It's important to note that the Jets opponents I would argue are as hard or harder than KC over the next 4,5 weeks. This is really a horrid run that this team is faced with. The Jets played like shit pretty much all around against KC. Besides, Matt Forte and Bilal Powell I can't really say anyone played well. Fitz was HORRIBLE. Was he accurate on any pass he threw? Did he ever make a good throwing decision all game? Did he ever bother to go through progressions? Is Todd Bowles committed to the Jets winning or is he too stubborn for his own good? In other words, and I could on and on, the Jets have major issues right now. But the schedule does not get any easier and there won't be any time to cure all of the diseases the team is suffering through right now. To me, the Austin Seferian Jenkins signing wreaks of desperation right now. Everyone knows this team has an enormous hole at TE and I think the CS and Mac are finally realizing how much of a disadvantage that puts the team in. With all these issues occurring at exactly the wrong time, could this lead to a losing streak? Is it hitting us at exactly the wrong time and the team will not be able to weather the storm? This is an important question. It's important to know how this team rebounds given the very precarious predicament they find themselves in. So I pose that question to you.... Will the Jets rebound immediately against a very good Seahawks team and show their true colors are that of aspiring champions or will they continue to get crushed in the face of such great competition? What I am saying is the next 4 weeks will reveal a lot about this team. Is Todd Bowles suited for being a HC? Is this team for real? Is Fitz 2015 season just an aberration or did he merely suffer through a bad game? Is this defense truly as flawed as we've seen thus far this season? What do you say?
I'd say you're suffering from an acute case of CLS*. * (Chicken Little Syndrome) Take a nice deep breath, a X*nax, a shot of tequila and have a long, relaxing nap. Then come back after we've beaten Seattle this Sunday...
It's already looking bad with two AFC Conference loses after only two weeks of play. If we lose against Seattle we'll be 1-3 with games @ Pittsburgh & @ Arizona to follow. I mean, even last season we started off 4-1 and didn't have our 2nd AFC Conference losss until after our 7th game (in which we were 4-3 at the time). It's not looking good and it won't look good unless we win our next 3 games in order to be 4-2 heading into Baltimore.
I sick of being a long suffering fan,, Fact of the matter is we have had crappy management until Mac Our Qb ..Bridgewater Carr Garrapolo Mettenburger all could have been drafted by Idzik,,instead we miss the boat and go defensive How many people here do not see that an unbalanced team a Defensive team a QB less team is a recipe for disaster in this league?? That said a long trip from Seattle to the Big Apple will tire any Team so maybe we catch tha Seahawks sleeping
And I think you are suffering from DS* *(Dingbat Syndrome) Take a nice deep breath, take an objectivity course, drink a Monster energy, and go back to sleep if you honestly don't the team is in an early season crisis. Make no mistake about if this team goes into a losing streak and goes say 1-6? Fans will be calling for Todd Bowles head. The honeymoon for Bowles is already long over with. With bad coaching jobs in Buffalo last season, Cincinnati and KC this season people are starting to see Bowles for what he is....
Excellent question. I think the next 4 weeks will tell us whether we have a real HC who can adapt, learn and grow or whether we have yet another first-time HC who can't cut the mustard. It will tell us a lot about the character of the men in our locker room, as to whether they can rebound, put this game behind them, fix what's broken/not working, and keep fighting, or whether they lay down and give up. I like that Bowles was pissed following the game Sunday. He damn well should have been. I think he said the right things. I like that the team had a "come to Jesus" meeting, and that Bowles called himself out, the rest of the CS and the team as a whole. Now, let's see if he does the right things and whether this will lead to changes and improvement. The defense shouldn't be flawed. We have much better talent and depth this season than last. I think the difference is in the coaching and game plans. Weaknesses aren't being hidden. Players aren't being put in a position to succeed and excel. Maybe they got too cocky after almost beating Cincy and coming back to beat Buffalo, or maybe they don't have confidence and chemistry yet because there are so many new faces. It should definitely come together. If not, we have our answer about Bowles and Kacy Rodgers, and they must go. I think we know what Fitz is and what we can expect from him. There will be more up and down and maddening inconsistency. For as smart as he must have been to go to Harvard, he is stupid, and has learned little during his career. In one of the Dirty Harry movies, Clint Eastwood had a classic line..."A man's got to know his limitations." Fitz doesn't know his and it continues to bite him in the ass (and the team by extension). At this point, he's still our best option, and I guess the only option as Bowles and Mac see it, so we're stuck with him the rest of this season.
I don't see any panicking overreaction. I think his points are valid. I think these next 4-5 games will show what kind of team we have and if Bowles is a keeper as a HC, or is someone who needs to be replaced.
I'm going to say the Jets will win at least the next 2. I'm also going to add that Fitz will rebound and play good in those games.
I say you're overreacting. You asked and I said. Calling our situation a crisis is a highly exaggerated and premature emotional response substantially lacking in sufficient data points and objective criteria. One or three bad games does not a lost season make. In the meantime, please try to rest assured that the sky is still firmly planted above your frantically quivering head. Regardless of what happens, your suffering from a temporary case of MFTPAD * won't change anything much less make you feel any better. * (Manic Fan Traumatic Panic & Anxiety Disorder)
1-3 would be awful we need to show the hell up Sunday. I like how we got the west coast team flying cross country having to deal with the time zone change thing going on..probably helped the Bills with Zona last Sunday.
It's very possible that we go on a LONG losing streak. Unfortunately, the last 8 years have been a constant case of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Our defense is good, but our offense sucks. We improve our offense but now the defense sucks. Then, we have a good offense, a good secondary, and a terrible pass rush. Now we have good offensive weapons but an inconsistent QB, a good pass rush but no secondary. Year after year: One thing gets fixed, then another thing breaks. In the midst of this, we again have a coach who doesn't seem to know how to prepare for games; since Bowles took over, the team almost never seems to get in gear until at least the 2nd quarter, if at all. You can beat weak teams like that, but against teams like the Chiefs, Seahawks, Steelers, and Patriots, we're up shit creek. I'm predicting that at mid-season, we're 2-6.
While you're at it, could you post a link to an online site prescribing meds for the bipolar members of our fan base?
So his title is bad. His points about what we will learn about Bowles and the team over the next 4-5 weeks are valid. Talk about overreacting!
His only points were that the schedule is tough, Fitz sucked, Bowles sucked, and our TEs suck. The rest was rhetorical questions.