Caldwell says Tim Tebow will not be a Jacksonville Jaguar.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by NFL, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Could this be considered tampering? It could potentially hurt the jets chances of getting value for him from someone else. Not that i think they would but ...
  2. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    #82 CowboysFan, Jan 13, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2013
  3. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    Just cut him/release him and let his fate go into god's hands.
  4. _Jet_

    _Jet_ Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Totally agree.

    P.s. I like your avatar. For some weird reason, Katherine looks like a porn star.
  5. NY Dork

    NY Dork New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Of course no idiot GM and especially the new one in Jax will say we want this guy when he's still under contract.

    The sports world is filled with bird brains who don't understand what tampering means and it's consequences.

    Did the haters hear the rumblings in Tampa regarding Tebow since Freeman is going to be released? The GM there is far too smart to be painted into a corner by some small minded tabloid sports writer. Yet, that team is one of at least six that will offer him a contract should the Jets punt.
  6. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    he didn't leave the door open. he could have gave the standard " tebow is under contract with the nyj."
    the fact that he was definitive is a bit of clue
  7. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I think what he said COULD be considered tampering. He could have hurt the Jets chances of getting value in a trade for Tebow by saying what he did. Not that I think we could have got any value for him anyway, but I do think what he said should be looked at by the league.
  8. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I agree.

    Guys Caldwell is not going to make himself look stupid by reversing the FIRST thing he is known for saying when he finally got a GM job and Khan is not going to make him look stupid.

    Tebow will have to change position or go to the CFL or UFL, or get picked up by a team that has an established starter as a development player (tiny chance, like a speck of dust small on the last one).
    This horrible year on the Jets bench set him back so far that all the good will he got with the 2011 run is now over, hes back to pre draft days stature but with the red flags that come with an obsessed media that no one wants to touch.

    That's the reality of it.

    I am a big fan of his, I can cry all I want about how unfair it was and blah, blah, blah and it wont change a thing. So I'll stop whining about it.

    so to recap:

    1. change positions (McDaniels and Belichick talk him into becoming a Fullback/TE and they will develop him and use him correctly , this is possible since its HIS choice to do it , if he is out of the NFL next year its because HE wants to be out because of his determination to make it as QB ).
    2. CFL (maybe.... that's not even a given , although the Montreal allouettes not only own his rights but their coach was his personal QB coach at one time and went out of his way to get his CFL rights)
    3. UFL (they need him and BAD and he can work on his QB skills and pretty much call the shots on who his OC will be etc. If I were him I would go into politics before doing this one but its possible)
    4. By sheer blind luck gets traded for or picked up by an NFL team that wants to get in on the option stuff and work on it in the background and develop it for a few years. This is so remote because of the media crush that will accompany him that it should not be on the list but anything is possible just not probable.
    #88 CowboysFan, Jan 13, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2013
  9. NY Dork

    NY Dork New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    QB's wander around the NFL for years trying to improve and find the right combo and timing when they make it as a starter. A good recent example is Schaub in Texas who sat behind Vick in Atlanta for four years. The idea that Tony Sparano put the nail in the Tebow coffin is laughable. If the Jets are dumb enough to release this guy.......two team will immediately pick him up. San Diego where McCoy would love to have him as their backup and San Fran where Harbaugh would find his skill set perfect for that offense behind Colin. And yes......New England is licking it's chops to put him on the field and make Wrecks a complete laughing stock of the NFL should they be so lucky as to get him to play that H back/Slot role. Again...NO team is going to say they want this guy because he's still under contract. Shows you how dumb most casual fans and sensational sports writers are.
  10. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Don't kid yourself that McCoy is wanting to bring Tebow in. It was obvious the Denver coaching staff wasn't high on him. McCoy saw first hand the kind of limitations Tebow had and I believe it reflected in the play calling. Already seen that circus first hand.

    It is possible I guess that McCoy had secret desires on what to do with Tebow and Fox wouldn't let him, but I think that unlikely. So I wouldn't get my hopes up on McCoy going out and trying to get Tebow. he already seen that circus first hand. ...and besides, why would Tebow fanatics want him to go there anyway? his playcalling was one of the top excuses Tebowners offered for Tebow's shortcomings.
  11. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    The Trestman situation that just happened is different because :

    A. Trestman has spoken very highly of Tim and is on the record, was his QB guru, AND he went out of his way to get his rights for the Allouettes (Trestman's team that won 2 back to back Grey cups)

    B. Cutler always seems to miss a game or two and its always a QB disaster coming off the bench for a few games, Tebow can play cold off a bench at a moments notice if actually given the chance but even if he can not supplant Campbell (actually Campbell is an unrestricted free agent come march) he can definitely offer more than McGown in the third slot.

    Crap I had extinguished all hope now there is a tiny little to wait for the press conference where Trestman says "I can not envision a scenario where Tim Tebow becomes a Bears player ...even if released"
    #91 CowboysFan, Jan 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2013
  12. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    No one wants a clown show. When will you people get that? You are a big part of the problem.
  13. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    when will you understand that you (haters) are also part of the problem.

    Here is how I would break it down:

    30% Tebow fans
    30% Tebow haters
    30% media
    10% Tebow himself
  14. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Part of the problem? Okay, but nowhere near almost a third of it.

    25% Tebow fans
    35% Tebow himself
    30% Media
    10% Haters

    Tim Tebow: Let's face it. Even with or without the hooplah, tim Tebow's biggest glaring problem is that most GMs and coaches really don't think he is that good to begin with. Tebow fans can point to conspiracies, or try to deflect as much blame as possible all they want, but in the end, it really comes down to Tebow to fix his problems. The perception is that he has too many flaws, and he's done very little to fix that. GMs and coaches are just supposed to accept him as is and just have faith that he will somehow justify it all despite the horror show they see in practice.

    Media: they were the ones that had overblown Tebowmania to begin with. rather than let him develop quietly like everyone else, they wanted a modern day story of the "little engine that could," basically an updated remake of "Rudy." They followed him since his pop-warner days, and they would have loved to say they were a part of the story from the beginning. Ended up trampling his career by beating it to death. Boy, they milked that magic cow dry...

    Tebow fans: Their demands for starting time, billboards, and hyperbole they wouldn't normally offer any other player really reached an all time high here. I can't recall a single player in the history of the league that got sooo much unconditional love from people. they wanted him to start IMMEDIATELY, they didn't give a shit whether he was ready or not. Everyone else was supposed to make the adjustments and make it work. All Tebow had to do was be Tebow.

    Some of it was Gator worship. Some of it was because some see him as a victim of sorts when he's just a great kid. Some bought into the anti-Christian bias angle, (even though close to 80% of the nation identifies themselves as such on some level.) These people make a LOT of NOISE though, which fuels the media interrest, and constant questions to the top decision makers of said team on WHEN they plan on starting Tebow. you can tell the Jets were tired of answering that even before camp when they kept having to reiterate that Sanchez was the starter.

    Haters: Yes, they add some fuel to the fire. but come on now, the haters could all get hit by a bus, and just about all of Tebow's problems would still be there. The perception from managment on teams will still be that he isn't that good. Tebow will continue to throw dirt missiles with the mistaken impression that a couple weeks with a guru every year is all he really needs and he can just run run run his way to a Championship. his fans wiould still be blaming eveyone but him for his shortcomings, and still be hounding coaches to start him. Only real difference is, Tebowmania would be a lot more warm and fuzzy place with few willing to criticize anything about his game. You really think a third of his problems would go away if the Haters do? Puhleeeeeze.

    Coaches and GMs aren't shying away from Tebow because people are criticizing his game. they don't think highly of his game either. 30% for his critics? Pfffft. Come on now...

    People are saying his fanbase is killing his career. however, I don't even think THEY deserve 30% of the credit. It really wouldn't be as big a deal if the perception of Tebow is that he just isn't good. I'm not the only guy on the planet that thinks he was carried to a lot of his wins, and if teams though HE was the one responsible, I guarantee someone would have given him more of a shot than what he got by now. So Tim Tebow's biggest problem is with Tim Tebow himself. Time to be honest about that or he's as good as done.
  15. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    You make some good points but I'll address a few others , no fan of his put up any billboard .it was a PR company , that has already been etablisbed and you know it .

    He was not carried to every victory as he was not soley responsible for every victory that's hyperbole on both ends . Th truth is in the middle , he did contribute quite a it and he was also helped out quite a bit but I just described everyone from the Jaguars to the Patriots , it's football.

    As far as his performance , it was better than most of all QBs on the bench and 4 or 5 starters ( if you are just looking at QBR and not even including the run ) he was first in 4th quarter QBR and was#1 as a red zone threat (#1 in efficiency per snap ) , that might not illustrate starter material ( arguable) or elite talent but it certainly merits an nfl job

    It's the oppressive media crush that has doomed his career , not so much any lack of ability . Fans, haters media and Tebow all combined
    #95 CowboysFan, Jan 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2013
  16. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    If you're gonna cherry pick a QBR stat over a 5 minute span of games, I might point out he was at or near the bottom in the rest of the 55 minutes. He was also dead last overall (actually ranked 34th among QBs that had 8 starts or more) in almost every other stat.

    A GM isn't just going to look at a stat in a 5 minute segment that looked decent and go solely on that. would You buy a car that runs well only for 5 minutes out of every hour? I wouldn't.

    Of course it is his performance. You can't merit yourself to a career on 5 minutes of performance. Especially since all of them are smart enough to realize why those 5 minutes mattered to begin with. Even if Tebow fanatics aren't.

    You don't have to take my word for it right now though. let's take a gander at how many teams open up their wallets trying to outbid each other for Tebow in a few weeks, shall we? If you are right that his 5 minutes of great play per game are the be-all-end-all, there shouldn't be a problem for him getting picked up by someone interrested in giving him a shot to be their #1 QB.

    You're still in denial that Tim Tebow is Tim Tebow's biggest problem. Fix that and you fix his career. I believe I laid out one possible path for that outcome.
  17. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    But it's not cherry picking its analysis on why he can be a back up under development . I'm not talking about a GM going all in , I'm talking that as far as ability of course he merits at least a practice squad or 3rd string minimum and if that's the case and no one wants him it's the media crap .
  18. NY Dork

    NY Dork New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The spread option has been incorporated in a half dozen offenses since Tebow arrived on the scene and proved it's worth in Denver as a fix to an anemic offense. San Fran, Seattle, Washington are all sporting newly developed hybrid "gimmick" offenses.

    It won't be long and the entire league will be featuring the new wave of the West Coast/Spread offense which Tebow ran in Denver. This offense depends on a rugged running type QB and is the quickest way to turn an offense around. McNabb and Philly had great success with it and ended up in the SuperBowl. McNabb was no better throwing the ball than Tebow. Gruden thinks the guy will flourish somewhere with a coach like him. Heck, Rich Gannon did the same thing in Oakland for him as Tebow did in Denver. Gannon never had any passing success until Gruden developed his WC with a scramble feature much like Steve Young after Montana moved on. Most casual fans don't get it.

    BTW...... Sanchez 13 TDs in 15 Starts in 2012 Tebow 12 TDs in 11 starts in 2011
  19. sunbeam

    sunbeam Banned

    Nov 15, 2012
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    You can play the spread a lot of different ways. What all of them have in common in my book, is you spread the field and the quarterback runs.

    I've been talking it up on this site because I believe it puts some fresh air in the league and makes the games more interesting.

    We could debate this, but in the NFL as it is played now the running game is sort of... dead I guess is the best way to put it. You can't win unless you can pass.

    I think back to my younger days when the NFL had different kinds of offenses. Power running offenses, Air Coryell, Bill Walsh and the Niners. Sometimes I watch old Cowboys videos on youtube so I can watch the offensive line "shift." (I wonder why no college spread teams do that?)

    It's just some H-Back league now, with a few teams running a wide open air raid something or other.

    I don't think it is a coincidence McGahee had the year he had last year in Denver, and the no name Washington back had a similar one this year.

    (Counting down to Concerned Citizen saying it was all despite Tebow, just McGahee's talent and a super offensive line, scheme had nothing to do with it.)

    I could write more, but that's my 2 cents.
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I wouldn't say it proved its worth in Denver. They only averaged about 18 points per game, ranked 25th in total offense despite being #1 in rushing. it was productive enough when the defense kept them in the game, but was complete crap against teams like the Patriots and just about any team that could actually score. It was the least effective offense Denver had seen in decades. It was good enough to barely get by into the playoffs against bad teams, but it had a long way to go in Denver before I'd say it proved its worth.

    ...and teams were already looking into heading into that direction before Tebow was drafted. Michael Vick was doing it long before Tebow was in college, even came back from prison and had an MVP caliber season with it. Vince Young turned a few heads doing it as well, and might have succeeded without some of his problems between the ears. McNabb was brought up.

    Tebow has the running part down pat. The biggest knocks on him by most analysts seems to be his accuracy and his ability to read defenses. Those knocks will sink a career long before media attention, people liking him, and people not liking him ever will. Especially when the perception is that he has not improved on those things and he just completed his third year. He's so far behind the curve now it ain't even funny.

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