According to the jets cap page, we'd create over 11 million in dead money by cutting him next year. Tannebaum strikes again... Got to find a desperate team which will throw us a 7th rounder and eat his contract...
Well there goes that theory. Thanks, Cappy!!!! If we fire Tanny can we charge off the contracts to his credit?
The guy just isn't tough. He's great at making catches in space, but most times he needs to absorb some contact during a catch, the ball hits the ground. One of the main reasons I was 100% in favor of keeping Braylon over him.
We are going to have a mini-rebuild on our hands, do you want him around for it? It might be worth the cap hit.
nobody does what Holmes did, you will have a hard time finding a player in bounds who ever did that. I literally cannot remember one time in all my life of watching football.
Just thinking about it, we may be able to find some team to trade for him. If that data from that link is correct, then certainly next years contract is nuts. But if a team trades for him the following 2 years are pretty manageable. The new team would be getting Holmes for 3 years at an average of 5 mill a year. If we can find a team to throw a 5-7 rounder in exchange for him, I'd do it in a heart beat.
If someone will take him off of our hands then great! Would that relieve us of dead money? I'm assuming so, since his contract would remain in tact. If we could break even with a 5th sure. I just don't know who would do it, given his headache status and contract.
What's lost in all this is the cornerback Rogers imitating "Jets Flight" after he scores the touchdown. Just adding salt to a open wound.
yeah I saw that and didnt like it...but im less concerned with what other players on other teams are doing and more concerned with ours. if we dont let them in the end zone they cant do that to begin with.