Or the one guy on the Panthers said it best: " "Every team says it every year, whether it's publicly or not," Kalil told the newspaper. "They say they're going to win the Super Bowl." Funny how nobody destroys him, they all say that's a great attitude to have and it can rub off on his team and teammates. Oh wait Rex did that his first two years here. You think without Rex motivating the team publicly and privately they have the same success they did? His greatest trick was making everyone forgot about 45-3 and talking about him and his quotes the week before that playoff game.
If he did not say it he should refute it since he has not it means he said it. Remember the reporters all have TAPE RECORDERS so they can easily make RR eat his words if he does refute it & he turns out to be wrong :sad:
You are totally incorrect I assess the team by myself like I do ever year & this year looks like a very, very bad team. Learn to assess the team with your head not your heart & you to someday may become a FB maven :sad;
:lol: Dude, your assessment is generally, "this guy said XYZ, so I agree". Yeah thanks for that very detailed analysis. :lol: at very, very bad team. Where do you get off saying that utter nonsense. We were mediocre last year, not BAD. People like you are the worst type of fans, just blindly agreeing with whatever the media says and claiming you are analyzing when you haven't explained anything beyond a few lines. You said I needed depression pills for after this season, but you need them now. Last thing we need is a fan suicide this year. The last 3 years of Jets football have been substantially better than the last 20+ years. How do you not see this as a dude that's watched since before SB3? Find any other 3 year stretch in the history of the Jets that we had a better record than 32-22 (including 4 playoff wins). Good luck. Parcells era comes close but doesn't have nearly as many playoff wins. Things aren't nearly as bad as you think they are.
He's a terrible head coach. He should go back to being a D.C. Hopefully he doesnt make a fool of us , again.
H'mm now U do not even know know me & you are accusing me of something so I again warn U better start googling NOW to get your supply of the those anti depressing pillls I mentioned. Now that you put your foot in your mouth you to give me 5 concrete things that the NYJs have done to overtake the NEPs this year. NO coulda, woulda, shoulda just plain old concrete things. MHS to U you sit down with pencil & pen & with your HEAD not your Heart analyze the team & I bet U will come to the same conclusion that I have if you are truthful to yourself :sad:
Maybe you do not know my credo which is SB or bust which means if they do not win the SB they had a UNSUCCESSFUL season so all those seasons you mentioned were UNSUCCESSFUL in my book :sad:
^If that's the case, you became a fan for the wrong reason. See, I greatly enjoy the raw competition and the game itself. We don't have to always win a superbowl for me to enjoy watching the games. Obviously its better to win, but we are moving in the right direction, which was my point. Your conclusion is that the Jets will get worse this this year. I'd like to see 5 concrete things that the Jets have done to get worse this season since the end of last year. No woulda could shoulda, just plain old concrete things and don't just quote some espn article. 1. Younger faster stronger D line 2. Upgraded safety unit 3. Stephen Hill and Chaz Schilens 4. Healthy oline 5. No more Shotty I'm just saying we'll be a better team this year, not that we'll go 16-0 and dominate the Pats. You act like the sky is falling all the time no matter what we do. If the Jets can do no good in your eyes, why even stress yourself about it. Just ignore them.
Cannon fodder from opposing teams fans. Our coach does things the complete opposite of your coach and since you guys got lucky with 1 draft pick in 2000, you think Belllicheat is a God when it really came down to a lucky pick in the draft. We don't want Rex to be like 50% of the coaches in the league. I want him to be the 1% that does it his way. I hope he never shuts up and is here for the next 15 years just to piss off your fan base. When I read your posts its like Charlie Brown's teacher talking. Go away please.
But HE IS the best head coach in football when it comes to defense. Who else is better than him? He took a team who had mediocre seasons defensively and have made them into a defensive powerhouse. If you state the obvious and people hate on you despite knowing the truth that what you're saying is right, it's a bad look on them.
The stuff Rex says does not piss me off in the least. It's great fodder for these boards. I find him very entertaining. I actually find it amusing that to try to convince himself he's the best, he feels the need to tell us he feels he's the best. BTW, WaWa, WaWaWaWa WaWaWa
If Rex is anything it's honest. He's not convincing himself he truly believes it whether anyone thinks its true or not.
I will give Rex one thing though: he DOES win the Mouth Super Bowl every year...matter of fact at that he's undefeated
I love the Rex haters..since 2009 as a rookie coach he is averaging 11 wins a year including the playoffs..name me 5 others in history who have done that in their first three years. (of course I have no idea how many there are but I sure as hell bet it isn't many). As far as I am concerned he can say anything he wants to say.
Is Rex talented; YES. Is Rex confident in his ability; YES. Does Rex really Care what people think of him; NO. Does Rex "own it" when he is beaten or proven wrong; YES. Do I love this about Rex; YES.