I don't really CARE what ANYONE thinks of that FG call. The patriots have gotten away with murder for years, Tom Brady has been coddled by the NFL, and its great to see the shoe on the other foot tonight. All of the chowderheads can blow me, Brady, BelliCHEAT, Kraft, fuck em all. How does it feel? Oh and for your enjoyment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJshw2Axsqc
I remember reading an NFL preview of the Jets back in august. One of the readers left a comment that has stuck with me to this day. You know why? Because it's true. He said that he went to the '10 Texans game with his dad and the Jets won in the end. His dad told him no matter what luck the Jets get we end up having to pay that back and surely enough we paid it back in the AFC championship that year. So I'm sure the football gods are gonna return the favor in the most cruelest way imaginable.
He's on CBS doing the other pregame show on CBS Sports Network. I've watched this 5 times already...love this interview lol
+1 - QFT How about that bogus fumble call run in for a TD. God damn that pisses me off. Had something to say. Not going to bother.
had to work yesterday. Only saw little bits and pieces of game yesterday. Just watched it taped. Three things that jumped out- Ivory is a punisher, Jeremy Kerley is a very nice reciever, our defense dominated New England the 2nd 1/2- front 3 were awesome. Penalty or not the better team won today. It would have been shame to lose that game.
As it was talked about WFAN last night. It was a master class in defense given by Ryan in the 3rd qtr.
all I have to say to whining Pat fags bawling and crying about them getting caught violating a written rule that was explained to them in person in training camp TUCK YOU, PATRIOTS