Tebow on the opening drive vs. rest of game

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by jerseyjay14, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    I absolutely love how we worked in Tebow a ton on the opening drive. Moreso how we moved him around from TE/WR/QB. I think it really takes away from a defenses aggressiveness to start the game as they are now thinking instead of reacting.

    I dont advocate using tebow that often throughout the game. but seeing him 3,4,5 times on the opening drive i think is a benefit to set the tone. and i dont think he is hurting us at all lining up at TE or in the slot with mark at QB... especially if the defense has a special "tebow" sub package on defense they bring in expecting him to be under center.

    other then that, i didnt really like how we used him. Too much wildcat in the wrong downs and distances. I'm not a huge fan of tebow in the wildcat, except in short yardage. and i dont recall many 3rd and 2 or less situations, if any, with tebow in the wildcat. too many 2nd and 8's for that package.

    tebow operates best in the shotgun with 4 or 5 wides, spread out where he either makes the first read throw or runs vs a spread out defense.
  2. Jim-Jet

    Jim-Jet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I'm a Tebow fan. That said - whatever they use him for has to work to be effective for very long. Trotting him out for a cameo will not work at keeping teams off balance - they will just ignore him. If all he does is run or hand the ball off they will just stack the box.

    I was pleased with how the Jets offense clicked yesterday and I fully expect Sporano has plenty of more Tebow options in mind if they are truly planning to keep Tebow part of the game plan. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  3. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    They were probably seeing what packages and defenses the Bills were going to show early so they could counter with some things later if need be. Fortunately they didn't need to show much yesterday.
  4. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I agree with pretty much this whole post. I think you run it out early in the first 20 plays, just to see how they align, how they defend, and perhaps it's going to work to just totally gash them. If they hold serve, you come back later with something that plays off how they defend it, or a trick where it looks like wildcat again, but Sanchez moves over and Tebow hits the H back slot.

    Really, something that gets you a couple of big plays a game (or even one), can be worth it, when you consider there's the ancillary benefit of forcing the defense to prepare for it, and keeping them guessing during the game.
  5. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Agreed -- the offense was clicking so well yesterday, I don't see how there's any negative to be taken away from that game. On a game that dominant, you have to assume that whatever they did, it worked. More data needed in a tight game as the offense evolves.
  6. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I'd be interested to see how they would use Tebow in a competitive game. Would they bring him in more, or ditch it and go with Sanchez? At this point, I don't know which would be better. That's the kind of thing that causes controversy. If a game isn't going well with Sanchez at the helm and Tebow comes in and is viewed as a savior if things go well, the Jets will have problems. The more I look at this situation, the less I like it now. I think the easy win and way that Buffalo laid down yesterday masked an upcoming problem. I think it just delayed the inevitable b.s. that is coming.
  7. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Best thing for Tebow and the Jets would be Sanchez playing lights out and give Tebow time to work on the things he needs to work on.
  8. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I agree. Its all well and good for him to contribute a bit here and there, but I want to see him study and work on mechanics and just try to become a better quarterback for when/if he ever gets another chance to start.
  9. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I want to see him do both :)
  10. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    If the OL can continue to give sanchez time tebows role will be exactly what I've been telling people since we acquired him.

    Ballcarrier, H back, and throwing from play action to catch defenses off guard.

    When sanchez plays like he does yesterday there absolutely no reason to ask tebow to take snaps at qb outside of trick plays.

    The jets have nothing to gain by disrupting sanchez rhythym and ask tebow to throw from traditional passing plays.

    Now if sanchez goes down that's obviously all out the window. He's a backup qb who's such an athlete he can contribute in other roles. Nothing more nothing less.

    Anyone expecting him to develop into a starting role needs to either hope ssanchez gets hurt or wait till tebow drops the nice guy act and asks for a change of scenery.

    Edit: what I wonder is, tebow is such a competitor with a will to win, if the jets see alot of success in this current system and usage of him does he embrace the role or push to establish himself as a franchise qb? I just don't see it happening in NY. Not as long as sanchez is healthy
    #10 Coach K, Sep 11, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
  11. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Not necessarily. I would like to see him develop his QB skills, and if Sanchez unfortunately goes down or has a meltdown, I want him to be ready to play QB, not punt protector or FB/TE. That doesn't mean I want to see Sanchez get hurt, I don't wish that on anybody. That's people's lives were talking about here. Would I like to see Tebow starting here or somewhere? Yes. Do I want to see someone get hurt or suck for that to happen? No. But the reality of the NFL is that both could happen, and that is the job of a QB2 to be ready if the unfortunate happens.

    I think with the recent focus of him playing special teams and run-only wildcat packages, he is on the path to never being considered to be a QB1 by any other team if a vacancy at QB arises. There are simply too many QBs coming out of college every year who are are considered NFL ready QBs for him to get a shot going into his 4th year (next year). Tebow is now at a watershed moment in his career, and I strongly believe he hurt his already strained QB image with what he is doing with the Jets, though I commend his willingness to do anything to help.

    He basically went all-in on the Jets. No front office is going to take him seriously as a QB1 if this continues... only a few did before he joined the Jets. It's either take Sanchez's job at some point , become a journeyman backup and wait for a chance, switch positions, or retire.

    We'll see if Sanchez does as good as he did against the Bills against the Steelers. If he excels without big plays from Tebow assisting, this issue may get put to bed. The Bills game was a cakewalk, as they were not in danger of losing this game at any point of that blowout. The Steelers should be a better test for Sanchez. I'm looking to see if he steps up and becomes elite or if he folds. The narrative if he plays poorly will be all about how Tebow beat the Steelers last year and Sanchez didn't beat them this year. That is how the media will spin it to get more headlines.
  12. JET'S_my_name

    JET'S_my_name Banned

    Apr 28, 2012
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    Ignoring Tebow on the field would be a huge mistake if they get caught off guard.
  13. boston_jet

    boston_jet New Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    starting him at TE was hilarious!!!!!!
  14. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    thats a big word.

    Teams wont ignore Tebow, but I dont think they are going to spend too much time working on defending the WC either. I wish the Jets would use him the right way, but so far (just 1 game of course) I am worried they wont use his strengths to our advantage and they will merely give the illusion of running the WC.

    Who knows though, hopefully they find better scenarios for him otherwise just keep him on the sidelines in a baseball cap.
  15. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I'm impressed with how Rex and Tony handled Tim. I like that they were able to stay vanilla with Tim in the first game. I'm glad there was no need to do otherwise. It allowed the dust to settle on any Jets' QB questions by fans or the media. There will undoubtedly be opportunities for Tim to contribute to Jets' successes as the season progresses. ANY predictions concerning Tim's QB viability are totally premature and most often guided by fear or hate. Sooner or later Tim will show his stuff.

    In Rex and Tony I trust!!!
    Go Jets!!!

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