People underestimate Tebow's arm strenght. He has more zip and velocity than Sanchez. He really brings it in. Just heard that on Collin Cowheard's show. Nothing spectacular but surely wish we could stop our players from making such cavalier and unnecessary comments to a media that is loaded to bear for controversy and shady reporting to sell selective pieces of information. Have you guys heard that?
Yeah I saw it on twitter. He said he has a lot of zip but to me it means nothing. I agree with you I don't know why he would say that because you know espn will have a field day with it.
Jamarcus Russell had a cannon for an arm. Where did that get him? CBS ran an article saying Tebow's are is far better than Sanchez's. Kerley said Tebow is more accurate than he thought it would be. Never did he compare the two. But the media jumps on it and people read what they see. Not how it really was. Getting sad. Good luck Sanchez.
Even if Tebow does have a stronger arm than Sanchez, why would Kerley say the words "alot stronger"? No matter what he thinks, he shouldn't be saying shit like that. "Yeah, our backup has a stronger arm than our starter" is what it sounds like, not cool. You gotta back up your QB, not fuel the fire of Tebowmania.
I don't know, perhaps it's because he's a football player who understands that it takes more than a strong arm to be a good QB ? What's next ? Gonna criticize a player who flat out states that Tebow is more muscular and stronger than Sanchez ? Furthermore, saying that Tebow has the stronger arm only says that Tebow has a stronger arm. It doesn't say, or imply that Sanchez has a weak arm.
I think Kerley should have complimented his teammate, and left it at that. No need to bring Sanchez into it. And if that was the question he was asked, he needs to learn to deflect that kind of question.
This all starts at the top of the organization. Tanny actually said that if Sanchez goes three and out three times in a row and they put Tebow in and he moves the ball, he might get more playing time. It's not that what he said was ridiculous, it was the fact that he didn't realize the way it could be spun and the subtle pressure it would add to the whole situation. Sometimes it seems like the entire Jets organization has no idea how to deal with the media, no idea that what they say will have repercussions.
Why ? No one would ever accuse Joe Montana of having a super strong arm, yet he's one of the best QBs to have ever played the game.
I think it's probably fraught with hurt feelings and controversy to compare teammates, as a rule. This guy is faster than that guy, or this one catches better than that one. You can get on the nerves of the teammate, and create a media quote for your teammates to have to deal with. Probably better to just compliment the one, leave the other out of it.
I understand what you all are saying, and by and large, I agree with the thought overall. But there's some things that are just so inconsequential in my opinion, things that a team mate wouldn't be upset about. It's like if guys were working out and they were asked what Tebow bench pressed and what Sanchez benched. Or if they ran wind sprints and Tebow ran faster. I would be concerned if Kerley had said that Tebow was more accurate than Sanchez, or a better passer, but just saying that he throws harder ? As others have talked about, "throwing harder" doesn't say much of anything.
You're right. It's not a big deal. I don't think it's an "infraction" by Kerley where's wrong. I just think, as a rule, you stay away from bringing another teammate into it when you're trying to describe something. It's one of those "bad ideas."
Oh, I definitely agree with that. I mean, he shouldn't have just volunteered a comparison, but if he was asked about it directly, I just don't see any harm in this one.
If anyone would understand how the media operates it would NYers. They will search any and all quotes about TT and use it to stir the drink. But player X probably should have not told the truth but some people just do.
Jeremy Kerley attended TCU. That's Texas Christian University. So he's both a Southerner and a Christian. Total conspiracy!:drunk:
They probably asked every Jets receiver and right end to compare Sanchez and Tebow and this is the best they could come up with in terms of sensationalism. What a joke.