Notable names include, Reggie Bush,Rashad Mendenhal,Felix Jones,Marion Barber,Chirs Ivory,Woodhead not alot to chose from but those are the pick of the liter next season
Greene is a career #2, he is the guy you bring in the game to beat up on an already beat up opponent after your #1 RB has been having success on the ground. This is how he had success in 2009 and 2010.
I don't see us being successful on the ground unless we get a quick back. We wont be successful trying to push back their D-Line every time, we need someone to run around. I'd say give Reggie Bush a shot, but with all this controversy with him against us I don't see it happening.
Powell time -- see what you have for next season before you ride greene to week 15 and have no shot to evaluate powell. Start him next week
Reggie Bush has gotten really good running between the tackles, I would take him in a heart beat over Greene, Bush can catch it out of the backfield as well and he's fast i hope we make a run at him
When your feature back, Shonn Greene, is averaging 2.8 ypc, and has 1 TD, 2 fumbles (none lost), and a long run of 6 yards after 4 games, you've got problems. Yes, after 68 attempts on the year, his longest run is 6 yards. WTF?
Greene stinks, the OL stinks. I don't think we've even tried to run off-tackle all fuckin year. How bout a pitch or sweep or something!
I hate that there is a bunch of teams with 2 or 3 running backs better than Shonn Greene. A lot of them mid-late round picks or undrafted.
We have to get rid our front office. They obviously cannot evaluate talent and I'm tired of watching "bad" teams and thinking wow that guy is kinda good. I watch the Jets and get crazy excited any time one of our RB actually breaks a tackle or there are yards after the catch. I don't know what our YAC or yards after initial hit but it can't be good. Greene is the KING of just falling down after the initial hit and I'm tired of seeing it now.
Greene is absolutely terrible. Fails to bounce outside, once he's touched by an opponent he drops to the floor. He just sucks. And why they continue with the God damn automatic run on 1st down for no gain every Sunday behooves me. I thought we got rid of this when we get rid of Schottenheimer? What a god damn joke. We need a decent rb.