Rex says he's the best Defensive coach in football

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    I don't disagree with him, but I can only imagine all the news stories this is going to generate.

    Rex Ryan full of usual bravado on first day at NY Jets camp: ‘I look at myself as the best defensive coach in football’
    Ryan admits he will play a larger role with the defense than a year ago
    Comments (2)

    By Manish Mehta / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

    CORTLAND – Rex Ryan may have dialed down the public Super Bowl rhetoric, but he still has supreme confidence in himself.

    "You know what? I look at myself as the best defensive coach in football," Ryan said after the Jets' first training camp practice on Friday. "That's saying something because Dick LeBeau is pretty darn good. Bill Belichick is pretty good. But that's the way I've always believed. And you know what? I believe it because (of) the guys I coach with, there's no doubt about that. And the guys I've coached. But that's the truth. That's kind of how I feel."

    "If it was a spelling bee, I'd bet against me," he later added. "If it's anything else - a fight, coaching football - I'm betting on me."

    Ryan has admitted that he will play a larger role with the defense than a year ago.

    "I'm going to be more involved over there... whether it's calling games or whatever," Ryan said. "Obviously, (defensive coordinator) Mike Pettine is my right-hand guy. He's always been my right-hand guy. That's the way it's always going to be."

    Ryan also revealed that he recently showed the Jets his original blueprint for the team when he was hired in 2009 and "learned a ton of things" over the past few years.

    "I have everything in place right now," Ryan said. "There is no question about it."

    Despite his confidence, Ryan is steering clear of any grandiose predictions about his team.

    "The arrows weren't just coming on me," Ryan said of the fallout of his past predictions. "They were coming on my players. That's not what I wanted. If we weren't going to succeed, I knew I would be getting – that the bullets should be coming my way. I understand that. But I never wanted to put the added pressure on the team. That wasn't it. I thought by making that guarantee it was only going to come down on me. But that wasn't the case. But maybe (the media) would have said, ‘Didn't you figure that out?' No… I never figured that out. But I certainly did at the end of the season."

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  2. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    888 Jets Blog

    Jets' Ryan: I'm the 'best defensive coach in football'

    CORTLAND – Rex Ryan may be out of the guarantee game, but that doesn’t mean he's lost any confidence.

    The Jets coach showed that Friday when talking about his defensive acumen.

    "I look at myself as the best defensive coach in football," Ryan said. "That's saying something because [Steelers defensive coordinator] Dick LeBeau is pretty darn good. [Patriots coach] Bill Belichick's pretty good.

    "But that's the way I've always believed. … I'm going to be more involved over there whether it's calling games or whatever. Obviously, [defensive coordinator] Mike Pettine that's my right-hand guy. He's always been my right-hand guy and that's the way it's always going to be."

    Ryan has said he will be more involved with the defense this year after turning it over play-calling to Pettine last season.


    Rex Ryan speaks to the media during a news conference after Jets training camp practice in Cortland, New York.

    Ryan said the doubters have fueled him.

    "All the negative things, the fact that we're picked fourth in our own division by most publications, third some, it's like, 'oh really? OK.' That challenges me," he said.

    "Any competitor likes to be challenged or bet against. Bet against me. This isn't the first time there's been people that don't believe in me for whatever it is. I'm going to come out and compete. I believe in myself. I believe in the men that I coach and I believe in the men who coach with me. That's why I'm like, 'we're going to be successful. I don't care what you think.' That's the case. If it was a spelling bee, I'd bet against me. Anything else, a fight, coaching football, I'm betting on me."

    Ryan said he believes the Jets could have been successful in the playoffs last year if they didn't fall short.

    "I was sick because I knew, and I told our guys, if we get in that's the main thing," Ryan said. "You get in, everybody forgets what happens. I still think we could have done damage. It hurt me because I believed it. I almost felt like I was the only one who believed it. I know that wasn't the case but I kind of felt that way."

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  3. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I mean, what do you expect the guy to say? "I'm an ok football coach"? Non-Story and actually true.
  4. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    He's trying to get players interested. And he's being himself. I can't hate. He has to know, by know, what kind of attention this will get around New York and football. He doesn't seem too concerned.

    Band of Lunatics going to be nuts this year!
  5. Nilton

    Nilton Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I expect a better defense this year than last year.
  6. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    I would expect him to say nothing at ALL. If you are the best, there is no need to hype yourself. It would be self evident.

    This is just another sign of Rex's insecurity or his need for attention. Either one is not a flattering aspect of his personality.
  7. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    It's a sign of a coach deflecting attention from his players. If it means less column inches devoted to Holmes and Tebow then I'm all for it.
  8. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    Ali was the best and talked himself up a lot.
  9. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    I'm supa pumped for Ryan Mallet. This is going to be a great year for you guys. CAN'T WAIT!
  10. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Please, there are so many different personality types in this world and Rex is a very straight forward, loud, and honest type of guy. Just because he doesn't speak in code and isn't the quiet type like your head coach, doesn't mean he is doing anything wrong.

    It has been the standard for coaches to do almost exactly the same things, just in different variations and I'm so glad that Rex Ryan is someone who is willing to do it his way and show that you don't have to follow the "standard" to be successful.

    Rex Ryan is one of the top defensive minds in this game, if not the greatest defensive mind in this game (right now), so speaking about it in a confident light is nothing to hate on.
    #10 IIMeanDeanII, Jul 27, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
  11. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Probably is. Top 3 for sure.
  12. JAG

    JAG New Member

    Sep 16, 2011
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    well you know the "If it was a spelling bee, I'd bet against me," he later added. "If it's anything else - a fight, coaching football - I'm betting on me." line, specifically the anything else (outside a spelling be) may be a tad arrogant

    NJGREEN New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    He better think he's the best! I don't see it as boasting, I see it as confidence in his own ability and that's cool. It's okay to have a little swagger!

    I don't know what you do for a living, but when I get up and go to work, I think I'm the best damn worker on my job. Regardless if it's true or not, I think it is true, and I work like it!

    I'm with Rex on this one!
  14. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    He doesn't literally mean anything else. He doesn't think he can run faster than Cromartie or give head better than your mom.
  15. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    This is just the typical media drumming up a story.

    He didnt say he was the best coach in football, he says he looks at himself as the best defensive coach in football.

    This is no different than Eli coming out and saying he thinks hes a top 5 qb.

    Nothing wrong with a guy having confidence in himself.

    And ill even add that he probably is the best defensive coach in football.

    I mean look at this team before and after Rexn joined.

    He turned a shitty defense into a perennial elite one.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    With the defensive players he has on the roster this year he better be. This team is the strongest on defense its been in years even the 2 years we went to the AFC Championship game.

    Defense wins championships.
  17. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Please. If Brady said he's one of the best quarterbacks in the league, you'd say he's insecure about himself? Obvious Brady has accomplished more but when you're good at what you do, you're confident. Keep your pop-physcology to yourself please because there are COUNTLESS individuals who were the best at what they do/did and who boasted it, who I'd hardly label as "insecure".
  18. JAG

    JAG New Member

    Sep 16, 2011
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    This from the guy that "adopted" Hunter, well done genius
  19. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I'm the best astronaut on the planet. I'm the best laptop keyboard user in the known universe. All equally as absurd statements. He shouldn't rate himself.
  20. Axel3419

    Axel3419 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Or Joe Flacco, for that matter.

    The fact is, Rex Ryan is probably the best defensive coach in the NFL. Just look at the teams he's been a coach for; Cardinals, Ravens and Jets all had terrific defenses (for the most part) while Rex was coaching.

    This year I expect nothing less than a top 3 defense, if not top 1.

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