It looks like Sanchez really struggles with ball placements. That is going back to his throwing mechanics, people. We all have seen how his mechanics have eroded in the past few years [thanks to the beatings he took.] Even in his rookie year, he was off a lot of times - but when he was on, he was literally 'dead on.' That Sanchez is long gone. If I had to tell you, this problem was not born overnight, and will not be cured in overnight either. Just I don't think I [or the fan base or the organization] have the patience to get him sort his mechanics out and become better passer.
This is the first time people at camp reported Sanchez had the better day. You are the one that came on here to chirp about it. I simply gave my praise of Mark for finally having a better day than the rookie. You say who gives about camp but you're a) posting in the camp thread and b) using stats from practice. Obviously you care, but only if it allows you to chirp about headband having a good day. Tebow sucked in camp last year. You comparing Geno to him tells me all I need to know. Sanchez blows.
NFL Network @nflnetwork 32m '[The Jets] have so many bad things happening. They need an identity.' -@jamiedukes #NFLTrainingCamp seriously, this is starting to get obnoxious. i only find good things about the jets training camp for the most part, but these assclowns still need to make shit up out of their asses to sell. what bad things have been happening?
WTF does that even mean anyway? Ooooh, this team has no "identity". The Jets are a defensive team ... isn't that their "identity"? And how does some schmuck in the media being able to pinpoint their "identity" help them win games? What is the Patriots "identity"? The Patriots way? They can keep it. You know what the Jets need? They need to win more football games.
Anyone know where Hill was today? I was at practice and saw him during sttretches but then didn't see him the rest of practice. I haven't seen him anywhere on the injury report either so was hoping someone had heard where he was.
maybe I've just become paranoid but I get the feeling that should the team beat a few "better" opponents they will be given no credit and will still be treated like crap by the media. I can't tell if its just a persecution complex telling me that, or if I'm justified in believing this.
On another note, really liking this guy Vidal Hazelton - he and Gates seem to be making plays on TC. Besides Vidal has that awesome WR name.
Looking forward to seeing the Goal line practice, I hope someone at camp today could post some pictures and maybe a video would be nice. I also hold my judgement until I see this team in action. Cant really tell with a pre-season game but you kind of get an idea of what we have. Go Jets
Defense had the upper hand for the most part in the goal line (which finished practice). The OL (esp. the 2's) didn't look crisp coming off the snap. I (and the Mrs.) took a slew of pictures today with our iPhones and a digital with a zoom lens--some came out great. Unfortunately I'm clueless with respect to uploading and posting pix on a message board, sorry. I'll try 'googling' it to figure out and post them. In the meantime, took notes (will post them in a 'day 8' thread).