I want this win vs Rex so bad and sadly no way in hell we beat Buffalo Thursday ...so thank you Jacksonville for today's gift...because losing four in a row would be just too much to take Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I want to beat Rex on his first game back, but more importantly we need to establish our place in the wildcard race.
We need to sit Ivory until he's healthy. He's not helping the way he's been the last few weeks. Fuck Rex!
The box is being stacked. Teams know that Ivory is good and have neutralized him. Aside from the 2 TD's lol
I don't know why this site hates Rex so much. Yes I'm glad he's not our coach anymore but why is he our arch-enemy though?
No way in hell huh? Then why even play the goddamned game? We should just forfeit and not waste anyone's time or energy.
When is Ridley ready to go? Give Ivory 5-10 touches to see if he can get any penetration, then let Ridley go. No point in Ivory getting 20 touches for 20 yards.
Keep it positive ...you obviously didn't really pay attention today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Considering Rex counts divisional games as 1.5 games and he takes everything personal I wouldn't be surprised if he stroked out before this one. It's probably going to be too much emotion for him and his team to handle this week.
that's what you get with rex. either he's with you and you love him or against you and you hate him. not much room for middle ground.