I wish you guys could hear this guy. He is just out of line. I am very much into the game and getting loud
So this became a problem and we talked to secuirty about him. They basilly told us he can act like a jackass and there is nothing they can do. This guy is now yelling for people to sit down when its time to stand up. When things go bad its all about yelling like a asshole. I am going to call the ticket office hopefully they can offer him a upgrade and he will become some elses problem. I dont know what else can be done
If drunken screaming is all you have to put up with in your section count yourself lucky. Much worse are the people that are constantly up and down from their seats during the game, in the middle of plays as well. Whining to security about the guy is definately a douche move.
Tough situation, luckily in my section there is sort of a mob rules authority going on, and I know everyone in the mob. At the home opener this year there was a Pats fan a couple of rows back screaming constantly. I have no problem with this but we all know what is okay and what is over the line. Finally sometime in the 2nd quarter when he started taunting some of the boys around me I calmly turned around, looked right at him and sternly said, "Why don't you just watch the f*ing game". Immediately him and his 3 drunk friends stood up puffing out their chests, which commanded the response of about 20-30 people I know in the section to get up. Needless to say they soon left. Point is, as others have said you are probably not alone in your feelings. If a bunch of you ask him nicely to tone it down maybe it will have some affect. If not, just try to tune him out. Also you mentioned that security said they can't do anything. I don't think that is correct if he is cursing. They have that silly message playing constantly as you are coming in the stadium that "foul language will not be tolerated". If he is constantly cursing, ask him to stop. If he doesn't call security. I sometimes take my children to the game and don't accept this type of thing either. Who knows, tough situation. Good luck...
There is one thing you can do. Keep an eye on the seat behind him. When it opens, go up like you're going to take a leak but instead take the seat behind him. Then when he's taking a drink or something you get an inch away from his ear and scream something at the top of your lungs and scare the shit out of him. I did this to a guy at a Knicks game once. The guy jumped like he'd seen a ghost and everyone around us laughed. He STFU after that...but that's no guarantee it'll work on your guy. It may even start a fight. See, with me I'm a big dude so people kinda think twice. The thing with these people is they think players and coaches can hear them, or give a crap what they say.
rofl kinda sounds like me. thats an easy way to get into a fight though. I'm big too but I usually run into drunks with a napoleon complex. Best not to waste time on them. My advice is just get a chant going whenever he starts screaming. Drown him out. Then again I also prolly wouldve told him to STFU if hes as bad as you say he is. But no use in getting banned or losing season tix.
why don't you get inside early an leave a note on his seat that he's annoying everyone around him and to shut up... that way u avoid the confrontation but can still say what u want...
Dude, you are not thinking. Get to the game early and coat his seat with some kinda Krazy Glue or something. Make sure it is super bonding. When he goes to get up he will leave half his ass on the seat.
This is my pet peave also.... trying to watch the game... middle of a play... it's a pass to Chrebet in the end zone...!!! Will he catch it? I sure as hell don't know because I'm now looking at the ass of the stupid bastard in front of me. I've tried to talk to them and they're so drunk they don't even know what you're saying. I'm 6'0" and weigh 210, but it's not worth losing teeth over, so I try to reason with them instead of getting in their faces, but it's definitely a problem... no question. Yelling I can put up with... blocking the freakin' play from my view pisses me off every time.
Certain times everybody stands. Opening kickoff. Any turnover the home team gets. Any time a RB breaks it down the sideline. Any time the ball goes up in the end zone. Those are basics
:lol:..........................:up: "Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time."
"What do I do about the Jackass behind me?" A carrot and a pat on the head might be appropriate... Going to the games can be...well difficult, the NE game parking at 2:00 was a real hassle and I can't believe it will get better when the new construction begins...gotta start going to Manny's again...I sat between two guys who had to go over 300lbs each, felt like a man sandwich...hope the new stadium will have a little wider seats for the bigger Jets fans out there... It is all part of the fan experience and I would not miss it at all...:rofl: :up: