make you kinda miss sexy rexy a little (TINY) bit...
wow that is the dumbest thing i've seen in my life and i actually went to the theaters to watch scooby doo live action movie
I got you. I thought it was pretty Fucking awesome. It was hilarious. You guys must have been inpatient.
I agree, I wish there were still NFL 2K games... however I'm part of the problem as I still buy them... gotta have my football games man! plus the jets will actually have a decent roster this year!
Competition is a good thing. I and many wish NFL 2k was still around because if that was the case it would destroy Madden the same way NBA 2k destroyed nba live. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
Patience gets you updated community rosters too, thankfully. For those who hate buying it every year, as almost everyone does, just check the download sections of the previous version every time a new one comes out. Generally someone will update the rosters to match the latest.
I'm going with thumbs up. I love guys that can mock themselves, pretty good effort. Franco cracks me up, understands he's not a real actor and has fun with himself. Kaep was great, Rex was pretty good. The kid from Role Models and Bad Ass is another actor that doesn't take himself seriously. Btw, the big "bad" guy is ex-Jet Matthew Willig. _
Watching Falco and BZanZ argue is hurting my brain. I suggest you battle to the death and the loser has to change their avatar.