Anybody excited about the Up Coming Season???

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tanknyc, May 19, 2012.

  1. Wolf Brother

    Wolf Brother Banned

    May 10, 2012
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    Anyone who is a football fan is excited for the season. The only thing I am a bit less excited about, is all the fall-out from the Bounty Gate crap and how that will affect physical play. Also, everyone in the world, other countries, are gonna be watching the Jets. The excitement level for the Jets in particular is going to be the largest in franchise history. You won't be able to step out your front door without hearing about the Jets. Its Tebow Time.
  2. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    If the Jets start out winning, say, 7-1 or 6-2, the bandwagon won't be big enough, especially with all the TeBots that have jumped on board.
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I think the OP should have asked if we are relatively more or less excited than normal. First of all I don't only watch the Jets, so the season itself has an interest to me no matter what I expect from the Jets.

    But of course I am a Jet fan, so I think if the coming season primarily in terms of how I think they wil do.

    And that right now is hardly one of optimism.

    As the last season ended, it soon became clear that this coming season was going to be primariy about whether Sanchez was going to get it done enough to remain the starter. The Schotty debate would not be front and center. I figured the Jets would try and shore up some of the parts of the team that made it more difficult to get a clear handle on Sanchez. We figured Buress to be gone, and he is. LT would probably not come back - I take it that is true, too. Brunell would also have to be replaced with a real backup.

    The first screw up was that the original plan to replace Schotty with Sparano and Todd Haley blew up when Haley did not come to the Jets. Now it seems by default that Sparano will run the passing game in addition to the planned involvement in the running game. Nope, I don't feel good about that.

    Then the Jet FO let Hunter's contract go guaranteed without trying to renegotiate it. I still don't get that move.

    The signing of a real backup for Sanchez inspired some confidence, but this followed extending his contract with another year guaranteed. The rationale of opening up cap space was offered, but at the cost of another year of Sanchez being guaranteed, which can come back to bite the team if Sanchez does not step up this year.

    Meanwhile the Jets make no move in FA to help the team other than Schillens (is this move even worth mentioning?), and watch Turner leave with no real replacement.

    Then there's the Tebow trade. I don't want to go on at length here about this, other than to make two points. One is I see no reason to think Tebow will add a net benefit to the O. Second is getting him undermines, to at least some extent, the view that this coming season should be mostly about assessing whether to keep Sanchez going forward.

    In the draft the Jets go D in the first and third rounds, having given up the fourth to get Tebow, leaving one pick on O, at least here filling the gaping hole at #2 wideout (see above mention of Schillens). But... it sounds by all measures that Hill will be unlikely to step on the field on day one and make a real contribution.

    Meanwhile, Hunter is still the RT, Keller as a mismatch for the intended O is still the TE, Slauson (the epitome of mediocre) is the LG, an aging Moore is the RG, the Jets did not get a change of pace back to rotate with the low energy and somewhat fragile Greene, the Jets do not seem to have a real blocking TE on the roster, and I have no idea who the backup interior lineman is. Add in the massive suckage that is VD, the almost certain Qb controversy Tebow brings, the need to learn a new offense, and this O may not crack the top twenty, let alone top half, of the league.

    Meanwhile the D should still be solid. Likely top five, again. But not great enough to make up for that weakass Offense.

    The roster is still not set, so a won loss prediction seems a bit premature, but right now I have a hard time seeing this team go as well as 8-8.

    So, no, I am not that excited.
  4. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'm very excited about this upcoming season.

    I believe last season was an underachievement as far as the talent vs the performance. I believe the Jets were capable of more than they accomplished, particularly on offense.

    Many times taking one step back allows you to take two step forwards. In my opinion, this will be particularly true with the departure of Brian Schottenheimer. Six years of inconsistent frustrating underachieving mind boggling offensive play calling has left the offense stale. The offense has more talent on it than is given credit for and that's largely in part to the stagnation that has been allowed to take place there. No more.

    I'm excited because I believe Mark Sanchez is actually a very good quarterback with all the potential in the world and has barely scratched that potential. I believe what he's capable of being has really shone through in the playoffs. I believe a more streamlined offense will bring that out of him. A better Mark Sanchez means a better New York Jets team... one that will shock a lot of people.

    On defense Rex Ryan reinvolving himself more closely should also produce better results. The Jets are returning to a mobility minded mentality and that too should greatly benefit what was otherwise a sluggish defense at times last year.

    Coaching makes all the difference in the world and our coaching staff is evolving. I believe we'll see why Rex is the man and that we won't fall off a cliff like many expect us to.

    I'm very excited for this season.
  5. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I'm definitely excited for the new season. In two ways 1) just to have football back and 2) with somewhat renewed hope that the Jets will have a better season than last year. I think (hope) that last season was an aberration and that this season will be the correction. Can I say I honestly believe we have another AFC championship game appearance or possibly Super Bowl appearance in us? No, I can't...but sometimes the unexpected happens. Hell, not many picked the Giants to win it all or even make the playoffs after the mid-point of last season but here we are.

    Even if we don't have a great season I'll just be glad that football is back. Lots of other interesting stuff will happen throughout the season as well (i.e. Peyton Manning back, how Luck does, Newton's sophmore season, watching the 'Fins fail miserably, etc.)
  6. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    What's to get excited about when another non SB winning season is on the agenda? :sad:

  7. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Every time I read your posts I keep getting the voice of the robot Marvin from the original BBC TV series of Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy in my head ("life, dont talk to me about life"). ;p

    I am expecting another 8-8 season tbh, I am interested to see what happens but I cant say I am excited for the season.
  8. colleen74

    colleen74 Member

    Oct 14, 2010
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    I am very excited, because I think it's going to be a hell of a roller coaster ride of drama and I <3 drama.

    I predict most of us here will spend a good part of the season very pissed off, but that's all part of the fun, right?
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I'm already pissed off.

    I figure it this way - either the Jets surprise me and do well, and i am very pleasantly surprised. Or they live down to my expectations, and I have the benefit of at least not being surprised.

    I may also have some I told you sos for the rose colored glasses wearing homers here, but they tend to get scarce when things really turn to crap.
  10. lamont_jordan_rules

    Aug 25, 2004
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    ... i'm f'in pumped babyyy!!!!!! ...

    ... salary cap cut vet RT picked up in training camp = superbowl champs! ...

  11. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I'm feeling optimistic, why not?
  12. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    i feel the same.... im feeling a more 2009 feel with a shlt ton more run plays, less turnovers, more conservative, less BS, and a better defense benefitting from all of that.
  13. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I predict pleasant surprises on the horizon. The last component of the Mangenius experiment has finally been purged. :grin:
  14. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    OK then why not post 5 things that the NYJs have done in this off season to overtake Belly, Brady & Co. TIA :sad:
  15. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't believe it's as black and white as being better than the Patriots. In fact - I'd venture to say that's impossible. However, that applies to almost every other team in the NFL too - yet the Patriots haven't won a Super Bowl in 7 years.

    As Rex pointed out in the past... the Jets don't need to be better than the Patriots... just better on the days that they face them.

    The averages aren't in the Jets favor but championships aren't won on averages. They are built on tenacity and desire and drive and a little bit of luck.

    Looking at the team from a different perspective I always wonder to myself what is the top thing keeping the Jets from becoming a championship team... my opinion the last 3 years has been consistently Brian Schottenheimer. Now that he's gone I believe the Jets are a little closer - not further to having a shot at the title.

    Now that he's gone the biggest thing potentially holding the Jets back from a championship is the offensive line... but we'll see what the new offensive staff does with them. I expect it'll be an upgrade over Schotty and co.

    As for the factors I listed before concerning championships... Rex has all those traits. I believe he's capable of winning a championship.
  16. tanknyc

    tanknyc Active Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    I just think there is a good feel to the start of this season. Its a new start and now we get a chance to see whether or not it was Schotty or not. I did say Im Excited about the season but didnt know I had to be specific and say the Jets LOL. I just think the fact that we really retooled on Defense and got some players who can potentially make some plays is a good thing. First two years with Sanchez the Defense was phenomenal and pretty much all Sanchez had to do was manage the game.

    I just really would like to see Tom Brady laying flat on his back and for the most part the best way to get him flustered is by attacking him straight up the middle of the Defense and making him think to Quick for his liking.
  17. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I do not wish to get into a debate about Shotty. Since U can not come up with nothing concrete concerning my questions you give me smoke & mirrors instead which means deep down in the bottom of your heart you are doing lots of hoping & praying. My experience with the NFL hoping & praying gets U nowhere. You are aware that we have not won a SB in 43 years yes? That makes the Pats accomplishment of not winning one in 7 years look great. Do U agree with me on that?

    As for RR sorry U are way, way, way over estimating him & when this season is done so will be RR & the merry go round will start all over again & we we will be in the wilderness for another 5/8 years sorry to say :sad:
  18. tanknyc

    tanknyc Active Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    I watched last Season and of course screamed at the TV when Hunter let players abuse him left and right . But I do like the fact that Sparano backed Hunter and said if this is all I got then we are going to make it work. Maybe Schottys constant Audibles confused Hunter on his assignments and this years were running the play sent in will have a far better out come.
  19. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    I am, this team looks like a contender!!!
  20. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Being a fan is all about hoping and praying until they mess it up; then you jump on a message board and get into internet catfights about it.

    As a fan, we have absolutely 0 control over the team... so what more can you do but hope and pray and complain?

    In the NFL all you need to do is make the playoffs... from there all 12 teams have a shot. Our neighbors have proven that twice more recently than the last Patriots Super Bowl victory.

    Rex is 2 for 3 in getting the Jets that opportunity and I expect more playoff appearances. The Jets aren't going to fire a coach who has never had a losing season.

    I absolutely understand where you're coming from, but I believe it is a different perspective that we don't share.

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