Pretty good article. I think Mark and Tim will work out pretty well together.
Thats how I see it, sad thing is if it does work out like that the media will find a way to blow the Tebow part out of proportion. Like "imagine if tebow was in ALL the time, he could do this all the time" not that bluntly but enough to make people who only watch sportscenter believe it because Tebow gets the tough yards. Not that geting down the field is easy but you know what I mean, 3rd and short, goaline TDs. Hopefully Im wrong about that but I doubt that I am.
The trick is getting both of them to know their rolls and I have faith they will... But if they don't I doubt it will end as well as it did for the gators in 06. Sanchez has to be willing to deal with giving up 10% of the reps... Some of which will take place at vital moments.... Easier said than done. Tebow will have to accept the 10% he gets and make the most of it and forget about trying to steal Sanchez's job.... Easier said than done. Gonna be interesting!!
I'm sure they will... They did at UF as well... I remember the crowd booing Leak when they pulled tebow after a nice play. But they stuck it out and it worked well for both of them. This should be how it works this year and if it's successful, Tebows value will rise as some team may have the same thought you alluded to and will try to bring in tebow to actually compete for a starting roll. It's a win win for everyone. That's how I hope it all works out, with Tebow contributing to the Jets success this year, Jets getting great ROI on the trade, and tebow getting a legit shot after getting another year of experience....
If it works out this year, then it will make next year very interesting. See, I'm one of those guys who believes that the Spread Option will work in the NFL and that guys like Tebow, Cam and RGIII are going to prove it. If Tebow can regain the passing consistency that he had at Florida, and he's put in a true Spread Option system ?? Watch out. That was one of my biggest gripes about Fox and McCoy last year. McCoy put some option plays in, but he never really utilized the Spread Option. That was a big mistake.
If this works out it will benefit the team greatly but I'm afraid it's going to stunt Sanchez's growth even more. Can anyone answer this, when the gators ran it was leak on the sideline or at the WR spot or even in the backfield with Tebow?
I want to say all three, just depending on the situation. I clearly remember Leak in the WR, but i would have to go do some research to see if they shared the backfield.
If I remember correctly, Leak was ont he sideline most of the time. It defeats the purpose of having an extra blocker. If anyone could shed some light on how leaving Sanchez and Tebow on the field simultaneously could be benefitial, Im very curious.
If you start Sanchez at WR and Tebow in shotgun, you can then motion Sanchez to the backfield with Tebow back there. Could it work, who knows, but it would definitely lead to some mismatches or confusion on the defense. And Thanks for answering everyone
I guess I don't see how Sanchez provides any mismatch. He does have a tendency to run, but that's only when there's no threat of getting pounded. Lining him up wr seems too risky.
They did it with Brad Smith. I believe that's how the WC is typically run. That's why I mentioned it. Sanchez and Tebow and a RB provides a lot of mismatches if worked correctly. I don't know if it can work, but I feel like it would be more dangerous, except in short yardage positions. Then you can be more straight forward
Sanchez at WR allows the offense to break the huddle with personnel to keep the D guessing. If they don't honor the conventional Offense, you can switch Sanchez to QB. And at WR he helps the power blocking math because he consumes one defender CB lined up wide. If the D ever stopped honoring that you check to a throw to him. So he's as good as an extra blocker out there. I'm of the school of thought that you don't do Sanchez at WR when Tebow is in because Tebow alone can keep them honest with passing. I think it's an old habit from having an RB run the wildcat. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I think the thing that makes it work for me is that Sanchez has 'grown up' in the NFL with a WC option subbing in. 2011 was an anomaly after Brad Smith left, and they had less effective options with Kerley and The Dark McKnight. Sanchez is a mobile QB in his own right, but bringing Tebow into the mix is a nightmare for defenses. I do like to abrade Tebow fans on occasion, but I think he is the perfect backup QB for this team. They can keep getting him on the field to keep him warm and keep his mind fresh, and if the unfortunate happens and Sanchez sucks or gets injured, the skillset of God's Gayboy completely fucks the opposing defense's gameplan, because he is left handed and a primary runner. Like I said, I bash the guy, but I love what he brings to the team. And to add to that, both Sanchez and Tebow can catch. So putting them at WR isn't the waste that people portray it to be.
Tebow was playing receiver. Have you guys seen that? The first play of this video: http /blog/afceast/post/_/id/45547/previewing-jets-team-wide-scrimmage
Not based on that video. That's a warm up drill with the quarterbacks only, and they help each other by running little routes. They showed it on ESPN the other day with that comment (plus I've seen other teams do it).
Nobody is saying that. I don't see why you have to make the obligatory Captain Obvious statement all the time. What they are saying is that it has the chance to work.