The Week 7 Ben Graham Report

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ThunderbirdJet, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Another weak opponent, another win. The Jets are now 4-3, but still getting little respect so far. We'll have to beat a quality team before that happens. Cleveland, yet another weak team (1-6) is up next, and they just fired the offensive coach. They have some talent.... and will put up a fight. Anyway mates, on to this week's rather short report on our boy Benny, who only had to punt twice this week, the offense was working well.

    1. Second quarter, the Jets with a 14-0 lead, at their own 48 yard line. Graham gets off a nice punt, great hang time of 4.6 seconds and 38 yards. Ben got a lot of hieght on this one, and the punt returner could only signal for a fair catch, with no chance to return the ball at Detroit's own 14 yard line. Another 5 to 7 yards would have been nice, but a solid punt none the less. Grade: B

    2. Now in the third quarter, with the Jets up 21-7, and the Jets elect to punt from the Detroit 40 yard line. This means Benny only has about 50 yards to work with... a shorter higher punt with hang time is in order. Ben went with the drop punt here. It had a good hang time of 4.2 seconds, and it was a nice tumbler. The punt returner let it bounce at the 6 yard line, hoping it would bounce into the end zone. Bad luck for them. Graham's drop punts usually deaden, and don't get a big forward bounce, like the torpedoe does. This one bounced backwards, and was downed by the Jets at the Detroit 10 yard line. Great distance accuracy on this one. Nice job. Grade: A-

    Punts like #2 hurt Graham's numbers, his stats, but his teamates and us Jet fans appreciate the job he did there. That was only a 30 yard net punt, but the opposing team had no chance to improve their field position. Ben stuck 'em deep in their own territory.

    The announcers did a bit on Graham at this point, with the story about how Mangini scouted him so many years ago. But, then they showed Graham warming up on tape before the game started. In slow-mo, they showed how he kicks the torp, and then the drop punt. Did a decent job of it too.... Ben is getting much more attention that your run of the mill punter in the NFL. They also mentioned Bennett, the NFL's first Aussie, but funny enough, got his name wrong.

    That's it for this week, my Aussie firends! :jets:
  2. highflyer

    highflyer Active Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Thanks as usual TBJ. I actually saw the second punt on this sopcast thingy and they did show how he did the different kicks and that was quite enjoyable to see some attention on him.
  3. frank_in_oz

    frank_in_oz New Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    Thanks TBJ, great description as usual. Been hanging out for your report. Great to see the jets win another one (even though the opposition was weak)

    Said last week we were off to Tasmania for the weekend to celebrate my wifes 50th. I have put a link below with some pics you (and the other Aussies ) may be interested in seeing. I'm the old bastard with the beard and glasses!

    Pics from Tasmania
  4. frank_in_oz

    frank_in_oz New Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    btw, CAM the MAN is a Geelong footy player my wife LOVES. Her mates got a blow up doll and dressed it up as Cam Mooney. He joined us for dinner and drinks, didn't say much but drank a LOT!!
    #4 frank_in_oz, Oct 24, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2006
  5. SydneyDon

    SydneyDon 2008/2009 TGG The Green Card "International Poster

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Thanks Tbird. I know the Geelong fans on Bigfooty get a kick out of your reports. Over 300 viewed last week.

    Nice to have a week with only 2 punts to analyze.

    And nice photos Frank, looks bloody cold.
    #5 SydneyDon, Oct 24, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2006
  6. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Frank, you got knobby knees! LOL.... looks like that was fun.

    Don, thanks for posting at the Geelong board.... I'm off to visit the board now....
  7. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Nice read as always TBJ.

    I didn't catch the game this weekend, just highlights of J-Macs TD and a bunch of Leons runs.

    From what you wrote, it seems Ben had a good game as always. It's always nice NOT seeing him come onto the field, because you know the Offense couldn't get in the endzone or hit a FG. But it always turns out in our favor when Ben comes out and punts it DEEEEEEEEP :)
  8. Benny & The Jets

    Benny & The Jets New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Good job once again,TBJ.

    The International Rules games kick off this weekend in Ireland. It will be interesting to see if the Irish give the aussie boys, some of what they dished out last year downunder.
  9. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I'm surprised they are keeping that tournament going, after last year.... seemed like very bad blood, but with that one guy no longer elligable.... I forget his name... maybe they can stick to playing ball this time without too much rough stuff. I'll have to check the listings to see if it's on here in NY.

    The big question is.... when will Benny get a chance to use his shoulder pads? And his helmet? I have a feeling.... look for Graham to be in a trick or fake play on Nov 12, against our arch enemies, the NE Patriots. That is an official TBJ projection. Ben will make a "football play" that week. :grin:

    SOWELLisGOD New Member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    always a great read

    i hope everyone is voting for all the jets guys (ben graham included) for the pro bowl
  11. Benny & The Jets

    Benny & The Jets New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    It was reported on radio down here recently that Ben has been involved with set plays at practice. The aussie reporter said it is only a matter of time before Ben gets involved other than punting & holding.

    At the time i thought....yeah,right:rolleyes:

    But the more I learn about NFL the more I realise that it's all about surprising your opponent.:up:

    BIG COUNTRY Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    Ireland will win this year in the International Rules, after last year they have pumped Kieran McDonald with steroids, thus making his hair look gayer.
  13. Benny & The Jets

    Benny & The Jets New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    The latest from Ireland. Taken from an Irish news web page.

    Pictures of GAA violence elicit a wry smile from under-fire Aussie boss
    Tuesday October 24th 2006

    THE Irish Independent's pictorial coverage of the Galway senior hurling final grabbed the attention of the visiting AFL officials in Killarney yesterday.

    A back page montage devoted to the various flashpoints that besmirched Loughrea's victory over Portumna was of considerable interest, particularly for Australia's manager, Kevin Sheedy.

    Sheedy found himself in the eye of the storm after last year's second test in Melbourne when his Australian team's behaviour was branded as "thuggish", even among many of their own columnists and pundits.

    The criticism in Ireland whistled in his ear too and the threats of complete withdrawal from the series have echoed from Melbourne to Dublin.

    So when Sheedy opened up the Independent sports pages yesterday, he allowed himself a wry smile.

    He found the use of the word "tussle" in one of the picture captions particularly interesting.

    "What a nice word - tussle!" he mused.

    Interestingly, he has chosen to encircle the word with ink, for possible reference sometime later in the week.

    "I pick up the paper today and I see a guy stamping on a guy's stomach, another guy is getting his neck rung off and I said to myself 'I think this is telling us a story somewhere'."


    You can easily deduce the message beside Sheedy's parallel. He knows what Chris Johnson did in Melbourne last year was wrong and he vows that his players won't be allowed to repeat that behaviour.

    But he asks the question - should a developing series that can attract 110,000 people to two stadiums in Ireland over two weekends be placed in jeopardy just because of the unsporting nature of one match?

    Should the virtues of the game not be extolled, instead of continuously concentrating on what he described as "such a gruesome stiff arm" from Johnson.

    "I can understand that (the fall-out in Ireland and Australia). You've got to condemn that action, there's no problem with that at all. But you couldn't possibly condemn a game that has been played so well when Australia and Ireland have got it together.

    "We played an exciting brand of footy last year, we kicked 2-27-13. That's an enormous amount of straight accurate kicking, but it was overshadowed. A fine performance from a group of young men that got together for only seven days was lost by what went on afterwards. There is a very, very challenging issue there that maybe people overlooked.

    "If you love your sport as most of us do in Australia and Ireland, to get two groups together and to shave a percentage off your own sport to get a sport together called international rules is something special.

    "It's not AFL, it's not Gaelic footy, it's something new. When was the last football game to be invented, 100 years ago?


    "So let's get some excitement about that - we are inventing a game. Forget about Aussie Rules, forget about Gaelic footy, they're already up, they're running. We've actually got a new baby here and I'd appeal to people to look beyond last year and let the baby alone.

    "We're moving slowly here. It took years to put wheels on suitcases after all! We're putting 100,000 people into two stadiums over the next two weekends. Should the incidents in one test kill off all that? I don't think so."

    Sheedy and his squad have decamped to Killarney for a couple of quiet days away from the attractions of major urban centres that helped to derail the last visiting Australian squad in 2004.

    They trained for 90 minutes in Fitzgerald Stadium yesterday and will train twice at the same venue again today, a measure of how serious they are about the reclaiming the Cormac McAnallen Cup.

    Sheedy and his management team will stick to the blueprint that served them so well 12 months ago.

    "We picked a very good kicking side, it was a totally different way of selection and decision making, previous to what we had. Why pick the skills of a plumber when you want the skills of carpenter. It's a different situation."

    Colm Keys
    #13 Benny & The Jets, Oct 24, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2006

    BIG COUNTRY Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    ^Tussles in hurling is basically people getting stomped on and getting their necks wrung. If you want to see a hurling game referred to as thuggish, you would need decapitations and mutilations. Thats just hurling:)
  15. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    BINGO! Hurling is a game for those who like breaking noses and don't mind getting crippled for the pleasure of it all. It's the craziest sport on the planet.

    BIG COUNTRY Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    I helped out over the summer for the NY hurling team, they were a good bunch of guys. Even if they had no teeth and shattered noses.

    ESCRONDON Member

    Oct 21, 2006
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    Good report TBJ
    I've been reading these reports each week as a guest,for a month or so.
    I'm not sure guests are the most popular people on here so I've registered
    as a member now.
    Also I've sent these reports to our local sport radio station,as there
    has been some building support for BG in my local city Adelaide.
    I think an Aussie in the US of A is a good thing to follow even if you didnt
    support Geelong in Aussie.

    Thanks again TBJ.:grin:
  18. SydneyDon

    SydneyDon 2008/2009 TGG The Green Card "International Poster

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Another Don! Great to have you aboard son.
  19. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Aussies kick ass.
  20. Benny & The Jets

    Benny & The Jets New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Apart from coming from Adelaide & supporting Essendon,I'm sure you're a good bloke!:wink:

    Did any of the reports get red out on the radio?

    Glad to hear you turned green.:up:

    and welcome!:)

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