19 games with Bowles and I am convinced he will join the Conga line of ex HC demoted to Defensive Co Ordinators although I am not even sure of that. Team was ill prepared and in game coaching and clock management was the Gong Show Whatever did TB show Casserly and Wolf while he was in Zona to merit being our HC? SMH.. Someone posted it before ..get a Parcells type personality. I can live with C Gaily as I believe he is one of our better OC s of late Ive been a big Fitz supporter but he should have been sat with the sh*tshow he delivered...forcing the ball X amount of times Our GM will find us a HC. Mac can pick us a winner
Fitz will always try and force it. He always has. It's their stupidity in not sticking to the run game that made it way worse than it should have been.
I am almost there with you. I am waiting to see how this team does over the next 3 weeks. 2-1 over the next 3 games and i will still be optimistic. I admit I have a very high tolerance for disappointment and misfortune. Being a Jets fan is like playing a dry slot machine. You keep pumping money in because you figure "it's due to hit", but it never does. smh Die-hard fan......i'm going down with the ship. My good friend is an Eagle's Fan.. Glowing about his new shiny Quarterback Wentz. Sometimes life is hard.
I agree, when chiefs needed to move the ball, they did. Seemed they ran the same play over and over. Crossing route, slant pass.....over and over. Defense has to be able to adjust to this kind of offense. Thought the defense was built to defeat this kind of offense!!! Patriots do the same thing, except better than the chiefs.
There's no need to apologize, a little optimism is refreshing. We all try to be optimists, but we've all had "That game" that tainted us. As Jets fans we all know the ending long before the beginning... It's Murphy's law, the Jets will find a way to rip our hearts out.