While aquiring Timmy T for a 4th rd pick should be considered "good value", an argument could be made that Drew Stanton + Offensive line (or S) help (with said 4th rd pick) could be more beneficial to the JETS. .......we'll see
This is fucking brilliant but will likely turn into a full time job on any kind of Interweb forum such as this one. I'm not a big fan of the Tebow experiment but this is an interesting point. Shit, we had Mark Brunell as our backup the past 2 seasons for this exact same reason. The big difference is that we would have had 0 chance of winning a game if we had to rely on Brunell to play. Not so with Tebow. On a side note I want to see Dirty Sanchez Tebowing after his rushing TDs this season.
When Rex and Tannenbaum speak in the media, their bullshit sounds like the mom from the Muppet Babies.
Intangibles are the thing that make a great player. every player at this stage are athletes, but what is inside that makes the difference. Jerry rice was no physical freak , Drew brees niether . now take our friend gholston he should have been a monster , no intangibles. Look at chrebet he had it ,welker has it.There are a ton of players that should be great but are not, why not ? intangibles. Ronnie lott spoke of this exact thing at a camp i took my son to 20 years ago. Do not underestimate intangibles.
What exactly are these "advantages"? Isn't the primary role of the backup QB supposed to be that he's ready, including being healthy, to go into the game for the starting QB at a moment's notice?
I know there's a lot of people that wanted Massie when he slipped to the third. We may finally have an explanation for why the guy was treated like a leper until his value just got stupid: http://www.ganggreennation.com/2012/5/3/2996025/why-the-jets-likely-passed-on-bobby-massie
I said it at the time that "Jets will never again draft or sign a player that is represented by these turds" Wanted to track this!!!! Good stuff here. These guys are Grade A Pricks beyond belief and I'm sure Tanny and Rex never want to have to talk to them again. I also think Revis will be gone.
Intangibles alone do not make a great football player. I would have far more confidence in Tebow's future ability to develop if he had good mechanics and a perceptible upward curve in his game, in such areas as completion percentage. His fans can focus all they want on Denver beating Pitt in the playoffs. But Pitt played a bad game and was really banged up. Before that, Tebow was playing worse, not better, as time went by. I think I know why. It's because opponents by then had better figured out how to play against him, and he had no comeback. His fans talk about his intangibles because the rest of his game is not adequate. It's like the advice of what it takes to be a successful trial lawyer. When the law is on your side, pound the law. When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. WHen neither the law nor facts are on your side, pound the table. Going on and on about intangibles is pounding the table.
Thanks for the link. I'm really liking the idea of linking players drafted and their agents. One of those ideas that makes so much sense but I only realized after seeing someone else do it first. === Although I've got doubts the Agents were the sole factor, it makes sense that it is part of the decision making when two different players are ranked very close to each other.
Good find. I'm glad they passed then. Those agents give the Jets enough of a headache, they don't need another one
Ok... here I agree. Nice! -------------------------------------------------------------- You can think of it this way. Until your "tangible" attributes get you to the point where your "intangible" attributes do matter, having that intangible assets means NOTHING. Yes. NOTHING. Similar logic: This great chess player knows how to play the end game perfectly, but almost always gets hammered in the middle game. Will he see favorable end-game situation? He'd be lucky if he's not down by a knight or more. In case of Tebow, Broncos defense did a lot of dirty work to keep the game close. Once that couldn't be accomplished, Tebow cracked. What did that immense pool of intangibles do for the donkeys then?
Also, Sanchez is already starting to hear the boos. There was alot of booing every time his came came up at readio city during the draft. Tebow heard boos at the basketball game. The fans are torn already! If Sanchez doesn't come out of the chute firing on all cylinders this year and Tebow has some success with the plays he comes in to run, it's not going to be pretty at Jets games. In a perect world (for jets fans) both will come out and be successful at the roles they're put in. But what are the odds this is a perfect world? Anyone that doesn't believe this has at least a decent chance to divide both the fandom and the locker room over who should play is just kidding themselves.
You really think both of them are going to play equally well? I'll give you this, if this works out the way Rex and Tanny envision it, the Jets will be SB contenders. I have my doubts that this is going to do anything positive for Sanchez in the long term. Tebow is such a strong personality, you really think he doesn't believe he's gonna come in and win over the lockerroom and take over that team?
I don't think it would be earth shattering for both Sanchez and Tebow (in his role) to play well. That's all I'm getting at. You made it sound like all the stars would have to align for that to be the case.
Such as who? Only completely ignorant people bring race into something like this. Claiming an undrafted player can do what Tebow has already done IN THE NFL, is ludicrous. Some may have similar skill sets and play multiple positions, but they haven't been NFL tested yet. They could just as easily amount to zilch and be practice squad for life, but I guess you'd rather take a complete stab in the dark over a someone who's proven he can run the option effectively. Hmmmmmm. Tebow's good enough for a backup QB.
LTJF, If I may, I think Lang is saying that even them both playing well will not mean there is no controversy. What one person thinks is well enough will be different from another's. I am sure that what Sanchez Fans think would be "well (meaning good) enough" play from him will be at a somewhat lower level than Tebots will think enough to keep Tebow from starting, at least as the year progresses. Now I think we also have to recognize it will not be like there's one set of circumstances where there will be CONTROVERSY, meaning a lot of it, and another where there is none. No, it's much more likely to be somewhere along a spectrum between those two poles. So sure, if Sanchez plays well, if Tebow plays well but in a more limited capacity, that will probably mean there will be less controversy. But unless the Jets are, say, at least 7-1 at the halfway point, and Sanchez is doing great, I think there will be a noticeable amount of controversy. How much? Hard to say at this point.
The thing is, some people seen to believe that ever since Tebow got drafted by the Broncos, that there was this huge loud voice shouting TEBOW! TEBOW! TEBOW! at every game in Denver. That wasn't the case. It is something that built over time while Kyle Orton was repeatedly showing himself to be inept and he took the Broncos to a 7-24 record. I guarantee you that if the Jets were 7-24 over a 2 year span, fans in the stadium would be chanting for the backup REGARDLESS of who he was. That's what fans usually tend to do when QBs suck and can't win. If Orton had started out the season at 4-1 instead of 1-4, things would have been different.