Fellow Jet fans, I don't post very often but I must ask you guys and gals. How long did you clap and cheer at the end of the second quarter when we stopped Atlanta at the one foot line? That last few plays were some of the most exciting defense stopping plays I have ever seen in all my years as a Jet fan. As I jumped around, cheered, and clapped my wife must have thought I was crazy. What say you? I clapped for at least a minute, and could hardly settle down for the rest of the game. There are times when it is just great to be a Jet fan.
Same here, I was going insane. Having this type of defensive front is so fun to watch. Rex has his issues, but there is no doubt that he'll keep us in many games because of this defense
I had my window open and I was going nuts. "Yeah baby!, SNACKS BABY!" "YEAH!" Some dude apparently living in the building across from me across from me start cheering back :lol: This city will jump on the Jets bandwagon in a min. I read once here that if the Jets win the Super Bowl it will be the best party this city has ever seen. I believe it.