What, no TV in the delivery suite? Congrats mate. Welcome to the club. I missed todays game because it started at 3am Sydney time.
Ditto on the congrats! But I see that "V" on your avatar... How 'bout changing her name to Vilma, as in the Flintstones. Just a thought
I don't know. Didn't you at least have a radio? I mean, let's be honest here, what is going to happen more often in your life, the Jets win in Buffalo, or you have a child? :wink: Seriously though, congrats man. Kids make it all worthwhile.
That is not acceptable man. j/k Congrats on the baby! She was born on a good day. Raise her with right colors
Your going to have to miss next weeks game so you can give that child a hair cut. I never seen a newborn with a head of hair like that. Congrats
BWA-Ha-Ha-Ha. Good laugh there. I know ZERO details of the game except for a RIDICULOUS "Unnecessary Roughness" penalty on Vilma that really upset my Brother-In-Law. What was the deal with that?