The media may explode but I think the universe would implode. It is like a black hole. You can't sign that many over the hill, under performing, locker room cancers to one team: it would cause bad juju, the fabric of the time space continuum would be stained AND torn, dogs would no longer chase cats, and the world would be thrown out of it's current orbit into deep space dooming humanity to live on a frozen tomb. Not to mention that this would make baby Jesus cry. Can't do it.
So people are saying they'd rather have the wide outs we have right now who 32 teams passed on than take a risk on a guy who is up there in all receiving categories (TO), a washed up but still viable alternative to what we already have (Johnson), and somebody who proved he is a red zone threat just last year (Plax)? Johnson and TO are friends, so I can't see any locker room drama there. All are desperate to play so they can't complain about to much and if they do, cut them. I'd take them over what we currently have any day.
You beat me to the punch on that one. I have felt this team wasn't anywhere close enough to a playoff team to bring in one of these guys to make a push. Sure, everyone has passed on TO, Chad, etc. But they passed on Hill and Gates too and we signed them. I guess I'd be in favor of one, or even 2 of them coming in. Just to field a respectable team, at this point. They should be cheap. But, in theory, the hardest part of the schedule is over so I imagine they'll stick with what they got now thinking they can make it work. It will not.
Honestly... Why not... how much worse can it get? If these guys are locker room cancer thats the on the coaching staff to discipline him. Do you think Chad Johnson was a distraction at NE? no,(was he effective though? no). But he wasnt a cancer, he didnt make headlines because Bill Belichick handles his players I really love Rex, but I feel like he needs to start getting angry with his players. He needs to get in sanchez's face and let him know he needs to play better. But not just Sanchez, all the players. The locker room problems last year were totally the coaches fault. You cannot let stuff like that happen. You have got to control your players. I would love to have those three @ssholes on this team, but I think Rex is too soft to control them. But like I said, can it get much worse? at least sign them to one years with the league minimum. Even if you sign 3 and one turns out to be very successful and helpful that is a positive. Maybe them not getting signed for a while will make them be thankful for being on a team and they will shut their mouths... maybe...
Some people on here are hilarious. Our WR core consists of Stephen Hill (coming off an injury), Kerley, Gates (who is injured now), Jason Hill, and Chaz Schilens. Because 32 other teams passed up on these three guys, now we should as well? Stupid thinking. The facts are simple. We have a mediocre receiving group who did well last night. Now with Gates out as well, we have barely anything left. You sign two or all of these guys and just like that, we have a upgraded receiving core with more weapons on the offense. People here are saying they are washed up. So you're telling me that a so called "washed up" TO, Johnson, and Plax would not be better than Gates, Schilens, and Jason Hill? LOL I think this is a must. Bring these guys in. If they suck, we cut them, no harm no foul. If they're good, we make a run for the playoffs and see what happens. Plax would definitely help us tremendously in the redzone, just as he did last year. If Holmes was not injured, I would be opposed to making this move, but he is injured and we need weapons. These 3 guys could very well be our answer. They are biting at the bit to get on the field. They will give everything they got to make this roster and perform. Clowns? Whether we bring them in or not, we are labeled as clowns. Who gives a fuck? LOL I love how the media really hurts some people on here with their remarks. We can be clowns with a winning record. That's perfectly fine with me.
It would be funny. Do it PLUS make tebow starter, just so we can watch steven A and skip just yell uncomprehendingly at each other for an hour on first take. no words just hair pulling and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHs. joking aside before the incident ocho cinco was supposed to be a 1# wide reciever for an nfl team I think he has a little left in the tank and he would be dirt cheap. also he has always been a clown, but there hasn't been reports of locker room divaness like T.O.
As stupid as this idea is, this is probably a good idea. Sanchez, with the receivers left this year, is doomed no matter what. Yeah, he can stay in as long as he can as our QB, but how can he ever succeed with these receivers? At least give him a shot to throw it at some guys who can at least be good, experienced possession receivers. One year deals for all of them, and give Sanchez a chance to show something. But he's doomed no matter what. I don't know he continues to be a class act through this whole situation of everyone shitting on him every chance they get, the Jets not helping him at all, not giving a shit about our offensive line situation at the beginning of the year, not giving him receivers to throw to, no running game. He's doomed.
Yeah, he's doomed but he's rich and doomed. All he has to do is stay classy on his way out the door and the impact on him will be limited. The Jets on the other hand are going to be stinging for years on the way they handled the drafting and grooming (non-existent) of a franchise QB. My best guess at this point is that Woody waits another year to be sure and then we get a total wipe-out of the football operation with a big name coming in to run the show.
I've given this a ton of thought and I would be onboard with one...MAYBE two of these guys. As many have said above, what could it hurt? We are decimated and must find some stop gaps. T.O. is basically begging to be in the league. I think, under a veteran minimum contract, he would provide some production. He is the surest of the three IMO. Something tells me that there is a whole lot, under the surface, we do not know about Plax. And I'm not just talking about the locker room crap last year either. He must have really burned a couple bridges on the way out to not be back at this point considering our situation. Were he on good terms I, personally, figured he would have been signed in the pre-season. I'm not sure about C. Johnson. I watched hard knocks and noticed that he could not get off the L.O.S. If you can't get off the line then you are no good. Having said all that, again, I would definitely bring in one. We need somebody.
We sign those guys and we have to cut a bunch. What we really need is for guys to get back from injury. Cumberland finally had a touchdown yesterday, but he's still dropping passes and causing picks. We only lost that game by 6 points aka 1 possession. If we didn't do that on sides kick or if Schillens actually caught the ball it would have been nice. It's clear our biggest weakness is the WR unit, and the oline is mediocre. I'm getting tired of tipped balls from our own team becoming picks. We need Keller BADLY. We need Stephen Hill back. Jason Hill dropped an excellent pass from Tebow. Kerley's good. The solution isn't signing a bunch of hasbeens. It's developing the guys we have. I like our chances. Losing by 6 to the best team in the league shows we have a chance to beat anyone. Even if this year is a wash, we should use it to build chemistry with the young receivers. Remember, Sanchez is guaranteed through this season AND next season. We need to develop the young guys so that next year when we finally fill our LB holes and OL holes we should be able to have a great season next year in our attempt to play the SB in our own building.
Lets give T.O a shot. He wants to play, he'll come cheap, he wants to prove that he could still play. If he doesn't pan out we simply cut him, contract wont be guaranteed. We have nothing to lose and possibly a #1 to gain. At least for this season. I know you guys are worried about his issues but you would have to think that he would be smart about it as he still has some left in him. If anything we simply cut him, no warnings.
Aside from needing better formatting, that was a great post. It's also worth nothing that TO, Plax, and Ocho wouldn't play special teams.
At this point what is the downside? Media will have a field day with it but the guy was a 1000 yard receiver in SF, Dal, Phil, and over 800 in Buffalo and nearly 1000 in Cinci. Still in great shape, can run routes, and make plays. Unless they are going to go out and bring in a legit running back from no where