Bills to cut Mario Williams

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by DonnieBaseball23, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    I see Mario going out first or second series with a toe sprain
  2. BigGreenUgly

    BigGreenUgly Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    Even though I agree their 7-8 record is on Rex ...Mario isn't the player he once was...often takes plays off

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Well if he thinks the rumor is true I doubt he'll be risking his body before he's on the market.
  4. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    You can't necessarily blame Rex. Of course he's going to install his system. It was management's fault for bringing him in. Trying to combine strength with strength and all they got was a round peg in a square hole.

    They should've went offensive in their head coaching search or at least some sort of Tampa 2 coach. They have the most talented front 4 in football and they're all stuck in an overload blitzing defense.

    It's nice knowing they're going to waste the majority of Marcel Dareus' prime as a 3-4 end or nose tackle when he's proven he can pretty much be one of the best defensive players in the NFL as a 4-3 3 technique.
  5. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I do blame Rex though. Don't get me wrong I loved him when he was here so I'm not just hating on him for the job he did here the last 4 years.

    But he let his ego get the best of him when he went to Buffalo and now he's paying the price. He made a huge mistake changing that defense from the 4-3. You heard it in his first press conference up there. I'm paraphrasing here but he said something along the lines of "Oh we finished top 5 in defense last year well mark my words we'll be number 1 next season after I install my system".

    He should've put his ego to the side and kept running the same D but he wanted to show everybody that his system is more important then the players that he has. He wanted to show Buffalo they were getting Rex Ryan the defensive mad scientist that runs plays nobody else in the league can think up. Hell even Mike Pettine did a better job with that defense then Rex did.

    When Mike Tomlin got to Pittsburgh did he immediately change the D to a 4-3? No, he kept Dick LeBeau in to run the defensive personal that he had on his roster in their usual 3-4 scheme. That's cause they were having success running that scheme, so why unnessesarely change it? As the Head Coach you gotta do what's best for the team right?

    That's exactly what Rex should've done in Buffalo. He should've kept Jim Schwartz or if not him at least another person in to run the 4-3 if he wasn't able to do it himself cause that's what a good Head Coach does. But he just couldn't put his ego aside, not even in the beginning, and he just forced those square pegs into the round holes.

    This is why he's going to eventually fail again in Buffalo. Cause he just doesn't understand how to be a head coach. Here it was because of the offense and up there it's going to be because of the defense.
    Brook! and NCJetsfan like this.
  6. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I'm just trying to make the point that they absolutely knew he was going to do this. It's not a big shocker that he was going to run his system. He's a waste of a coach if he's not running the defense so he's essentially useless if he didn't.

    I thoroughly agree that they would've had a better defense if they stayed the course with the 4-3 though.
  7. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Rex's biggest flaw is his inability adapt his defenses to take advantage of uniquely talented players. He tries to fit everyone into HIS defense.
    Brook! likes this.
  8. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Bingo. And he's probably one of the worst half time adjustment coaches in the league. I will say he seems like a good game planner, but he rarely changes the game plan on the fly if it doesn't work.
    Brook! and NY Jets68 like this.
  9. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Anonymous sources are back in Buffalo
  10. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I disagree. His biggest failing is that he either doesn't know what it takes to be a HC or doesn't care about truly being the HC, i.e., the boss, and what that entails. He wants to be popular and liked rather than holding the players accountable and getting them to be disiplined. He doesn't want to change and grow and be disciplined himself (a grown up), he just wants to have fun, do what he wants to do, and focus on the defense. He is either too lazy or too stupid to care about the offense and/or to make the necessary changes in his coaching philosophy style. I truly think he is partly delusional, partly stupid, partly stubborn, and partly lazy.

    Only an egomaniac and/or moron would go to a team with a top 5 D and insist on changing it to his system, especially when the team didn't have the personnel to play his system.
  11. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    You can't blame Rex? Why not? Why of course is he going to install his system? Only a delusional moron and/or egomaniacal doofus would insist on changing the system when he already had a top 5 D in place, and when that personnel wasn't ideally suited to Rex's system. I can't think of another HC in the NFL who would do something so stupid. One of the biggest detriments to changing HCs is that they often change either the offensive or defensive system or both. It usually causes the team to struggle for a while, and the more complex the system the longer it takes to learn it and the more the team struggles. Common sense also tells one that one shouldn't mess with what's working. Are you saying that you think Rex is a delusional moron and that Buffalo should have known that? If so, then I agree with that, but unless I'm mistaken, I've been in the vast minority here saying that Rex should have never been rehired and was a doofus. Many here thought he got a bum deal and was/is a great defensive coach. As much as I thought Rex was stupid and a bad HC, even I didn't think he'd be that stupid, egomaniacal and/or delusional to switch their defensive system. One of the first things they asked him is what he planned to do with the D, if he planned on leaving it alone or tweaking it a little, and making sure he didn't change what was working so well.
  12. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Exactly! He wanted to show the world it's his defensive scheme that's superior and it has nothing to do with the players. That's an ego thing, he truly thought that his scheme with those players would be better than the 85 Bears.

    Meanwhile any casual fan could've told you that it would be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole cause that dline was made to get after the qb, not drop back into coverage on a zone blitz.

    Frankly I'm surprised it has worked as well as it had this year. It's going to blow up in his face eventually though. He finally got a qb that can give you decent play, and he wasted it by unnessesarely changing that D. It's actually good for us cause that team would've won more than 7 games this year if their defense had a repeat of last years performance.
  13. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    I'm really surprised at how much Williams underperformed. In fact, truth be told, I was intimidated by that entire defense with Rex there.
    Turns out Rex is the paper tiger that every one who knows better thought him to be.
    What a scam artist.
  14. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Dude space out your thoughts a little bit. You post good shit but it's a nightmare on the eyes reading giant paragraphs sometimes.

    Do you really think ownership didn't investigate Rex's plans for the defense before hiring him? Like through the whole interviewing process the topic of 3-4 blitzing defense or 4-3 4 man rushes didn't come up? They enabled him to go there and do it and knew full well what he was going to do.

    Do you blame the 7 year old who shoots his friend with a BB gun or the parent who gave a 7 year old a BB gun?
    irishwhip03 likes this.
  15. irishwhip03

    irishwhip03 Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    In fairness , it was released a few weeks ago that Cro is most likely not going to be back with us next year. Maybe that was more common knowledge but most teams have these type of leaks before the season ends.
  16. irishwhip03

    irishwhip03 Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Exactly. Rex was hired there the same reason he was hired here. The owner fell in love with him as a person instead of him as a coach. Bills were a franchise that needed an identity. Same with us in 2009. So Rex fit perfectly under that scenario.

    He talks a great game. And in defense of him against people who call him a buffoon , he's still a good defensive coach. To me anyways.

    But he shines brightest in the interview process and in press conferences.
  17. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Sorry, if my paragraphs are too long. Good call. I get excited and forget grammar rules sometimes. I'll work on it. Thanks.

    Well, considering the fact that they hired Rex, I can't vouch for the intelligence of the Buffalo FO or owner. I would certainly think that they would have broached that issue, but if they allowed him to convince them that hiring him and making the switch was a good idea, then they're bigger morons than Rex is.

    In your metaphor of the parents and the BB gun, of course, one blames the parents, but Rex is supposed to be an adult, so your metaphor is not a perfect fit. He's supposed to be some sort of great defensive mind. He failed miserably with the Jets. The Buffalo owner and FO should have known better than any other NFL franchise what a clown Rex is and what his shortcomings are. The majority of the blame goes to the owner and FO in Buffalo, but imo that doesn't absolve Rex of blame. It just proves that he has no business working in the NFL in any capacity outside of a position coach or towel boy in the locker room.
    Red Menace likes this.
  18. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Rex probably did tell Buffalo's owner that he was going to change the defense because he believes in the 3-4 and Schwatz was running the 4-3. Should they have told him NO, it's not a good idea because the D is working well enough as is? Yes, of course they should've. But Rex already sold them his bill of goods when they hired him as their head coach so it wasn't gonna be to hard to sell them on how to run the defense next.

    He told them "We're gonna kick ass and take names this year, we're gonna be the bullies in that yard that nobody wants to play". Then it wasn't that far of a jump to convince them that changing the D to the 3-4 is how he was going to turn them into the bullies. It's his system that's gonna do it. I mean I can't imagine that he was selling them on how he was gonna save EJ Manual's career, and turn 'EJ to Sammy for the score' into a common household phrase.

    So yes Buffalo's ownership is to blame in this, but more so that they got sold on a line of shit then anything else. Rex already used that line of shit with us and we bought it and all, but as George W. Bush would "try" to tell you "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me".
  19. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Rex is a phenomenal salesman. Once he's got you listening to his song, you're likely to fall under his spell, and like sailors listening to the Sirens, shipwreck your team on the shores of his BS. It took Woody 5 years to get from under the spell and some posters here are still under it.

    BUF had a top defense last year and a promising offense. They needed to revamp interest in their team and believed Rex could do it. Combine that with all his excuses and horror stories about Jets and you got a 5-yr deal for obscene $$.... and the shipwreck. Although to be honest, I'm surprised how quickly this happened.

    Side note... I'm posting waaaay more than normally.... super nervous before the game :)

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