Literally nothing can stop the Patriots. Edelman gone? No biggie. Amendola out? Whatevs. Gronk hurt? Still gonna air it out. Refs take away 15 seconds from the clock? We'll kick the long field goal and tie it up anyway.
What a game. They're really officiating this game in favor of the Broncos. Probably because Peyton isn't playing. It's a nice change up from New England routinely getting the play clock reset when Brady pumps his arm in the air and such bullshit.
I almost feel like every time you get too cute you pay for it though. Seattle ran the clock on first down in the Super Bowl, then felt they had to throw that stupid play on second down cause the clock was running and they only had one timeout left.
Again Brady showing up the refs. Belichick before they tied it was in the refs faces too. No personal foul to be found.
I've never been so sick of Collinsworth in my life and I'm sick of him every week. Sucking Brady off for throwing the ball away and they won't stop talking about the god damn injuries. They're decimated. It happens sometimes. Get over it.
Yep. You'll never see another player in the league yell at the ref like this clown does. It's unbelievable. Imagine Cam Newton yelling at the refs like that? He'd get suspended a game.