Did Idzik Do Good w/ Revis Trade?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Falco21, Apr 22, 2013.


Did Idzik Do Well w/ Trade?

  1. Yes. He took the best possible offer given the circumstances.

    216 vote(s)
  2. No. He dropped the ball on this one and should/could have gotten more.

    38 vote(s)
  1. DarrelleRevis.Human?

    DarrelleRevis.Human? Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2010
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    I do feel like we could have squeezed them for an extra late round pick
    and I personally think that we should've held out until we got it.

    With all that said I still voted yes. I'm just a lowly
    fan, I like everyone else doesn't know what the
    situation was truly like.

    What I do know is Idzik got it done. We now have an extra
    early first round pick.

    Also, doing so before the draft gives us more time to strategize
    and more time for teams like ATL and MIN to consider trading up
    to one of our 1st round selections.
  2. skipper

    skipper Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I am very happy to see that 85% of the posters on the site are sane.
  3. njjet

    njjet Member

    Sep 22, 2002
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    In a perfect world this was just an OK deal. The Jets had not choice but to trade Revis. Sixteen million is much too much to pay a CB. That's the kind of money giving to a QB. Under difficult circumstance this turns out to be a good deal. NICE JOB IDZIK. Now trade down and pick up more draft choices.
  4. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Well said indeed. A $16m per year contract for a CB is a bad deal even without the injury, Revis or not.
  5. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Looks like a lousy deal. Hope it works out.
  6. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Right now its an ok deal however it can go from ok to great if Idzik trades down with one of these picks.

    It can go from ok to terrible if of course the pick don't end up helping.

    In down the middle for me, but leaning towards it being a good/great deal.
  7. AlmightyRevis

    AlmightyRevis Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think this has been said before, given the circumstances I feel we can't complain with the results of the trade...but if we're talking fair value, you're never going to get that for a player of Revis' level with just one or two draft picks...there's a 99% chance that no player in this upcoming draft will be of the caliber of Darrelle Revis, a top 5 NFL player in my book.

    But overall, Idzik did fine in my book (not amazing, certainly not bad), let's see how things move from here.
  8. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    I've been thinking about this a lot today. If you look at it from the Jets side, you'd be like "we got a first round pick, Idzik did good". Now if you look at it from the Buccs side, you'd say that they straight up robbed us. They just got the best cornerback in the NFL for a first rounder and a 3rd. They wouldn't have been able to trade those picks to move up to select Dee Milliner, who isn't even considered to be an elite prospect by many.

    To me the Buccs got a hell of a deal while many Jet fans think that we did fine I think we got robbed.

    Only good thing that the Jets get from this is that we don't have to pay Revis the $16 mil a year and that we actually got something before he walked in FA.

    I know that it's not Idziks fault and that its the best offer that we were going to get, but its just frustrating losing that type of talent for pretty much nothing.

    Only way to make this a good scenario IMO is to trade back the 9 get as many picks as possible and start building up. I think that we need to draft 2 safeties to take pressure off the CBs. Id take Matt Elam and Baccari Rambo as my two future safeties. And please, no QBs in the first 3 rounds! Unless Idzik sees something in the QB that makes him think that he's the next Russell Wilson, we better not be wasting a high pick on just another QB that's gonna be nothing.
    #28 NFL, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
  9. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Jesus! This again?!

    I already told you, they were NOT desperate. They gave us their first round pick, which means that they were willing to give that pick up. If the Revis deal did not go through, they would easily have traded up in the draft to grab a guy like Dee Milliner.

    Revis at 80% is TONS better than what they had before. Even if Milliner only turns into an average corner, that's way better than the needed. They had the luxory in cap room to take a gamble on Revis, but they were by no means desperate. They did not flinch once with the other two offers Idzik gave them. They stuck to their guns up until 4 days before the draft.

    If this deal prolonged, the draft would have come and gone and TB would have drafted a corner and no longer wanted Revis. Now we are stuck with a guy who wants $15 million a year who is a free agent in 2014.

    I don't understand why you keep saying they were desperate. If they were so desperate they would have given up more when Idzik asked for it.
  10. Banjo

    Banjo Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    If Idzik drafts a perennial Pro Bowler that scores touchdowns at #13, he wins. Less than that, it will be a huge failure IMO
  11. TheCleaner

    TheCleaner Active Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    as any businessman knows it takes 3 years until your idea comes to fruition.
    In that aspect and looking what he was dealt, I totally agree with his moves.
    We as Jet's Fan's should be looking towards 2015 season. After that if no improvement, then I would say He's a gonner
  12. 518

    518 Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    You have no idea until you actually draft the compensation. The Abraham deal brought us the core players we have today and the Keyshawn trade gave us a good bunch for a run in the early 2000s which included Pennington. I think this will be a positive long term. If the Jets make the playoffs with these scrap heap FA's and rookies Rex deserves another extension.
  13. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I have to wonder if Idzik had made this deal earlier when TB was offering the 3 picks, would he have been able to pull this off. I just have this nagging feeling that Idz might have waiting too long to pull the trigger since the closer to draft day we got, the more leverage TB would have had.

    Overall, for a neophyte GM, this was one helluva first decision to make. I can't imagine the pressure Idz must have felt over these last few weeks. I hope he took notes from this first round of major decisions so he'll be better prepared next time a major issue like this comes up.
  14. GreenGreek

    GreenGreek Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    The only real questionable part of this trade is whether it could have been completed before we were on the hook for Revis's bonus earlier this year.
  15. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    This was a move that the Jets had to make and it was a good one. You have to look at the entire picture:

    If the Jets don't trade Revis, the likely scenario is that he plays this season and enters free agency and the Jets would have received nothing in return.

    No CB is worth $16 million a year. This is especially true in today's NFL when teams go 3 wide plus a TE or 3rd down back on passing downs. Revis can only cover one player of the five. The value of a shut down corner is going down in today's NFL, not up.

    You have to look at the whole picture. The Jets return on Revis is the two draft picks plus the $16 million in cap space saved. That is 4-5 potential starters.

    Revis is still a big question coming off the knee injury. His game is all footwork and hips and if he has lost anything, he will be less effective.

    Revis was wasted against AFC opponents. He had no one to cover against the Pats, who built their offense around tight ends and slot receivers. Cromartie covers the speed guy, so against the Dolphins Cromartie likely covers Wallace. Who does Revis cover - Hartline? Gibson?

    Revis has been the Jets best player for 6 years, but he has never been the face of the Jets. He never acted like a leader and in years when a strong locker room presence was needed, such as last offseason, all we heard from Revis was a refusal to admit he would not hold out. He was never a leader or a spokesman. He is in it for one thing - himself and his paycheck. He is only happy when he is paid what he wants to be paid, team be damned. He is the human hold out and don't think Tampa won't face that in a year or two if he is back to his old self.
  16. MDBigDog

    MDBigDog Active Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    My take is that a lot of people are disappointed because we all hear about the Bucs supposedly offering something like #13 plus a 3rd and 5th this year and assumed we would at least get something like that. Who knows if those articles had any truth behind them.

    At first I was a bit disappointed (primarily due to the above and all the speculation on what we could get) though am willing to wait and see what we do with these picks. Plus if people remember they was talk earlier in the year that there would be no way the Jets would get a #1 for Revis and we did. And it was a top 15 pick in the first.
  17. PennyRoyal10

    PennyRoyal10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2005
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    I think he did a great job considering the hand he was dealt. It's funny to me people saying he should've held out for more. There were no other suitors for Revis willing to give up anything close to what TB did.

    If he holds out for more and TB folds the tent and tells him to keep him. They draft a CB and Idzy is left holding a bag of damaged goods, in the last year of a contract that the owner mandated would be the last he signs with the Jets. Here's the other part, nobody knows what Revis will be like after rehabbing his ACL. What if Idzy 'holds out for more' and Revis is no where near what he was before the injury. DO you people really think that a team is giving up a 1st rounder for him?

    I wish Revis nothing but good luck going forward. He's an amazing talent that gave everything he had to the organization. I wish things ended differently and he wore a Jets uni his whole career, but that didn't happen. I've moved on...
  18. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That was part of his compensation for the year and was not paid out yet, since he signed a new contract the old contract is gone and so is that part of it.
  19. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    I was slightly disappointed at first. I was hoping they would get a 3rd round pick this season as opposed to next season.

    However, having a CB at $16 mil per season at this point in time does the team no good. By the time that the Jets are good again Revis will be 31 or 32 years old. The player that they will pick with 13 (or group of players in a trade) will just be entering their prime.

    You knew this was going to happen it is what it is. Lucky that they even got a 1st round pick as it is.
  20. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    The key word there is he "settled" which implies we didn't get market value which we didn't. We got the short end of a shitty stick. I think fans have the right to be upset at deal but not Idzik. He was only following orders and did arguably the best he could given very little leverage.

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