Sanchez yes but no on Geno. I'm sorry 2 years is not enough time for a QB. It just amazes me how you people watch football and can even say 2 years is enough time.
Hell no. This guy has had one of the greatest receivers of all time his entire career and has yet to win a game on the road against a team with a winning record. He's always had pretty good weapons around him and the guy has failed. Defense carried the team last year to the playoffs. He's won one game this year with good weapons around him, can blame a lot on the oline but this guy is simply not good
Forget w-l or stats. Stafford has a hell of a cannon. He would immediately vault the Jets into the top 10.
When Geno was drafted he was said to be a 2-3 year project. Sanchez got hurt and he was thrown in the fire. He should have never seen the field till this year at the earliest. People give up on guys way to fast.
The Colts will never let him see Free Agency. Irsay cut Peyton, because of him, and the fanbase would stop showing up because of it. He's a great player on a bad team. Same situation with JJ Watt. He means more to the team than wins and losses, hes the franchise player you can't replace.
I know. What makes even more funny these same people will make excuses for wanting another player who been shit and been around like 4+ years.
I think his contract is up after this season....? I'm pretty sure it is. Let's say Andy was having some doubts about Indianapolis as mainstay and future, forever home. Let's say Andy makes a big stir and simply decides he wants out of Indy at the end of the season. The Colts could place their tag on Andy at a cost of $16m against the cap as opposed to the $7mil he is costing them now. Depending under which terms/form the tag is issued... sometimes teams are able to try to negotiate a deal with Luck while the tag is on him...but if said team is able to negotiate a deal they would owe the Colts (2) first round draft picks as part of the terms of the franchise tag Now, this is simply for discussion. I know plenty of intelligent posters, like yourself, have said there is absolutely zero chance of Luck parting ways with Indy. I think, that last statement is probably correct......but let's just say Andy is really getting unhappy there. Irsay has a pretty poor public perception, the Colts have failed to build around their franchise Quarterback...Andy is getting tee'd off on, the colts defense is beatable...maybe, just maybe... Andy is starting to doubt Indy's FO. There are going to be plenty of suitors for Andrew Luck. I am just curious of how 'happy' Andy is in Indy; and how 'loyal' he is to Indy FO and fans. I don't think it is a completely impossible notion that Andy may have desire to play for another Professional football team; especially as things get worse over the next few weeks.
Because this is a win now league. If you don't show flashes in two years you better be owed a lot of money or a former top 10 pick. Outside of that organizations owe you nothing. Two years is enough time to at least evaluate if you should keep wasting your time with a Geno Smith or move on. Look at Dalton, Flacco, Roethlisberger, Stafford, Kaepernick, Cutler, etc. The list can go on and on of quarterbacks that started from day one and you tell me if Geno looked anything comparable to those guys even at timea and your answer is no. The guy is still a situational mess.
Every single one of those guys have always had a true #1 wideout and had talent around them. If you think Geno never showed flashes then my man you no nothing about football.
He can't win on the road against good teams..... That's going to make getting past the patriots pretty tough....... He's also pretty expensive..... I'd say no.
How can you say that?! Where's junc when you need him? I'm sure he'd love to be here to educate you peeps as to why Sanchez is not only better than Stafford, but how we have held him back from being the next Unitas, Favre, Montana, and Brady all rolled into one.
Because the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence..... and if you're a Jets fan the grass usually IS greener for most other franchises. I felt I could always hold my head high until the damn Cardinals made it to a Super Bowl. How that G-dforsaken, snake bitten, POS franchise has managed it and we haven't just rubbed salt into many seasons of wounds...... but I'm not bitter.....