Mark Sanchez sucks

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TNJet, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This is the thing, everyone wants to talk in absolutes. He wasn't irrelevant. Part of the reason we won in a blowout is in two RZ trips we threw for TDs instead of settling for FGs. Our first TD was on 3rd down and a great throw. He wasn't irrelevant, we just didn't need him in the second half. The first half we did and he played good.

    It isn't all one way or the other. He was relevant and then the game got out of hand and we stopped throwing.

    This game doesn't confirm or deny anything about his career, but to say he did nothing is wrong.
    #801 displacedfan, Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  2. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    ....a lot like Namath's big
  3. Clown

    Clown New Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Um dude, your flat out reaching for straws now. How can you not see the crap that you are posting. One thing I know about Sanchez bashers is that they always give one sided stats that only point on the negative instead of the whole pie.

    Y you no bring up his two tds? The two TD that were the first tds of the game??? No instead you fools scan sites for stats like YARDS PER FUCKING ATTEMPT? GO fucking home and stop posting, you are a complete 360 moron.

    No one is saying that Sanchez is elite but he is not as horrible as you pricks make him seem, go and preach that anti-jets agenda in a giants bar or something they would love you.

    When you attack your team QB when he does well you have issues, and should chose to root for another team because obviously your agenda is not being used and should not be used because it sucks and makes no sense and means your also dumb as fuck.

  4. MDBigDog

    MDBigDog Active Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    People who say Sanchez had nothing to do with the win other than not making a mistake seem to miss the fact that he came through on 3rd down and in the red zone which is what good QBs do.

    If anyone listened to Simms on the broadcast today he summed things up pretty well. Sanchez has played better than his stats showed and while he made some very nice throws today.

    Nobody's saying he's the next coming of Montana but only Jets fans would criticize their QB after a game he plays well in just because he didn't get enough passing yards or somehow leading scoring drives isn't the same as leading them to victory. This was a great team effort today and I for one enjoyed the game and thought Sanchez, Greene, and the OL/DL really stepped up today. Now we just need them to keep doing it, especially next week against the Pats
  5. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Some people need to take off their clown shoes and go to bed.
  6. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    Well said.
  7. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Yeah that's a fair comparison, since Namath in the Superbowl against the league Juggernaut Colts completed 17 of 28 passes for 206 yards of the total 335 yards the Jets put up that day. I can see how that compares well to Sanchez's 82 yards on 12 completions compared to the running games 252 rushing yards.

    Real good comparison there /sarcasm.
  8. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    2 TD 0 INT 0 Fumbles

    What. The. Fuck.
  9. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    The people bashing Sanchez today or at least not giving him his dues are lost. Sanchez didn't put up crazy numbers because the team rushed successfully 40 times for a great average. I mean why the heck would you launch passes deep if your running game is picking apart the opposition at will? That's Brian Schottenheimer's level of boneheadedness. Sanchez was effective in the red zone, outside of 1 or 2 throws threw the ball where it needed to be and kept the Colts D respectable enough that the running game onslaught commenced.

    A great day out of the O-Line+An actual running game+ Hill & Keller back=pretty good Mark Sanchez.....well what do you know, a QB succeeds behind his O-Line, RB and targets playing and playing well.
  10. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    he sucked less today.
  11. Clown

    Clown New Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Notice another fucking reply posting selective stats......

    Why don't you post stuff like comp % or TDs or interceptions or fumbles along with that dry ass sandwich you call a post....

    nah because it would make the post you wrote look dumb....
  12. JustaJetFan

    JustaJetFan Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    No, he played a good, mistake-free game. He may have not been bombing the ball 50 yards like Stafford was, but he showed great accuracy(Hill TD pass), didn't force anything, and managed the game.
  13. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    First off, your wrong, Sanchez threw the first TD of 5 yards after the Running game racked them up in to scoring position. The second TD of the game came off a Green run. The last TD of the first half came from Sanchez, so no, Sanchez did not throw the first 2 TD's of the game.

    Secondly I did credit his one good throw to hill for a TD, but every other throw was a JAG throw, easy routes, short passes. If you have to call an 82 yard game where the running game set up 2 short TD passes as justification for Sanchez, that is it's very own reach.

    Okay so your a Sanchez fan, but as I've stated repeatedly, it's not just this season that I'm not a fan of Sanchez for, it's his entire career to date, not once has he been more than a bottom 1/4 QB. I'm not someone who has been anti-Sanchez since he was drafted. I had concerns about his lack of experience in college, but he had the tools. But we're 4 years in to his career now and he's not shown much ability thus far, like I said thus far no stat category in his career has been above the bottom 1/4 of the league in any given year. Save for his TD total in 2011 where that one category ranked him as #16 in the league, just average on that one stat. Every other stat was bottom 1/4 or lower. Stats from a single game mean squat...but stats over time give a clear indication of a players true merit. Because at the end of the day, or the career of a player, that stats are what will tell that players story. to date Sanchez has pretty much mirrored Dilfer's first 4 years, so if Dilfer is what your looking for, that's what you've got.

    So if you want to attack my logic fine, but keep the personal insults away please. Those who result to personal insults and profanity are those who realize their on thin ice.
  14. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Some of these Jets fans only care if their QB has a rocket arm and is throwing for 300+ yards. They must love the game Andy Dalton had today vs a mediocre Browns defense.
  15. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I'm not bashing him on today's game, but I'm not giving him undue props either. He played an error free game in a limited role game. I am criticizing people who claim that an 82 yard game with two short td's as a great game. It wasn't, it was a well managed game. But when your paying top 5 money at QB you want much more than that. It was enough for today, but he has to step it up when the game relies on him to drive the team.
  16. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    He did what was asked of him. I get you want more consistency but considering he was made out to be the devil and scapegoat for the losses this year, lets give him his due for playing a smart game and made plays when called upon.

    Its a very good game, its not mediocre nor is it earth shattering. There's no reason for Sanchez to go out of the realm if the defense is showing they are getting destroyed on the ground and that you can pound them in the Time of Possession game. Then it'd be absolutely stupid playcalling by Sparano. The reason Sanchez completion pct. is so low is because he's having to chuck the ball 30+ times because the running game before today was he has a very nice completion pct. game, which last week so many swore was a vital stat and the leading knock on Sanchez.

    I understand there will be times he'll be required to do more but if the running game gives us have of what it did today along with the O-Line, then we can begin to really assess Year 4 Mark Sanchez. Today though, Sanchez did a very nice job and there should not be any Jet fan bashing him or not putting down their ego to say he did a nice job. There will be times to bash him possibly down the road, today's not it.
  17. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    clown, your living up to you name really well right now. If you read back through this thread you will see I have addressed the stats, including completion percentages, fumbles, int etc. But since you want interceptions and fumbles, in that game mentioned of Namath 0 interceptions, 0 fumbles.
    Yes he had no TD throws, but remember these facts. The superbowl 3 colts were the best defense in the league, the 2012 colts, not so much. In those days you could hold recievers, knock them down, etc as long as the ball wasn't in the air, there was no 5 yard contact rule. Namath Set a passing record of 4007 yards in the air, a record that stood for nearly a decade with noone within 300 yards of that record.

    Cherry picking stats to make it look good? the only person I see cherry picking stats to make it look good is yourself with the cherry picking of 2 short TD passes.

    Namath's big game, that you called out, put sanchez's game to shame in every phase except TD's thrown. And he did it against a vastly superior team than the 2012 colts in an era that didn't have the pass friendly rules of today.

    So if you want to talk about cherry picking, go look in a mirror.
  18. Clown

    Clown New Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Hey if you are gonna cherry pick... im gonna cherry pick... i don't see anything wrong with that.

    Why do you keep comparing a Superbowl game to this game by the way???
  19. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Wrong, never judge any player by one game. But rather the body of work that the QB has performed. As I've said, Sanchez played a nice managed game. But it's not a great game, it doesn't even come close to off setting his body of work. In fact it re-inforces the pre-existing body of work. When teh defense and running game carry the game sanchez is successful. The problem is when any facet of the game isn't working between the running game and the defense Sanchez falters. Like I said, thus far in his career he's been trent dilfer. a winner when all he has to do is hand the ball off and pass occasionally, a loser (overall) when he has the carry the team for a period of time.

    One game does not a career make.
  20. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I wasn't the one who made the initial comparison, someone else did and I responded to that. Or don't you actually read? just curious.

    And again if you go back further in the thread I've gone through every Sanchez stat, no cherry picking, all his stats, as well as his breakdown for 4th quarter and second half performances for each season of his career. Granted I ignored total yards, but included yards per attempt (I ignored total yards because that would improperly weigh stats against Sanchez since the jets have always been a run first team during his time with the team and would give too much weight to teams who pass a lot more than the Jets yes I did cherry pick a little bit, but in that case it was to eliminate a stat that actually made Sanchez look worse than he actually is.).

    My advice clown, and I use that in every since of the word, I suggest you go back and re-read the posts in the thread before you make a further Donkey of yourself.

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