Poised to Make Noise

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Truth4U2, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I think Verner was not the right fit for our scheme, while being just about perfect for Tampa. He is a smaller, ball hawking zone CB as opposed to a dominating press-man player. I'm sure if he were able to be had at a very reasonable price Idzik would have brought him in because Ryan can make use of all types of players, but he was paid more in Tampa because he has a much higher value to that system. Lovie Smith runs a 4-3 scheme with primarily zone coverages, which is why players like Tillman and Jennings were so successful. They were responsible for their zones and could fly towards the ball, allowing them to position themselves for picks and giving them adequate momentum to cause fumbles on hits. Verner played the same type of scheme in Tennessee. Rex uses physical press man corners who use athleticism, leverage, and man to man abilities to screw up route timing and stifle receivers. CBs in this type of system don't usually get as many picks because they are in close quarters with WRs the whole play, and are often keeping their eyes on him for the majority of the route. The idea is to deter the QB from throwing to a covered receiver, or maintain tight enough coverage to make an acrobatic pass defense. Of course Rex uses zones and special coverages to trick QBs, but it is not the bread and butter of his system and a starting CB needs to be able to preform press-man reliably.
    #41 MaximusD163, Apr 5, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  2. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    DRC is much more in the mold of what would fit in our scheme, hence much more interest from Idzik, but when the Giants lavishly over-pay for an inconsistent player, what are you going to do? Cro got his full salary guaranteed, and if Idzik thinks there is a very legitimate chance that Cro won't hold up for 16 games, you don't guarantee a salary. Patterson is a low risk, high reward signing because he has the potential to play quite well (just ask Phins fans) but is frequently hurt. Idzik signed Patterson to a contract that dictates he must be playing on each game day to get his money. Patterson had 4 picks last year in less than half the games. Between Walls, Patterson, Wilson, and Lankster, we have guys that Rex can play with and we have some depth. If a CB comes to us in the right spot in the draft that's great, if not, Rex has proven he can scheme to win with all kinds of talent.
  3. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I pretty sure it says Sanchez & Geno sucked.
  4. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    $6.5 mil a year for Verner was a very reasonable price. I think you're overstating a little Rex's ability to turn water into wine with his CB's. Verner can adapt to any system as can most pros. The Jets just flat out missed on him as well as a few other high level CB's and S's like Tillman and TJ Ward. Also DRC isn't that good. Top CB's don't play for 4 teams in their first 6 seasons.
    Brook! likes this.
  5. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Great Post brother!
    Its like a fish swimming upstream
    You have to do a lot of work to destroy the narrative
  6. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Every year New England is supposed to struggle and be dethroned and every year the rest of the AFC never lives up to the hope/hype. In more recent times it has been the Dolphins and Bills getting the hype, now it's our turn again. You need a solid offense to keep up and win double digit games to compete for the AFC East, I don't see the Jets having that right now. Any team with a top 5, healthy QB cruises to 10+ wins usually so that's what another team in the AFC East has to do to compete for the AFC East unless something drastically changes this year in NE. It's even no guarantee if Tom Brady doesn't play snap the Pats fall under 10 wins as we saw with Cassell.

    I think if the Jets improve this year, which I think they will, then 2 years from now they'll be gearing up in the offseason to defend their AFC East title. Not next year though.
  7. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    I'm calling BS on this one

    Maybe NE regards us as a joke, although at the rate Belichek snaps up ex-Jets I seriously doubt it

    However, you think Buf & Mia think we're the jokes?
    Let them. Th year in-year out results would say something very different
  8. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I don't really know what to say to this... Verner's skill set makes him a much better fit for a different system, it's really as simple as that. Tillman is the same type of player as Verner, they are guys that can excel in certain systems but just because they are called CB's doesn't mean they all play the same position. This is a scouting report on Alterraun Verner:

    "A gambler that will jump routes. Struggles with match-ups on big strong receivers. Can lose a receiver that gives him double moves. Inconsistent tackler. Can be very good or slides off of the tackle. Shorter arms than ideal. Productive tackler over his career with 279 total tackles, 43 pass breakups, and 13 interceptions. Good ball skills. Somewhat loose hipped in transition. Not much wasted motion. Aggressive in run support, but gets himself in trouble by the play action game fooling him. Competitive and plays the game with a passion. A cover-two corner that is an aggressive ball hawk. Has returned four interceptions for touchdowns. Will contribute on all special teams coverage units."

    When you run a cover 1 or cover 0 most plays you don't want a guy who gets beat by big strong receivers or tricked on double moves. Assuming a certain type of CB can play any CB role is just a mistake.

    This is a scouting report on Charles Tillman:

    "A fairly tall, lanky corner. Doesn’t have good upper body strength. Not a polished man coverage defender but he has solid tools. Explosive athlete with excellent quickness, very good speed, and impressive leaping ability. Doesn’t react quickly and isn’t explosive out of his pedal. Has above average hip turn. Needs to do a better job of locating the ball in deep coverage but he has good hands — can make the interception."

    Not only does it say right there he is not a polished man to man player, you don't want a guy matched up 1 on 1 who can't locate deep balls well. At age 33 you don't put him out there in a new scheme, playing a role he has never played before. Sorry man, these would have been bad moves.
    74 likes this.
  9. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    And for the record, I never said DRC was that good, I said he is a different type of CB. I also said he was inconsistent and over paid. This is a scouting report on Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie:

    "Tall and lean. Good ball skills. Tendency to get high in his backpedal with a small hitch in his turns and transition. Will support the run. Raw talent that will elevate his coverage techniques on the next level with NFL coaching. Wiry strong. Smooth and fluid. Ten career interceptions. Good feel for coverage. Outstanding athletic ability and the top rated corner at the Combine workouts. Good hands and leaping ability to make an interception or slap the ball away. Will compete. Has the frame to gain muscle weight. Will need to learn all the zone nuances but has natural man to man coverage ability. Did not turn down a hit on support in the Senior Bowl. An ascending player with range, rare speed, and athletic ability."
    74 likes this.
  10. Over & Out

    Over & Out Active Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    People just hate it when they know I`m right. I think I would need Tucks before vagisil.

    Uh Oh. Because YOU call bullshit, it`s right? LOL Who are you?

    The only thing we got on Buffalo is that SB ring from 1969(45 years ago). Even when Buffalo sucks they know they can at least beat the Jets one of the 2x we play, and they usually do. Not so easy to recall the Jets sweeping Buffalo, Miami or NE the last few seasons. The Jets had Miami`s # for awhile there but all for nothing since the Jets haven`t won the AFC East since 2002(over a decade now). Belishit has it out for the Jets and he`s screwed the Jets more than the Jets screwed him. I think there is a reason why he grabs ex-Jets as he`s proven with Woodhead alone. The Jets are a joke. They have no clue when to keep or get rid of players. Belishit does. He`s laughing. Jets aren`t.

    All the Jets need to do is be better than Buffalo, Miami and NE. 3 Tteams. Thats all. Yet they can never be. 2002 AFC East Title was a back-in too. If it wasn`t for NE beating Miami and the Jets playing at home vs GB the final week of the season, that GB wouldn`t have mattered. Granted, the Jets took of their business that day but if Miami had beaten NE, the Jets would`ve fallen flat on their asses like they usually do the last 45 years.

    Stop giving the Jets credit when they certainly don`t deserve it. They sucked ass last year and they have pretty much sucked ass since 1969. Until they prove me wrong on a consistent basis, they will continue to suck and be the ass to kick around in this league and especially here in NY/NJ when the Giants just go about their business quietly. And I despise the Giants btw. This is just not a good time to be a Jets fan imo. Second fiddle again for the next 25+ years here. I`d love to see how some of you Jets fans react when it`ll be going 55 years since a SB appearance. It`ll be over 100 years before they win another SB. Thats what I think.
  11. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Funny, I recall the Jets sweeping Buffalo 3 of the last 6 years. In 2008, 2010 and 2011. Or the jets winning 9 of the last 12 games vs. Buffalo. I understand that the Bills have been bad of late and winning 1 in 4 games against an opponent might seem like a gigantic level of success for the Bills. But its not. In the last 16 seasons the Bills have swept the Jets only once. You must have the Jets mixed up with some other team that regularly beats the Bills year in and year out. But I guess that is every team in the NFL.
  12. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Shouldn't you be booking one way ticket to Toronto about now? Or wherever your hillBILLies are about to be sold?

    Btw, I see you're fairly new to the joint, so let me tell you this:

    Designated Buf week is one week before bills shit their 1st game against Jets. That's when you show up and for a whole week prove to us why Jets shouldn't even be on the same field as your Toronto. There are usually at least two threads devoted to this.

    Then you disappear until next year.
    #52 RuJFan, Apr 5, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  13. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    We won't take them quite yet, but our time is real close! I can't wait to read this after work. It's still way too premature to say that we're making big strides right now. Let's see who we draft, and see what we hear out of camp.
  14. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Buffalo and Miami are the control groups that always die in the first 2 weeks of testing
  15. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    New England will waltz the division again, even with a strong Draft from us.

    We are a year, or long-term Brady injury, away from challenging. A wildcard spot this year would be a great step forward.
  16. Jets are in the midst of a drastic youth movement. It started last offseason w/ ditching some aging vets & has continued onward. Now comes 12 draft picks. You don't add 12 rookies without their being a major change in locker room tide..especially as it pertains to age. And by golly..it's a young man's league.

    It's pretty clear what Idzik is doing now. He will patch a FEW holes w/ cheap veteran "hold the fort" types, while meticulously adding young modestly priced competition designed to build depth on the field & stability on the books.Meanwhile he concentrates heavily on BPA in the draft, avoiding bad character types..which have added risk.

    The key to this model is drafting well.Easier said than done of course. But...if he DOES draft well..we're not just looking at a top heavy roster w/ a few super stars..we're looking at a young,deep,hungry & financial stable group. If those aren't recipes for success...I don't know what is.

    That said, this model will take alittle more time. It's a bit of a "trickle down" effect..as the depth slowly builds which leads to fierce competition. Additionally..young players take some time to develop. Patience is key.
  17. LockDown

    LockDown Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    but they can contend for the east.. nothing premature about that. A good running game, stifling defense and if the special teams can hold their end of the bargain, they can take the east..
  18. Over & Out

    Over & Out Active Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    I`m a Bills fan??? ROTFLMAO I`m new here? Let me tell you something. I was here before you. At any rate, I was a Jets STH from 1984 - 2010. 27 seasons of basic NFL misery. Get a clue kid. The one-way ticket anyone is looking at is the Jets moving to Los Angeles. Especially if they continue to tank the way they have been. Sorry, tank wouldn`t be the correct term. I meant choke, disappoint, piss off their fans, etc...
  19. deeznuts21

    deeznuts21 Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    "The Jets just flat out missed on him as well as a few other high level CB's ... Top CB's don't play for 4 teams in their first 6 seasons."

    It would be seriously impossible for an NFL GM to miss out on all those signings without learning from his mistakes or it being done purposely!

    Our former player Revis (a top corner) is now on his third team in three years! One more in the next three seasons and he will tie Peterson!

    With the signings of Patrick and Peterson we are bringing in talent who if healthy have proven they can play at a high level. Last year Cro was a league trash bag and if these two can at least play at that level then our Defense should at least expect the same results at that position. That being said, if they play "well", then we upgraded the position.

    Idzik has been replacing aging talent with younger talent except for a few older vets but those signings are needed for experience and leadership. These younger players can be molded into better players which is the norm in this league. There are numerous examples of third to fourth year backup players suddenly becoming starter material. This is something we did not have the luxury of with the state of our roster prior Idzik.

    Restructuring our roster without numerous overpaid vets and signing young talent while building through the draft will pay dividends if we are all patient!
  20. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    They have JUST bought a new stadium and training facility in the area and they MUST honor a lease to stay at Metlife Stadium for at least 20 years or so presumably starting in 2010. You're assertion that they'll wind up moving is ignorant nonsense, you sound like one of those fools on PFT who's only recollection of the Jets are the buzzwords they heard on ESPN during Tebows time here.

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