Patriots stole Eagles Defensive Signals in SB 39

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by forevercursed, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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  2. oldrover

    oldrover Member

    Oct 11, 2017
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    From a Cardinals fan...

    Patriot likes this.
  3. dcinct and forevercursed like this.

  4. It's sad that this sort of crap exists that completely overlooks crucial data pertaining to the accusations in question.

    1. Patriots trying to tape signals during spygate w. stealth DESPITE being warned not to partake by Mangini...and then when they got caught, their camera guy gets in an altercation w. Jets security which prompted league official involvement to begin with.So you have ill intent, you are warned not to take part in Ill intent by your counterpart, go on w. the Peril regardless & then when caught start an altercation.. Does this sound like a team free of any wrongdoing??

    2. The collection of tapes/evidence Goodell destroyed that were unearthed during the initial Spygate investigation. Who knows..maybe every team has a stash of wrongdoing in their chambers...but funny...jhavent heard anything of this sort since 07 or before then w. the exception of George Allen..who by the way is supposively who inspired Bellicheat to pursue these type of underhanded measures.

    3. The whispers of wrongdoing from all sorts of league insiders dating from 02-07. The very torts that when really pressured..Patriot fans won't even deny as a poor attempt at compromise to shed the cheating label present day. We're now saying this is all hot air??

    4. The ongoing Wire tapping nonsense that seems to pop up w. the Patriots a few times every year. Why does this never seem to go away? Why is it only involving the patriots. if the NFL polices all headset there now suddenly more credence to the league being PRO patriots?? When you consider the's scary to think about.

    5/ the way the patriots have conducted themselves w. every single bout of controversy. Stand-offish,disrespectful,& arrogant.followed by half hearted apologies & concessions when their shitty arguments fall by the way side. Destruction of evidence by Brady ring a bell??

    So red bird fan in Zona is now saying this all for nothing..all just a figment of our imaginations..Sounds like Redbird fan is just another typical Boston transplant.
    jetophile, tbruner12, dcinct and 3 others like this.
  5. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    The Pats have moved on from this archaic behavior now that they own the referees.
  6. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    A Cardinals fan? If that guy's a Cardinals fan, I'm Bill Belichick.
    tbruner12 likes this.
  7. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    we know, everyone knows.
    JetsVilma28, donkey and BacktoQueens like this.
  8. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Very noble attempt, everything in that video was actually factual. You see facts are a waste of time when dealing with delusional folks.

    It is much easier to claim they cheated then to claim they were smarter and better than you. You should of won but you didn't because they cheated seems to be the excuse. What is even sadder is the public actually buys this crap which may explain how stupid this country really is. Maybe the late George Carlin was right when he said.

    "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

    "The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions"

    and my favorite

    "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." o_O
  9. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Football 101
    All teams try to steal signals and try to figure out what the other team is trying to do. This is part of the game, so all coaches would be wise to protect their play calling against any team. This has been going on way back to the days of Broadway Joe. Stealing another team's signal is not illegal as long as certain rules like video recording under a roof which the Patriots violated in Spy Gate by being on the field.

    So yes even the Jets coaching staff is trying to steal or understand signals and play calls from their opponents. If they are not they are stupid and should be fired.

    Come on am I the only one that knows this on this board? Are you kidding me?

    I for the life of me am surprised how a so called football forum like this does not have members that understand this.

    So the next time the media spins you all up about signals being stolen, please educate yourselves for God sakes! It looks like Jim Johnson played you like a violin!

    But for those of you who don't believe me because of my forum name, how about Tony Dungy?

    If you can't understand this you and others in this forum are truly football impaired!

    Now if the Patriots were to have say a drone flying a few feet by the opposing coaching staff to spy on them, this is probably cheating and pretty obvious. Having a video camera in the field of play not under a roof is technically cheating. But having someone in the stands with a video camera there isn't cheating, wow what a difference.
  10. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    funny I thought you looked like Jimmy Hendrix reincarnated

    you probably don't know what or who I am talking about, showing my age.
  11. shasta01

    shasta01 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    That's the Problem, Jet fans don't want factual, they want reasons to blame the Patriots for their 50 plus years of misery. Just look at this thread, the guy that started it doesn't have a single shred of evidence that the Patriots stole anything, but he believes it as fact because that's what he wants to believe.
  12. $2 million in cheating related sanctions...what other evidence do we need?How about all those tapes Goodell destroyed? The video footage of a Patriot Toadie crouched down in the shadows of a meadowlands tunnel?The mounds of circumstantial evidence from highly respected league voices.? The ongoing headset bullshit that rears its head a few times every year??Or HEY! how bout this...Kraft admitting in a fit of rage during deflategate that the 02-07 bullshit "helped 1%". how's THAT for "proving it""?

    Patriot fans dont want to face factual evidence. They want reasons to believe that their football team is ethical,honest & untaintedIt's not enough to just win. They want to ruin football for everyone who isn't a fan. Why the hell else would they be on a Jets boatd week of yet another tainted super bowl..They don't wanna face the fact that their accomplishments are tainted..and they dont want to accept how arrogant,self absorved & delusional they truly are.
    tbruner12, dogg, dcinct and 1 other person like this.
  13. shasta01

    shasta01 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    No it's actually angry bitter Jet fans like yourself that don't want to face "factual evidence", you would rather make shit up out of thin air with no evidence at all. There was no "Patriot Toadie Crouched down int he meadow lands tunnel", he was out in the open, on the side lines taping from an area the NFL had just sent an memo out memo stating that taping from that location was prohibited. That's what Spygate was all about, a rules violation, and it was paid for. Guys like you are joke, you pretend to know what happened but you really don't want to know if the facts contradict what you want to believe. Bottom line is, as long as Jet fans like you are miserable, it puts a smile on my face , and the more unfair you believe it is the better.
  14. Funny you completely gloss over all the sanctions & other "evidence" i mentioned.Sanctions?Destroyed tapes?Wiretapping?Your owner admitting the cheating helped 1 %?? Explain how this is made up out of thin air?You won''d rather insult me & call me bitter.

    As for the taping spot..there was footage from ESPN of the entire altercation...Patriots toadie down a meadowlands tunnel, gets aproached by jets security, grappling transpires followed by league officials being involved.

    And for the record...I'm not a joke. I know exactly what I'm talking about & knjow exactly whats transpired based on available information pertaining to your team cheating.

    Bottom line're a patriot elitist douchebag who thinks the entire NFL exists for your enjoyment, who can't handle the notion that opposing fans KNOW the wrongdoing & lack of ethics your team represents. You'll keep changing your story,downplaying,deflecting, insulting..on and on..I know your game & I'm not gonna back down from a parasite

    You finding others misery pleasureable is exactly what I'd expect from a Patriots fan. But you know what? If it all was so far fetched delusional & pulled out of thin air you wouldn't be here the week of the super bowl. Deep down it bothers you that its all tainted...that brings a smile to my face.When the winning ends the lack of respect & Hatred isn't going anywhere. Your snide,smug elitist act will be mocked & maimed just as it should be,
    #14 KurtTheJetsFan, Jan 31, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2018
    tbruner12, dogg, dcinct and 2 others like this.
  15. shasta01

    shasta01 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    You are a joke, in actuality guys like you are in fact the butt of the joke. You talk about evidence, and then point out rumors and innuendo with nothing to back it up. Fact the Patriots taped team signals from a prohibited area on the field, fact, they payed a steep price for it. Fact teams can and still do tape signals from the concealed areas within the stadium, so do the Jets. As for Deflate gate, I won't even bother because I will bet a million dollars you never even read the wells report, and I guarantee you know nothing about the ideal gas law. You have the narrative you want and that's all that matters, "Patriots are cheaters and the Jets are garbage organization that the rest of the League laughs at. Enjoy.
  16. Jets_Grinch

    Jets_Grinch Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    He also forgets that the off-season before "spygate" the league voted on putting headsets on the defense. 10 owners voted no and killed the proposal. The following off-season the vote passed easily as a result of the taping scandal. The Patriots organization were prominent on the No side of the vote in 2007.

    Nearly six months before the NFL's season-opening weekend turned into the latest spy story, Saints coach Sean Payton saw it coming.

    It happened March 27 during the league meetings in Phoenix. Coaches on both sides of the ball were lobbying to approve a proposal to allow one defensive player to hear signals through a wireless helmet, much like the quarterback's ability to receive hands-free signals from his coaches.

    As an offensive-minded coach, Payton was asked why he would want to help the defense.

    "Then we don't have to worry about the whole espionage stuff," Payton explained.

    Since offenses were granted the wireless connection in 1994, it has become much harder to steal plays. Today, the only precaution coaches usually take is to shield their mouths with those massive playcards. But on defense, where teams still rely on elaborate hand signals, it's more difficult to protect sensitive information.

    That's why most franchises supported the idea of wireless defensive communication -- in fact, 22 of the league's 32 teams voted in favor of the proposal. But in the NFL, a rule change must garner at least 75 percent of the votes.

    Thus, if just two more teams had supported the measure, it would have passed, meaning there would've been one less cameraman needed on the Patriots' sideline Sunday.
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.

  17. Yes..a rule violation..FOR CHEATING that your owner said helped win 1 percent! I’ve given you examples of evidence you just aren’t interested in accepting it or acknowledging it.

    I read the Wells report beginning to end & all I saw was evidence that strongly suggested the patriots adjusted air in the balls.could care less about the air gas law when it seems so obvious fowl play went on.A simple equipment violation for any other team but your team demanded due process & lost. Sounds simple but then tommy boy destroyed federal evidence & Kraft had his “1%” quote.Exactly what in the wells report should I be looking for?

    Again..if I’m such a joke you wouldn’t even be bothering. Your fragile ego & insecurity is the only joke I see
    tbruner12 and dcinct like this.
  18. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I don't know who you're talking about. Jimi Hendrix was a brilliant guitarist, but Idk of any Jimmy Hendrix.
    Walt White and KurtTheJetsFan like this.
  19. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Whether you spell his name Jimmy or Jimi probably doesn't matter because his real name was Johnny Allen Hendrix.

    But to make you happy I will try to address you as Jimi.
  20. tpaleologo

    tpaleologo Member

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Why are you on a Jets fan site trying to convince Jets fans that the Patriots don't cheat? Stop wasting everyone's time. You will never convince Jets fans that the only reason they lose to the Patriots year in and year out is because the Patriots are better. Stop.

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