Deadspin: male Jet fan punches woman in fight at MetLife Stadium (with video).

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Mr. Green Pants, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    last year some man-bitch had the balls to start with me at a convenience store because i asked her to "please go the end of the line, i have been waiting to checkout for a few minutes now"......

    after several verbal barrages toward me while i just stood there and looked her in the eye, she threatened to wipe the "smile from my face"

    i said "ma'am, i will gladly start with an assault charge and we can take it from there".

    there was silence as she stormed out of the store. granted it can be the hardest thing to refrain urself, verbally and physically in a spot like that - regardless if its a male or female.

    i think most males would tolerate a female verbally, and even physically lashing at them without doing anything in return. my line in the sand would be if the girl has or picks up an object - that would be the green light to defend urself.

    if its another male - and i have had that occur a couple times in the past - wait for the first punch so the instigator is defined. after that u can do what is necessary but never ever throw that 1st punch - no matter what is said in ur face.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I like the suggestion of random DWI police checks. If these assholes were this out of control, my guess is a small percentage of them are even operating motor vehicles after the game.

    This is a MUCH bigger problem than some bitch deservedly getting punched. These people are driving out of the parking lot in that condition!

    Make police more visible. Put up billboards that say, "You may be subject to a random DWI check after the game." Have visibe police cars patrolling the parking lot after the game. It wouldn't hurt to see a few people in handcuffs along the side of the access roads once in a while... "Holy shit dude, look at that! Maybe we shouldn't drink so much at these games anymore."

    But of course, the powers that be will nix it. It's bad for business. "We won't be able to sell our $10 shitty beer anymore. It'll put a damper on people enjoying themselves, etc."
  3. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    So you are going to tell grown adults who shelled out more than $100 per ticket (not including parking) that you are going to throw them out of the game for yelling at anyone or saying a bad word.

    That is your genius solution to the problem. Good luck with your future ticket sales. PSLs forgetttaboutit!

    Most people are capable of taking verbal abuse without resorting to violence. If there is going to be a zero tolerance policy for anything, hitting someone (does not matter if it is a slap or an open fist, does not matter if it is from a girl, or a guy who only hits like a girl) would seem to make more sense. Even a high ticket price is not a license for assault.

    The Giants banned a season ticket holder from all future events for throwing a damned snow ball. I think a ban for throwing a punch would be the most reasonable solution.
  4. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    no man EVER, EVER should punch a female.

    ever, for any fucking reason, YOU ARE A FUCKING MAN so get your balls out of your vag and grab her and place her somewhere.

    fucking cunt of a man for ever hitting a woman no matter what the fuck she does. she pulls a knife on you take it from her and chicken wing her ass to the ground. fuck you need to hit a female for?

    and yes you dumb females, understand we are not allowed to hit you. dont be an ignorant cunt and push a man to that point just because we are not allowed to hit you. because i will put your ass in the camel clutch. if your lucky ill put you in the camel toe clutch.

    i dont drink when i watch football. i enjoy the game of football and cant watch it properly when drinking more than a few beers.

    that said security obviously didnt do their job. if it started in the stands they should have been on it and escorted both parties in opposite directions out of the stadium. they either did nothing or brought em to the back and left them there.

    the comments were absolute hilarity!!!
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    There is no doubt women use their "femininity" as a shield while starting shit.

    My wife and I went to a play in NY and wound up meeting some friends in a bar on 42nd Street for a drink. A drunk woman took my wife's seat and wouldn't get up. Then her drunk boyfriend takes the seat on the other side of her. So my wife comes back from the ladies room and politely says, "Excuse me but you're in my seat."

    So she refuses to get up and so my wife just stands behind me at the bar. And I'm klike, "Well that's not right" an my wife is always like, "Well, let's just not start anything... it's okay." It still pissed me off but I didn't say anythihg.

    But then this stupid bitch actually starts making fun of my wife, calling her "miss goody-two shoes" and all kinds of adolescent stuff. Clearly she was instigating. So I told her to knock it off. Then she starts in on me and gets vulgar, to which I told her to go fuck off. Now the boyfriend yells over to me, "Hey, you can't talk to her like that" and I told him to go fuck himself. Now it's game on.

    "I'll kick your ass," he says, so I get off my bar stool and before he can get his ass off of his, I plant my left hand in his adam's apple and knock him over backwards on the floor... then I proceed to straddle him and punch the shit out of him.

    Well, all I can hear in the background is bedlam... people screaming and bartenders yelling and one of them grabs the telephone. So my wife says, "STOP IT! STOP IT!" and she makes me get up. And then I look over at the bartender and he's n the phone with the police.

    So my wife and I walk out the door of the bar and start walking down the street. As we get to the end of the block and are walking around the corner, two cop cars come screaming up the street, sirens blasting, and they run into the ar like keystone cops. So we just keep on walking to the parking garage and get our car and get out of town.

    That was back in my wilder days, like 20 years ago... my Vietnam rage getting the better of me. We were lucky I didn't wind up in the slammer that night. All because some drunken bitch figured she could say anything she wanted and her boyfriend was going to "protect her." Guess she was wrong... LOL.
  6. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    ..... awesome
  7. section134

    section134 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    should have asked her for a date
  8. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Or she was so inebriated that she didn't feel much pain..... yet. If she wakes up tomorrow with a bruised, aching face..... but we will never know that.
  9. NewYorkEveryThing

    Mar 24, 2012
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    Like chris rock says ... " You ca't hit a B!tch , But you can shake the sh!t out of her" .
  10. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    This is so stupid. Who the hell knows who started it but obviously at first the guy is trying to separate himself from this dumb-ass girl, who keeps going at him. Whoever was with this girl should have been holding her back, the dude obviously couldn't back up anymore, and he hit her one time, it's not like he blindsided her or continued going after her. I mean lets be real if some dumb Pats fan bitch was swinging at me and I couldn't back up anymore, I'd either have clocked her or at least shoved her to the ground.
  11. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Except an adult woman has the mental capacity to choose not to get in a stupid situation like this one did. I mean lets be real you know how easy it is to wrap up and detain a 13 year old from swinging? A whole hell of a lot easier than wrapping up and detaining a drunk pissed of 20 something year old woman.
  12. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Exactly. I've never hit a girl, but because I've never had a reason to. Whoever was with this dumb bitch should have held her back. I mean he didn't even knock her down so he couldn't have hit her that hard, and she walked right away after that.
  13. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    How do know this?

    Just how many 13 year olds have you hit anyway?

    I sure hope you don't have any kids with all of your experience in beating up eighth graders.
  14. Ajitator

    Ajitator Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    After watching the video. The punch was unchivalrous and wrong, But deserved.

    If you don't want to get hit, Don't act like a jackass... Gender is irrelevant.

    Had this been a girl who hit another girl everyone would be crucifying the dumb blond pats fan who was starting a fight with someone bigger then her while her 2 friends watched.

    They're both lowlife idiots.
  15. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    This whole "I'd never hit a woman and neither should any men" attitude is pretty sexist to be honest. I know quite a few women who could beat the shit out of the average man.
  16. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Whole lot of hubbub over something that wouldn't be a story without the video.

    Wanna see some fan violence? Show up at a Dodger game wearing a SF Giants cap.

    I heard in Seattle that security will wear the opposing team's jersey to make Seahawk fans think twice before lipping off to others in attendance.
  17. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    thats not the problem. the problem people are drunk well before they get in there and keep drinking while the traffic dies down after. also they cut off sales at the start of the 3rd quarter. it is not the in game drinking that causes this. its the pre and postgame drinking.
  18. Combustible Rextible

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Some of us just want to go to a game without having to see or be involved in this crap.

    Stop breaking the law assholes.

  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    They get drunk before the game but are able to maintain their buzz during it. If they didn't sell during games fans would be sober by the time the game was over.
  20. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    anytime you ban something, you create bigger problems. you ban booze during the game, and watch how creative those same people are with ways to sneak it in. and now we are talking hard liquor, which will lead to more problems most likely, due to the fact that these people will get more intoxicated in a shorter amount of time.

    bottom line is this could and has happened in just about every stadium, in every sport, in america. banning beers is not gonna solve it and is a disservice to those who like to have a beer or two while they watch the game, which is the overwhelming majority of us.

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