Its not all Tanny - Rex is fading

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ouchy, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    :lol: So your best response is to throw childish insults at me 2 posts in a row. "Durrrr, I disagree so you're stupid! I don't care that what you said is true. You're wrong and a moron!"

    This is why darksider fuckwits can go ahead and jump off the ledge for all I care. We won't miss you. Your posts are a prime example of talking out your ass with no backing, just attacking blindly and religiously. There's other teams to root for, no need to stress your mental health by rooting for a team you can't handle. There is only 1 coach in Jets history that comes close to doing what Rex has done here, and that's Bill Parcells.
  2. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Nice knowing ya.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  3. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I agree. The problem with the BPA strategy is that you have to be patient and stick with it and do it over a number of years. By nature you can end up stacking certain areas while "ignoring" others but over time it should even out. You also can't keep trading away picks like Tanny loves to do.

    I don't know how long it takes for the consistent BPA strategy to come full circle but I'd guess you have to stick with it for at least half a decade, probably longer, to start seeing the strong, deep roster it should yield.
  4. jetsaholic10

    jetsaholic10 Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    How do you define success as a head coach? Winning. Tom Coughlin is now considered one of the best coaches of all time because he turned it on when it mattered in the playoffs. There were many times his team was the laughing stock of the league during the regular season, his team fell out of contention a couple of times late in the season to miss the playoffs, but the Giants stuck with him and he won them 2 Super Bowls.

    Rex brought us to 2 AFC Championships, with a rookie QB one year and a shitty offensive coordinator. 2 out of 3 years to the AFC Championship ain't bad. If he can get us that far, who's to say that he can't take us to the Super Bowl? He's a genius defensively, and that is the reason why we got so far. If we don't do well this year, it's not solely on Rex's coaching. He can definitely pick players out on defense, and one of the reasons we brought Sparano in is because he's a great evaluator of offensive talent.

    This year our offense looks very shitty. But has anyone here seen the offense? No we haven't. Why? Because it's fucking preseason. When we see shit work in Week 1, we forget alllll about the preseason don't we? Well I think after a couple of games we won't be as bad as we think we are and we'll forget all about WFH and our "lack of playmakers" on offense and also forget all about the preseason.

    If we suck, we suck. But which coaches would you rather have? The only coaches I rather have are ones that have won Super Bowls and there are only five of them in the NFL right now. So besides them, who else is proven to be better than Rex? Rex is already better than most coaches because of the fact he brought his team to the AFC Championship twice. In his first 2 years of ever being a head coach.

    With that said, Rex better fucking bring us a Super Bowl this year.
  5. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Lol, what a moron.

    Ever hear of a guy named Weeb Ewbank?

    He actually won a SB.

    You assmonkey.
  6. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    I ain't going nowhere assclown. I am just done arguing with blind faith morons.
  7. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    From what I see, Jets are in the right direction. Not sure how you are sick of SOJFs when you sound like one.

    Im glad you picked up a ton of information about our offense while watching three quarters of preseason.

    The D gave up 82 yards in the first half against SB champs. Not sure how you missed that but only caught the 80 yards of offense for the Jets.

    Jets are looking to trade for a RT. Once get that, Mark will not have anything to complain about. BTW, it was the same horseshit around him last year, yet he played decent for first 14 weeks, until he got injured.

    You called Barc a moron. Seriously? Do you know how salary cap works? If Mark throws 10 TDs and 25 picks this year, he will still be on the Jets. Ever wonder how Gholston lasted here 3 years? Its called having a salary cap to work with. However, I do hope posters like are gone soon enough.

    Only you would think Jets will cut Mark before Tebow, who btw will be a FA next off season anyways, unless resigned.

    No, lets trade away several picks for an over the hill QB and pay him $20 mil a year. Of course you start with the draft, but Jets don't need to do that for the next 6-8 years.

    He gave him the best D to work with. He gave him a great running game to start off his career. He gave him one of the best OL as a rookie and 2nd year. He gave him weapons in the passing game. Then he took a little bit away from him to move it to the D last year. It didn't work, so now he drafted a WR for him, and is looking to trade for a RT for him. What else the fuck you want him to do, bend over for him? Sanchez doesn't have to be elite to win football games. If Sanchez plays at an above average level, Jets will be contenders, because they should have a top 5 D this year.
  8. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    This only matters if Coples and Reiff become the same caliber player. If Coples turns into a monster, and Reiff is an average RT for the Lions, Coples was the right pick. Likewise if Reiff becomes an all-pro and Coples is purely average, then Coples was a bad pick.

    but you can't look at it in the sense you did, as there are a multitude of moving parts as of draft time. There is more to the draft than 1 single season.
  9. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    I am sick of the moron posters calling anyone who does not wear rose colored glasses a sojf, it's a dumb fkng idiotic way to disagree with someone.

    I just flat out disagree with the rest of what u wrote.
  10. Steelersrule

    Steelersrule Member

    Jan 13, 2011
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    This is a good post. Football is a team and family sport. Sometimes it takes several years to grow and gel as a winning team. Revolving coaches only set teams back. While I,m not a fan of Rex's antics I see that his players would jump off a cliff for him. That alone tells you the team is buying what he selling. Once your team is on your side it's just a matter of growing,maturing and bonding as a team. Rex has learned and matured already in NY. This is a sign of a good leader. Rex is good for the NFL and I enjoy watching his sideline habits.
    Short of a total collapse by the Jets(which I don't see happening) I expect to to see Rex with the Jets for years to come.:beer:
  11. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    This post alone is signature worthy. The only person I see calling out others is you. If you are sick of other posters disagreeing with you, then debate the points. But don't start calling them out like you are doing right now. We had another prick of a poster here that did the exact same thing. He later got banned. I wouldn't be surprised if you get banned too.

    Forums are here to discuss and debate. If you don't like anyone's opinion, move on and put them on your ignore list.
  12. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    If you read my posts, I did not start the insults at all, he did.

    I simply stated my opinion, that I don't think Rex is a good coach, and I got attacked for it.

    I have no problem with disagreements, that is what the boards are for, but attack me and I attack back.
  13. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    And yet here you are calling people morons for a difference of opinion.
  14. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Only those who started with me.

    If someone calls me a derogatory name, I think they r a moron, sorry.
  15. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    jets motto under rex ryan:
    "speak loudly and carry a small stick"

    im about tired of his talk and no one better bring up that we lost two AFC championship games and that should give him a free pass
  16. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Still hung up in the Mangini era?
  17. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Agree, all talk.

    It's amazing how his bravado has gotten the fanbase believing he already won a SB.
  18. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Laughable. A head coach who has never had a losing season and has a 4-2 postseason record is fading? Right.
  19. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Yup, he lost the locker room, and has a terrible offense heading into the season.

    He's fading very quickly.
  20. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Who cares if they start with you?

    Learn to be an adult and stop insulting others. Just because they do it, don't stoop to their fucking level. Have an adult debate, and respond to their posts with intelligent and respectful points.

    You'll get more respect, trust me. If you don't care about respect or having a meaningful conversation, then trust me -- you won't last long here.

    I disagree with all your points but I don't think you're a moron, you're just concerned he's a bad coach -- I disagree but I understand your frustration and worry. However, I think he gives this team, his players and his staff a sense of dignity and pride in how he talked/behaved. He has an outstanding defense, and I agree -- a subpar offense.

    But in my opinion, you need to give him patience. Life is a bitch, and it'll ALWAYS try to kick the shit out of you and give you obstacles, and it's not what it throws out at you, but how you handle it.

    Let's see how Rex handles his troubles.

    So far, I've seen a VERY toned down Rex Ryan, who is far more humbled, far less talkative, and is trying his best to try to motivate and support his offense. It's obvious he sees the flaws in his offense but he has a vision. He has a philosophy that he believes in. Great defense, and an offense that minimizes turnovers and a good running game.

    But RR only has so much to work with, he isn't the GM, he doesn't have the final decision in who comes aboard or doesn't, but he does have a strong voice but there's also the salary cap. But I mean, He had a rookie Qb, and he took this team far in his first two years. A few players here or there, and we would have been in the Superbowl. He had a bad third year and here everyone is trying to crucify him. It's just a horrible mentality.

    This man has pushed this organization very far, in the VERY few years he's been with us, I think he's earned our patience. Everyone knows our shortcomings at offense, that's the way it's been for years. Yet we still succeeded. Fact of the matter is we underestimated how important Kris Jenkins was to this offense, and when he went down, WFH magically did very well for a few games, then showed his true colors. I don't know how you can really blame the CS for that.

    There are a lot of factors that play in here, but in the overall grand scheme of things, Rex Ryans presence in this organization has done WAY more good than harm. And I'd be beyond infuriated to see him go due to a bunch of reactionaries who can't just be patient and give the guy time he's duely earned.
    #140 NYDeadEye, Aug 24, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2012

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