What exactly are they saving for the regular season?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by yahoo, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    do you do palm readings too?
  2. Combustible Rextible

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Wow. Trident stabbings? I was certain Madden 13 couldn't be that much different this year. Guess I was wrong.
  3. erasmus

    erasmus New Member

    Aug 16, 2003
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    I say that they are going to use something other than the "wildcat"...I would bet for something more like the "pistol" offense that several colleges use. Similar to what KC did a year or so ago.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    What is also telling is that most of Sanchez's passes Sunday night were 10+ yards in the air. You had Holmes, Turner, Hill, Keller all receiving passes of 10+ yards in the air I believe. He wasn't checking down on Sunday probably because he almost had his full offense instead of Hill and Turner being the #1/2 wide receivers. He also had an O line which without Hunter gave him an extra second or two to step in and put some zip on the ball.

    I agree with your sentiment on that all checkdowns would be terrible, but we didn't see that on Sunday so there is hope the "chunk yards" that Sparano has spoked about in the past will be in play here.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The distance on passes last year was a function of the protection which was almost non-existent for long stretches. I expect Sanchez to be taking shots down the field again like he was in 2010. I just don't think his receivers are as good as they were that year.

    Give Sanchez a couple of hot receivers this year and he'd probably throw for 4500 yards. As it is he'll probably get 3600 and only because the Jets will have to throw the ball a lot in the second half of most games.
  6. Steelerstone

    Steelerstone New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    What exactly are they saving for the regular season?

    Tim "Catapult" Tebow:lol::lol::lol:
  7. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This entire episode of "saving it for the real season" is making this team appear to be run by idiots or guys trying to bluff their way into a credible offense. Seriously, who is taking these statements at their face value? It's beginning to sound more like a cover, just like the much ballyhooed "ground and pound", for a subpar offense staffed by subpar personnel.

    I guess if I had a Lamborghini, I'd "save it for Christmas" instead of showing it off today.. Whatever..
  8. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I disagree. I don't see why this is such a big deal. The Jets don't want to show everything to the press... so what?
  9. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    wins that matter.
  10. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I was just listening to Mike and Mike's Jets preview, and they both had the Jets going 6-10. I think they can do better, but I could see a 6-10 season.
  11. Ajitator

    Ajitator Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    I think it's less the scheme and more the personelle that we're trying to keep under wraps to be honest. I'm actually somewhat convinced that McKnight and possibly even cro are going to be a big parts of our Wildcat package.

    McKnight ran pretty solid the first game ( 7 for 32 ) and then was not give many other carries ( 3 - NY, 0 - CAR ) we started working on WC after the Bengals game I believe. Could be coincidence, Could be that McKnight is going to make his plays in this formation.
  12. Velocityvirus

    Velocityvirus New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    David Carr once averaged 68% completion percentage in a season. It's doesn't matter if you complete 95% of your passes if that 5% prevents you from getting in the endzone.
  13. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    they seem to be saving a lot for the season. the preseason was used this year by the jets to judge their personell against others in live action. they didnt run anything fancy for a reason. they opened up a bit in the panthers game, and we saw a glimpse of the aerial attack coming this season. sparano is a guy that rotates his backs as well, so we didnt really see much at all of sparanos offense. take that as you will. do you all really expect a huge regression out of mark sanchez in the redzone this season? the media is absolutely ridiculous, and a lot of media guys are even saying the jets d is going to fail this yaer. its to the point where i can barely even pay attention to it because its just some loudmouth jack ass lickin his chops as he bashes the jets. you can hear their smiles on the radio, and you can see them holding back chuckles on the tv. its just crazy this season. its always been pretty bad, but this year its just insane.

    i can guarantee you any opponent of the jets is not taking them as lightly as the media is, and im pretty sure they are all a bit agitated they dont know what to gameplan for going up against this offense. it probably doesnt give much advantage if any but whatever. im not a coach in the nfl, so i barely know what im talking about here anyway.
  14. I encourage people to to go on NYJETS.COM & listen to the entire PC's completed by Rex/Sparano.The media only takes the flashy quotes. It doesn't tell the whole story.

    Above "Not showing everything", I think alot of the issue is that they are still installing this new offense. This is a brand new system w/ a change in philosophy as well as terminology. Every offensive coordinator handles a new system installation differently. Sparano appears to be convinced the best way to do it is in incraments. Slowly but surely building things up for week 1. He doesn't care how vanilla or how much "overall" progress is made against opponents in the preseason.He's looking for specific things on any given/play or series. We aren't gonna see a finished product till week 1. I suggest reserving judgment till then.
  15. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    but no touchdowns! In the preseason! 4-12! Sky falling!
  16. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Edge, the issue becomes what WILL they show in the 1st game. They're making this out to be a state secret that they're holding the offense back. Sooner or later, they're gonna have to show the whole card. If they come up short, the only excuse they'll have is "it's a new system". Its almost as if they're making this unveiled offense something so great and innovative that they dare not reveal it to the league before the season begins or teams will be have more time to prepare. The opposite is just as likely. This offense could be so f'n simple that Ohio State could prepare for it. Most dolphin fans would say the latter is most likely the case as they've already seen the Sparano system deployed.

    Something smells here big time Edge..
  17. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    agreed! it will only take one game for the dick lebeaus and bellichicks of the league to figure out how to defense the " secret offense". besides, brad smith of the bills can give dave w enough info , in addition to tape the bills already have from fins games when sparano was there , to practice against it. not showing it during preseason games means not getting actual game experience against other team's defenses. unless they perfectly execute in the first game, highly unlikely, it could actually backfire.
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Most teams go vanilla for preseason. I thought this was something most people knew. It's pretty disturbing that the Jets went more vanilla than most teams, but it's obvious to anyone that watches the game closely that they really didn't show squat during the preseason, so I'm not sure what this disdain for the idea of saving it comes from.

    Can you tell us what kinds of complex looks the Jets showed so far? What do you mean 'it almost sounds like a cover'? It's the truth. They only pulled their guards about 5 times during the first 3 games, showed no alternate personnel groupings and really nothing out of the ordinary in terms of formation.

    Exactly what 'cover story' are you talking about? Can you be specific? Do you mean they're going to be running a vanilla gameplan all season?
  19. BleedGreen4ever

    BleedGreen4ever Active Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    If you watched the preseason you would notice we barely used the play action pass, sanchezs best play, and we kept the plays extremely simple. We also didn't show whether we are going to use the classic wildcat with Tebow where he will basically be running the ball exclusively, or the triple option, which he also can execute very successful. Now the reason teams caught on to the wildcat is because the week before playing the dolphins they would practice the few plays and variations of the wildcat for a few days because the offense was so one dimensional. The reason new England stopped tebow last playoffs is because they practiced how to stop tebows one dimensional offense for a whole week.

    The beauty of our offense is that right now the bills have no idea what to practice for. Do they spend the week preparing for a normal Sanchez led offense, in which case we implement the wildcat or triple option which they are unprepared for. Or do they practice defending against the triple option all week, in which case we have Sanchez run his regular offense. The truth is with two quarter backs with two different skill sets we have the ability to really find the defenses weakness and expose it. Also there simply isn't enough time to prepare for all three or four or however many dimensions of our offense we will have in one week. This is why we are not tipping our hand because defensive preparation is going to be the key to stopping our offense, and it will take a lot of preparation.
  20. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    What I mean is, this constant "we're keeping it vanilla" story we're getting from the CS sounds like a cover story for.. "Our new offense isn't ready for primetime yet". To say that this early in the season wouldn't set well with the season ticket holders would it..

    What makes anyone think, given the history of this offense going back to 2009, that the Jets can simply flip the invisible switch and suddenly become explosive on offense? Its not like we've been lighting it up on offense for years now but suddenly, there's this pressing need to hide everything in our arsenal. Sorry, but I'm not buying into that.

    Tell you what Byz, if this team somehow, someway, comes out on Week 1 and lights up the Bills with things we've never seen before compliments of Sparano, I will be the first one to admit I was wrong.

    The Jets really haven't had a truly scary offense in a very long time. I doubt seriously if that's changed and we're about to unveil an offense so mighty, so dangerous, so dominating, that to be fair to the rest of the AFCE, we had better not show it until Game 1.

    I didn't see such an offense with the Sparano led Dolphins. Perhaps he picked it up somewhere along I-95 between Miami and the Meadowlands. We will see won't we...

    One last thing.. This vanilla style of play didn't apply to the defense. Why is that? I've seen plenty of pressures and blitzes instead of 3 man rushes and 8 dropping into coverage. Why vanilla on offense while its business as usual on defense? Oh yeah, its a new system and we're not quite ready to unveil it yet..
    #60 Cman68, Aug 29, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012

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