When I moved out to the West coast it was weird watching games at 10 in the morning...now it seems weird not to. I'll be up for this one...but only because I'll be working.
Wonderful start time!!! We get an extra 3 hours of Football. Watch the Jets while I eat breakfast with a pot of joe, game over walk the dog, make lunch and watch football till 4pm. Walk the dog, 4pm games, half time of 4pm games I eat diner, then more football, walk the dog, take a nap and Sunday night football, half time eat snacks then more football take a dump and go to bed. Heaven!!!!
That is so so true! Beta wasn't marketed very well and VHS won out, just like Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. The first VHS I saw was in HS and it was the size of a Lincoln Continetal, about 70 pounds of gears and servos. The Navy used Betamax for their entertainment system as the tapes were smaller and you could store more in less space, that was important. We used film reels before that so that's old school fella's. As soon as Sony said they were backing Blu-Ray I knew it was over, and I had a $100,00 HD-DVD for my xbox. Like a Jet fan I keep getting the shitty end of the stick.
I don't think you really thought that through at all. Sure it'd benefit the East Coast and maybe those in CST. But if Thursday or Monday night games start at 7pm EST, that's 5pm MST and 4pm PST. You are losing out on two time zones. The former will still be coming home from work and the latter will miss a good portion of the game. That means lower ratings. That means advertisers paying less.