I think you're riding the 'Jets-bad-luck-truck' a wee bit too hard here. IF Sanchez starts getting regular snaps, I'll put my vCash on him hitting the fum/Int column soon enough again. Chip Kelly's system makes Sanchez better? Ha ha do me a favour, when he was with us it was bonehead decisions time and time again. I liked Mark and wish him all the best, but in my mind he'll always be mistake prone.
Btw, we already have a Sanchez thread with plenty of action. The original post in this thread would have fit perfectly there.
Pffffftttt...really...you, Abyz...of all people...REALLY...you bustin' my hump?? REALLY....??? No shit? An attention whore. Me, who has been a member of this board since 2002, with a whopping post count of 3,370 and you a member since 2003 with a post count of 38,487... To add insult to injury, Man "pansy" gold Showers who is newer to the tune of 2012 and has almost 1,000 more posts than me....and I'm the attention whore?? Whoaaaaa!!!!!!! Yes sir...line me up for being an attention whore... Why, because I post relevant shit? You both know damn good and well that when/if Sanchez does well over the course of the next handful of weeks that every NFL Talking head will be talking this up. Especially with the cluster fuck shit storm that is our QB situation. They will talk ad nausea over how the Jets let their top 5 draft pick go that is lighting it up with the Eagles but the Jets couldn't do shit with him. Oh yeah...it's coming. I'm just getting out ahead of it with the added caveat of having "called it." That's me...Mezzavo...good ole' attention whore.... Assholes...
What exactly is your point that your old post validates or reflects? You feared the Pats and thought the Giants would be the only other disastrous location for him to land at. He's on the Eagles which doesn't seem to have anything to do with your original post or fears that he would succeed somewhere that was somehow connected to the Jets.
I was actually talking about that former Seahawks backup safety myth that keeps getting brought up. Yeah, I've been here a long time, too. I remember when you claimed it, and all it took for people to believe it was a guy saying you PM'd him the proof, and everyone believed it, even me, but over the years... Let's just say that I've begun to doubt it. You may have played football, but anyone that's played football will see a lot of holes in your football logic even at the college level. I don't care about the drama queen posts you make when the team is down, but perpetuating that myth, that's something I think has been whorish since 2003. You could always convince me, though.
Players succeeding elsewhere isn't a decision coming back to bite us. That player has to actually come back and defeat the original team in a meaningful way. Sanchez on the Eagles certainly doesn't qualify as such.