namath the Dog. Sorry again. : (
Weirdly old, hahahahaha. File that in a folder of "High School Kids" who are always pushing 30 in horror flicks. No shame.
Condolences dude. Losing a dog is almost like losing a family member. Sorry. RIP Namath. Good boy 10/10.
@KurtTheJetsFan , you didn't de-rail anything. I'm so observant that I missed twisted stomach. It would help if I could read. It's a/k/a as bloat, also very common in Dobies. I really want the Jets to win.
What? 11 x 4 = 44. 11 x 5 = 55. What do I dooooooooooooo . . . . . . ? I balance my checkbook to the penny so at least I have that going for me, haha.