Random thought when teams take a knee: Why do you put the WR/RB very far back? Wouldn't you rather a LB/S/CB just in case there is a fumble and recovery by the opposing team?
yes sir. definitely serious. I seen pats roll over ppl in regular season only to get exposed in plaoffs many years running now
Vick likes to run...the other QBs you mention will most likely give themselves up which means, you aren't allowed to hit them. Vick doesn't do that so defenses know that they can attack. With the other QBs, the defenses will lay off a bit since they are going down anyways. You right, its in the back of the brain but its because how the QBs play. Nothing to do with the refs.
Well how the QBs play probably affect the refs a little, without meaning to. You are used to see Big Ben and Vick taking shots because of how they play. Like the play on RGIII today. If that was a QB that doesn't usually run and they lied still like that, penalty. But it's a QB who has been taking big hits and running so no penalty. To be clear again, I don't think the refs are purposely doing it, but I'm sure the NFL is more likely to throw a fine if its on Brady/Manning than if its Gabbert/Sanchez. That's outside of the play of the game though. Brady actually felt pressure when it wasn't there, the awkward duck he made, and it caused him to get sacked. Weird to see. He's usually really aware in the picket especially when the DL hasn't been getting any pressure all game.
Random note, scoring dropped dramatically in most games today it feels like. Don't know if its matchups, the less than perfect weather on the EC, or what but lots of low scores
actually, that is probably an accurate assessment for the Pats. In the past, the Pats would have brutal schedules but when they reached the playoffs, they were battle hardened. The small mistakes during those close games were exposed and fixed come playoff time. Seems like the Pats aren't tested as much during the past few seasons so they don't have that edge. They need more games against quality opponents. Part of it might have to do with the strength of teams...seems like there is more competition in the NFC these days. When the Pats were winning playoff games, it was almost a given that whoever won the AFC crown was going to win the Super Bowl but now, the NFC seems to gain that edge.
I actually think its more they weren't as well rounded as in the past. They relied on their pass game to make up for lack of a run game/defense and when the going got tough for the pass game, they had nothing to rescue it. Brady is human and you facer better offenses and defenses in the playoffs and when he got off his game thel ast couple years, the Pats had nothing to fall back on. Last 5 years of the playoffs for him from memory: 07: Amazing game against JAX, close okay game against SD, loss against NYG because of defense/offense couldn't score their 30+ like they did all year. 09: Ravens shellacked them. Bad game, but unbalanced team. Flacco completed 4 passes and won. 10: Us. Again, no run game, Brady was off because of all the coverage, defense couldn't stop us. 4 redzone trips and 3 TDs. 11: Amazing against DEN. Ok against BAL, Lee Evans drops and a missed FG. Ok against NYG, no run game and defense faltered late.