Are You SURE You REALLY Want Sanchez Off The Jets ??

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsKickAss, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    No he didn't..........
  2. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    if i hate favre on the jets its for one reason only. not because he didnt give his all or anything but because he made schotty look like he was competent enough to keep his job when mangini left.

    favre coming in and tailoring the offense to himself inflated the perception of schotty and i believe is a big reason rex was ok with letting him stay on and develop sanchez.

    i tend to agree with junc about mark most of the time, not all, but a good majority of it, but i also think that the worst thing for sanchez was having schotty as his oc entering the league. this is the first time mark has played under a good oc, and the last guy (sparano) was completely incompetent and was in over his head.

    i have no idea where im going with this post

    if mark wants to come back to the jets for cheap then i think he has a real shot at reviving his career here despite all the detractors. he has dealt with all of it already and if he still wants to stay then more power to him, hes stronger than a lot of people give him credit and i would like to see him develop into the qb we thought he was those first few seasons.

    i like geno and think that he still has a chance to get better, but i never remember mark being as bad as geno was. marks troubles were a lot of miscues and misreading disguised coverages, geno was fundamentally unsound and making a lot of bad throws because of it. his decision making isnt bad though so i have hope for him but yeh, i think mark can be better if given the chance.
  3. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    i dont know if we win the superbowl but we definitely make the playoffs and our chances would have been good. it sucked seeing how good favre looked in minn
  4. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    The fact that they fired Mangini in favor of a Favre tells us all we need to know.

    Cardinals losing whatever games in the regular season doesn't change that they eventually went to the SB. You are literally the only person saying the injury didn't affect him. He said it himself and it showed in his play. But I should disregard what he said because YOU said it didn't affect him?
  5. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I hate Favre for fucking us over. But that doesn't change the fact that Sanchez sucks.
  6. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    Corrected for accuracy.
  7. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Eh in hindsight it was worth it, we got Rex and we almost got to the SB :sad:
  8. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Of course it's not soley theirs alone. I've never said it's all Mark's fault. But to place the blame soley on the talent around him and say things like "he's only had 1 bad year" is simply ridiculous. I've heard things like "Mark was a top ten QB in 2010". Come on. That's nuts.

    Also to be fair, QB is the most important position. So you'd have to judge Brady and Sanchez on a different level then you would Fitz. Brady's play has never been anything other then good to great. Sure it's starting to decline some now but he is getting older, circle of life.

    It's team sport so you can't put all the blame on Mark, but when the QB is obviously performing poorly a large majority of the time you can't deny and shift blame to other areas of the team. I've always said Sanchez was given very little to work with in 2012, what about the other 3 years though. There was plenty around him to be successful.

    I'm not talking about whether or not they decide to bring Mark back at a reduced rate. I don't think it's a good idea, cause I don't think he is any good. I'd rather go elsewhere. But if they do that then it is what it is. I'll be rooting hard for the guy to succeed. I just don't think he is any good.
  9. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    ...because almost is every fans goal they should shoot for and be okay with.
  10. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    It's not about #'s. Idc about numbers. I care about being productive, something Sanchez has not shown he can be consistently.

    It's about THE TEAM winning. There is no rule of law that states that if you have a below average QB and your team wins 8 and 10 games with him his first 2 years (didn't play against Tampa and didn't attempt a throw against Buffalo) he is therefore a good player and should not be touched under any circumstance.
  11. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    Regardless if Sanchez is a good NFL QB or not, people often overlook several key factors:

    1) When Sanchez was a rookie, the NYJ franchise was in "win now" mode. There was no time to attempt to develop the young QB - he needed to play and help the team win, often by doing as little as possible to risk losing. The jets were so desperate to win, that they implemented a color code scheme. They DIDN'T need a color code scheme, but they could not afford to let the rookie Sanchez struggle, similar to how Geno did this year, or most rookie QB's do. The color code scheme was put in place to dumb down the learning process, minimizing risk, and maximizing immediate reward.
    2) The jets continued "win-now" mind frame. In his 2nd year, The still developing Sanchez, likely dwarfed development, probably still developing at a rookie level in year two due to the dumbed down rookie year, is afforded less time to learn the game and instead is taught how to not lose the game. Oddly enough, in both years Sanchez had many winning drives and displayed bursts of promise. Both of his performances in the playoffs, as a ROOKIE and SOPHOMORE were more so promising.
    3) Flip flop city. Talent being switched left and right - and not for the better. After the fall of the first two seasons, maybe now the jets can afford to spend time trying to actually develop Sanchez. Can the jets find any offensive threat that isn't past his prime or a gimmick? People buy the hype, name recognition, and Sanchez is the fall guy. Scheme's change. This guy is being put through the ringer.
    4) More of above + Tebow. Now, the OC is new and unproven. Offensive talent anyone? Sanchez again the fall guy. Fans and media choose to focus on humorous freak accident play rather than the obvious gaping hole of talent and guidance. Ray Lucas and Schein lead movement to ridicule Sanchez whenever they can. Sanchez is as good as gone.
    5) ....

    People love to pull up stats, and I do too. But people fail to use common sense, put the numbers in context, rationalize, and come to conclusions, not in a vacuum, but relative to everything at hand.

    People say things like, even in his best years, year one and two, Sanchez wasn't that good. Of course he wasn't!!! He was a rookie and sophomore QB on a team with a win now attitude, marginal talent, and little time to actually develop. His third and fourth years were horrible. Well, more of the same, with the addition of failed quick fixes, less talent, and OC issues.
  12. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Womp womp womp Sanchez sucks.
  13. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    So you don't think it's a good idea because he isn't any good, fair enough. Could you please tell me then who are the good quarterbacks that will be available for us to bring in?
  14. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses. That's all you supporters do is make excuses for him. Now don't get me wrong I agree with a majority of your post. They handled him wrong. But what's missing in your post is any kind of accountability on Mark for his shit play. But no it's the OC, it's the talent, it's the media. Blah blah blah excuse.
  15. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    In a perfect world I want the Jets to draft Manziel. But that's most likely not going to happen.

    Shaun Hill wouldn't be a bad signing. Vick wouldn't be a bad signing either. I wouldn't even mind Tarvaris Jackson.

    Before junc attacks those guys and reminds everyone how Mark went to the playoffs in 2009 and 2010, I just want to point out that i'm not saying that these are great options. I don't think any free agent QB who is available is anything better then a backup at this point in their careers. But these are just guys i'd like to see given a shot over Sanchez.

    I feel like I know what Mark is at this point. Maybe i'm wrong, we'll see when Mark is most likely playing elsewhere next season. Hill and Jackson have had small bits of success at certain points in their career. I wouldn't mind taking a shot on either one in a competition. Vick obviously is the most talented of the 3. Question is, does he have anything left in the tank? I like him because he knows MM's system. When healthy he is clearly better then Mark in my opinion.

    Once again, i'm not talking about either one of these guys as being the answer. I just think they might have a little more to give then Mark does.
    #1735 kevmvp, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  16. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Good QB's don't usually become free agents. Of course there are special cases like Peyton and Brees. But that's a once in a blue occurrence. The QB's that are available are mostly retreads, guys that need a change of scenery, or busts that teams feel they can "fix". Sanchez fits 2 of the 3 categories. Sanchez is an attractive prospect because he has playoff credentials. But talentwise he's no better than Fitzpatrick or Matt Moore. The Jets signing those guys gives us what Sanchez would give us but at a cheaper rate and without the risk of being a distraction.
  17. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    It's a somewhat flawed argument once you take yourself out of the Jets bubble. The reality is that in NFL circles more is "known" about the other players you mentioned than Sanchez. They are all 30 year olds that have been bouncing around the league for a long time. There is a reason for that, it's the same reason why they will be available. Conversely, Sanchez is still in his 20s, has had some success and has yet to be seen play under the tutelage of a quality offensive coaching staff. This is why despite his struggles he will an attractive commodity in this QB desperate market. He, unlike the others, would be the one that everyone else who are not Jets fans, would be viewed as possibly having "a little more to give". But your post capsulizes the warped thinking of a Sanchez hater. It's as though bringing him back would be he is being rewarded in some weird way. Subconsciously, I think you guys feel he must be punished for his crimes in the past season and a half. Then let's reward or give the "shot" to compete to serial backups or the chronically injured. Anyone but Sanchez as he doesn't "deserve" it.
  18. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    That change of scenery crap is such a false narrative. What it is, is you projecting your own desire to see him leave. To say that talent wise he is no different than Fitz or Moore is ignorant. If Sanchez was not more talented than those guys he would not have been recruited to go to a major BCS school or drafted as high as he was. Just because you may think the end production would be the may be the same, it doesn't mean the talent level is too. Once those arguments are moved to the side, you are left with protecting Woody's money and the risk of a distraction. Both very weak.
  19. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Stat Geek Request: Would it be possible for someone to get the yearly breakdowns of Sanchez's QB ratings BY QUARTER ???? My friend is an OC for a local high school team and says you can learn alot from that stat.

    In other words....let's see his QB rating for each season (each game ???) 2009-12 by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter......if Sanchez's Q4 and Q3 numbers are much worse than Q2 and Q1 that's bad because it means in a game itself he deteriorated after seeing the "D" for 1/2 a game.

    OTOH, if the Q3 and especially Q4 numbers are are appreciably HIGHER then it means that Sanchez' learning isn't the problem but that something was wrong with the playcalling and/or talent.

    If it's pretty much the same Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4....then it shows nothing and we wasted our time.

    Anybody get those stats ?
  20. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Wouldn't being forced to take a pay cut to stay on the team just to compete with no guarantee of a roster spot let alone a starting job be considered a form of accountability? Or must he banished at all cost? Or better yet flogged and pickled in the middle of Time Square; that will teach him!
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