Why would Idzik not keep Rex? He can hide under Rex for another year while retooling this team talent wise and cap wise.
idzik will have to have a strong choice standing by to dump rex. id say rex has done just enough to earn that much. that it wont be a firing-then-a-long-search. it will be idzik with 'his guy' or, i guess, rex will remain as the default. i am torn...for what that's worth. the team sometimes looks so retarded. then they step up and show a lot of heart. im at a loss.
I've seen a ton of Jets' coaches get fired or quit. I didn't lament a single one. Not Michaels, not Carrol not Belichek (Maybe Parcells) I would really be bothered if Rex goes, even if it is "time", because I do believe Rex is a SB coach.
I agree with the last sentence but firing Walt Michaels was the dumbest thing this franchise ever did.......aside from passing him up in '73 as Ewbanks successor ....
I agree with Klecko, Players love Rex, would fight wars for him, If there's not a great option for HC stick with Rex and let em get a chance to right the ship with some $ to spend.
And GM's don't usually get hired and have a coach forced on them. Doesn't mean it can't happen or doesn't sometimes. I don't see Rex getting extended, so if Idzik/Woody are not going to fire him, we shall see if Rex has the balls to walk away from a HC job and paycheck.
If he's not fired, Rex isn't walking away. I think it comes down to next week, honestly. If we beat a divisional opponent, knocking them out of the playoffs, and we end up 8-8 (after going 6-10 last year and with even lest talent), I just can't see Rex being fired. If we end on a low note (like the Miami game week 17 of 2011), then it really comes down to how Woody and Idzik are feeling. I wouldn't be confident, though.
He absolutely should be back. Who here expected 7 wins this yr? This was the worst team in football on paper.
Agreed, who knows, where the Jets would've been if Walt took the reins in '73, he did a good job rebuilding the team.
i was thinking this too....whoda thunk it. seven wins and possibly a .500 season. with decent development from geno and even dee and the dl. the team has taken a few steps forward. but i would hope they keep it up next week or it all goes up in the air again.
What they should do is keep the CS in tact and spend a fuckton of cap space on offense. Maybe, you know, get some pro talent on this fuckin depth chart and then see what we can do.
I'll be so angry if they fire Rex! Let him finish out his contract. Him and MM can be a potent combo. Things take time to gel but when they do we'll be a juggernaut. Just need more offensive talent, a productive off-season and training camp, and maybe bring back Westoff if we can tempt him. We have some awesome pieces that are starting to figure out how to work in tandem. Get a true #1 wr. Restructure Holmes. Get a another TE with talent and give the offensive line another year to gel and give the young talent time to mature. I dunno why but I feel really positive after today's game and seeing the Rex I saw in the post game presser. There's a lot potential if we have a good draft and add a few key free agents. Keep Rex!