He sits in 134 or 132 actually because I sit in 133 and he is to my left... PS: he gets a annoying after while...great when we are winning, but horrendous when we are losing
Fireman Ed is the Paris Hilton of Jets fans. Very recognizable, no talent attention whore with the exception that he sings better and may have less STD's.
The only time I will stand and cheer with Fireman Ed is when he someday falls off his brothers shoulders!!!!
Not sure why anyone would not like the guy...he is a diehard Jets fan just like myself, and like most of you seem to be. He is just having a good time and getting the crowd amped up, I have no problem with him at all, GO JETS!
people hate a fan because of what? he leads a chant? Honestly some of you have nothing better to do.Why is this even a yopic of discussion?
hes ALOT better than other teams "signature fans" the bucs have this one complete fatass, i mean hes such a slob. and its a knockoff of raiders fans, hes in an absurd amount of detailed facepaint with the armor and everything and he just screams very extremely and its very cheesy and cheap. i think deep down inside were all jealous of Ed because hes famous for nothing and we'd love to be him and be some public rep for jets fans. hate him or love him at least we dont have to look at the Bucs guy. trust me
Same. LOL, how do you steal a chant? If it's "section 315's chant" then why don't they ever start it up?
People hate him because he's obnoxious. Just about anyone who's met him will tell you that. The chant was cool at Shea when it went back and forth between the two endzone sections. I have no problem with Ed doing it, but he's just a jerk, personally. Also, he shilled for Bloomberg regarding the dumb west side stadium idea, against his brothers' opinions at the FDNY. Plus, the guy was transfered for abuisng medical leave policies at the department. I don't know, not a guy I tend to want to stand up and cheer with.
anyone who goes against a union once in a while is ok with me....as far as the euro singing goes...umm yeah we're all set with that.....that singing thing is the gayest thing in sports fellas......this aint a hootinanny...its a football game
I'm not a big union guy either, but I am against throwing money at a flashy public project to cement a legacy while closing down firehouses.
Okay... for Peyton how about... "go back, go back, go back to the sticks your coach stinks and your qb sucks di##s" Seriously though...I like Fireman Ed (although I always mistakenly call him firechief ed. A little more personal touch for the fans to always see one fan in the crowd at every game. I don't remember anything like that from any other teamexcept the men dressed as female hogs in washington (they suck). Also, I'm a soccer guy as well and I have to admit some of the fans over there are completely crazy and I'd be embarrassed to be a part of that crowd. The racist stuff is far beyond anything seen in American Sports since Jackie Robinson's day. Also, Manchester city fans chant "Munich" over and over again when they play Man United (in the 60's or 70's Man Utd was going to play a game in Munich when their plane crashed and killed the whole team). Ain't nothing in America as bad as that. Nothing. I laughed when the crowd chanted "wife-beater" back in the day to Jason Kidd or whoever... but chanting about a team-wide disaster is quite another thing.