Yeah, that should keep the media bandwagon selling tickets. The New York Circus. We already have a good wide receiver who isn't injury prone or a locker-room cancer. He's called Jeremy Kerley and he deserves a fair shot at being our go-to receiver for the immediate future.
For real it's not a long term solution.. our young guys will still be on the field. Well just have a guy that's anxious to prove everyone wrong.
I hate locker room cancers, but I say pick up plax, TO, and CJ. one of them is going to be successful, and cut the other two while developing the young guys. We are running out of options with all these injuries. The only thing I fear is the media coverage. It will be utter chaos. Oh how I hate the media...
Apologies, I forgot that the ever-understanding Terrell Owens would be happy with a situational role. He's a good sort and would take many of our youngsters under his wing.
What do we really have to lose......Why not.....We lost revis, we lost holmes.......we now see we can play with no body at WR and play a game. Why not give our team a shot.....What do we really have to lose drama and a shitty season......we may have a shitty season with team we have so why not. I did like cro at wr though!!
Lets give T.O a shot. He wants to play, he'll come cheap, he wants to prove that he could still play. If he doesn't pan out we simply cut him, contract wont be guaranteed. We have nothing to lose and possibly a #1 to gain. At least for this season. I know you guys are worried about his issues but you would have to think that he would be smart about it as he still has some left in him. If anything we simply cut him, no warnings.
Because he is a douche and will take away from Hill and Kerley getting touches. We aren't winning more than 5 games either way and he won't help us win any more.
Everyone on here who is claiming that we have Kerley is clueless. We DO have Kerley, but you're telling me that having one good WR is our answer? LOL If these guys suck, we cut 'em. If they're good, we are back to a good WR core. There literally is NOTHING to lose. Nothing. Woody will sell his tickets and we could be back to playoff status. Sign them all!!! Kerley will develop and will have Veteran talent around him. It's a win win situation for all in my opinion. Give these guys another chance at the game. Let them show what they still got
If there is any chance of this happening, I say sign all of them immediately (and Kellen Winslow for good measure). Make sure Cimini gets wind of it first so he is ded and out of the way for good. . I was totally against signing these guys but I am starting to warm up to the idea. Plax - no because of his no-confidence in our QB. TO is probably the most talented and best shape of them all. But i would pay to see Ocho pull out his antics in NYC - Imagine him catching a TD and doing some wacky shit in the endzone - a la NYC? He'd probably pull JayZ out of his sock and sing Empire State of mind in the EZ.
Can this thread be removed? Seeing T.O twice gives me double vision...which I thought was gone after I finished drinking my pain away last night watching the Jets stumble in the 4th Q.
I don't like giving up assets, especially picks as that's all we have to give, but I would rather trade a later round pick for someone serviceable than sign Owens to be honest.
That's just stupid. Our picks are so valuable right now it's not even funny. Sign them for a cheap and take a risk
For Realsies! Terrell, Chad, or Plax - picksies The title sucks. But its self-explanatory. Leaving aside Mike T and Rex's decisions, if you were running the show, who would you take? Or would you not take any of them?
Ocho is 34 he is not young. I want none of them or all of them. no need to feed the media or if you are going to do it at least go all out so we can watch them lose their shit.
I picked the "none of them" option, the reason isn't that I think our receivers are good enough it's just that I don't want any of these guys. I'd much prefer we just keep what we have and go forward. Keller and Hill should be back soon, so at least that is something positive. I'd rather not do anything at all but I'd even prefer making a trade for someone useful than signing one of these clowns. Best idea: Keep what we have now and ride out the season. If it doesn't work out address it in the offseason. It's not like TO will shoot us from an outside chance at a wildcard spot to top of the AFC (or AFCE for that matter), he might even make things worse based on his behavior problems and whatnot.
I gotta agree here. Sign them all! There is nothing to lose except money. And then we'd have good depth at WR. Think of all the options!!!! You can mix and match different receivers, throw different receivers in at the slot, and change up ALOT of things. But who am I? I'm just another fan, hoping the Jets FO figures out that picking up another receiver or two for a deep threat is a good idea.