Some toughts, some hopes...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by onefanjet, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    While it is true that one should not be satisfied with falling short of the goal, the goal being to win a championship, and that is certainly my hope for the Jets, this is not some sort of binary situation where everything short of that goal is equally a failure.

    It is the nature of football that each season is played in increments, leading to an end result. Those increments are called games. They are distinct events. People go to them, and they have beginnings, middles and ends. Those in attendance, including those watching on tv, may well have in mind the relation of that game to the overall season. But it is still a distinct event, and for those in attendance the outcome of it has an importance and relevance distinct from the specific subject of the season as a whole.

    That being the case, those in attendance will most certainly enjoy the event more if they team they root for wins the game.

    The point is that just as it is true that winning the Super Bowl is the ultimate goal, that doesn't mean that all teams that do not are equal failures.

    Beware binary thinking.
  2. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Sorry I totally disagree with U. ALL sports are either black or white & there no in between's. There is ZERO difference if U are the loser of the AFCCG or go 0-16 the only difference is some fans are more satisfied losing the AFCCG then being 0-16 but the end results of both teams is they are LOSERS plain & simple. You can spin it any way U want but the FACTs are they are losers just like we have been for last 43 years & if I am correct will continue to be for the next 7/10 years while they totally rebuild the team since they need more parts then a 1940 Chevy to be a dominant true contending team. The only really good players we have at this moment we have are Revis & Mangold & that is it. We have a couple of OK players like Fergy & SH. AC & that is it. So if U see us contending with the team we have now good for U but come Dec 2012 when the bitter winter winds are sweeping thru NYC you will be vastly disappointed just as U will next year & the year after & yada, yada, yada :sad:
  3. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Are you serious? There is a huge difference between going 0-16 and losing the AFC Championship. Going to the AFC Championship means you have a core you can build off of, and you are on the right path. Going 0-16 is not the same because you have nothing to build off of and will most likely scrap the current team and go into rebuilding. As a fan, the end result will be the same, but as a franchise there is a huge difference.
  5. tzinc

    tzinc New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    They had a drop off last year the previous 2 years they went to AFC finals. There were some issues that they feel they have addressed.
    You can't get to a SB unless you make the AFC final. With only 3 years of this regime it's way to early to panic especially with the results of the first 2 years. It's not like they were 8-8 three years in a row.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    This should be so obvious, I don't even know how to respond to someone who claims there is no difference.

    I get the point that hte goal is to win the championship, as I said. But this failure to recognize how geting close means you are close, while getting worse certainly means you are not closer, is too much.
  7. skipper

    skipper Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Champ, your life must be pure hell if that's the way you think.
  8. Will-I-Am-Not

    Will-I-Am-Not Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Rex needs to step up his game this season; but given what he's already accomplished, he should be the coach of the Jets for a long time.
  9. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Are U kidding? That great core U mentioned went 8-8 last year so give that silly argument a rest. 1 year has NOTHING to do with the next year in the NFL. The FACT is just as I stated 0-16 or losing the AFCCG leaves the team in the exact same position LOSERs :sad:
  10. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    See my reply to displacedfan :sad:
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    See my reply to displacedfan :sad:
  12. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The way Ryan seems to be on board this latest debacle, that being the Tebow trade, has tested my faith in him even more so than before. I tell myself I am still more in favor of him than not. On the face of it, I don't think an 8-8 season, in and of itself, should mean it is time for him to go. Not at all.

    I don't agree, either, with the pov that says if Sanchez fails, that means Ryan is by extension a failure as well. It is a team sport, and judging the HC's management of the team as a whole does not depend on the individual success of one player, even the Qb. Particularly if the lack of success seems to be mostly about that player's own faults and shortcomings.

    Even this coming season, I would hardly say the roster at it is being put together is one that would guarantee success with an adequately competent coaching staff. And by success by this metric, one would have to say a winning record. Arguably a playoff berth?

    Well, I hardly think that is likely even if Vince Lombardi were the HC. Possible, to be sure, but probable? Probably not.

    Having said that, longer term trends seem to require us to judge Ryan more harshly.

    A so-called player's coach, the conventional wisdom goes, can achieve short term success with a talented group of players coming off a former coaching staff approach of petty discipline, too much rigidity and lack of enjoyment for the game. But unless the players continue to buy in to the CS's approach, and that must most likely be based on winning, the lack of discpline begins to take a toll. I wish it were otherwise, but that seems to be human nature.

    It is evident that we saw signs last season of players who were just not that into Ryan's approach compared to previous seasons. Perhaps the cast of characters was different enough. Certainly hte lack of success was a factor. Sanchez's lack of adequate development, and the perception he was being coddled, were also factors.

    Those things are enough of a concern. But there was more. There were the post game pressers, where Ryan appeared delusional at times, and certainly lacking in cred. There was the three game swoon to close the season, the overt dysfunction even on the field among some players, followed by anonymous negative comments, even some quotes for attribution, and of course Ryan's public admission that he lost the sense of the locker room.

    All that seems to have called for an off season where a bit of a change of course was due, and the exercise of patience. Instead I find the actions of the FO this off season to lack coherence, and seems driven by efforts to market the team more than improve the football product. And Ryan seems by all accounts to be part of that effort, to have bought into it.

    Perhaps it is true that none of this guarantees failure. And Ryan still has is strengths, and positive qualities.

    But I'd be willing to bet we are at least as likely to see a situation develop this coming year that would call for his departure as we are to see great success. More likely we will see something in the middle, and another year will go by without that great success, and there will be more questioning of Ryan's effectiveness, and just how much more time he "deserves" to be the HC before the team clearly would be better off heading in a different direction.
  13. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    that was great and all at the time, but how long are you going to hang onto those two seasons. they're done, in the past, time to step up and at least get to the next step "superbowl appearance"!

    the time for hanging onto the past is over!
  14. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    8-8 is still better than 0-16. They have still have a core of Mangold, Brick, Harris, Revis and maybe Sanchez, Greene, Kerley, Wilson, Wilkerson to build around. Going 0-16 means you need take the whole team and really see if you have any pieces you want. Going 8-8 means you see what you have and make smaller, smarter decisions to go in the right direction. 0-16 with a few bounces turns to 2-14. 8-8 with a few bounces is 6-10 or 10-6. The same great Giants core missed the playoffs the last two years before winning the Super Bowl.

    Yes it leaves the team as losers, but it isn't black and white. The Packers and Colts are in very different positions even though they are both losers. The Colts started rebuilding their whole franchise and putting their eggs in the basket of Luck. The Packers know they have a great offense, and are going to look to improve defensively. One team has a much easier job at succeeding next year than the other. Even though they are both losers, there are different levels. The PAtriots have been losers for 7 years, yet they are still a top 5 team to win the Super Bowl for every years. The Browns have been losers for the same 7 series, and are a running joke if they were to win the Super Bowl. In the end, for fans it might be the same, but for the actual running of the organization there is a HUGE difference.

    Even bigger example, look at the Knicks and Mavericks barring last year. The Knicks and Mavs were both losers for 10 years heading into last season. The Knicks hadn't won a playoff game since 99, the Mavs went to the championship in 06. Both teams have 0 championships to show in the 10 year span, but one team was consistently making the playoffs while the other team was consistently missing the playoffs. One team had a player, Drik, they could build around. The other team had players they thought they could build around. Since the Mavs had little things to fix each year, each fix was easier and success came to them. Since the Knicks had big fixes to fix every year, each thing became more difficult to fix and they still haven't won a playoff game while the Mavs are defending champs.
  15. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    As long as Pats fans keep on bringing up the dynasty, Phins fans bring up Marino, I'm going to build off the teams that made the playoffs and made noise. I would say since the Jets have a lot of similar players and coaches it does have an affect. Everyone seems to forget they were one play from making the playoffs this year. They were one play from missing it in 09. Things happen, you have a team that proves it can play in the playoffs. The next step is to do it consistently. They took a step back last year, but the work of Rex so far makes me think they can improve because of what he did. While the actual seasons and records have no influence over what happens, the coach and a lot of players are still the same and they know what helped them get there and now what caused them not to make the playoffs
  16. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    You really think the Jets will win 14+ games next year with the team they have?

    Because that will be the number of wins necessary to unseat the Pats.
  17. pheasant

    pheasant Undrafted FA

    Mar 23, 2012
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    12 wins should unseat the Pats in 2012. The marshmallow schedule they had last year is a little misleading.
  18. packersfan

    packersfan New Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Rex is a very good coach and bringing in Tebow hasn't changed that. Rex has been part of football for a long time and

    maybe he sees something in Tebow you don't yet. I believe this trade will work out well for the Jets. Just my opinion.
    #38 packersfan, Apr 3, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2012
  19. packersfan

    packersfan New Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I think the late season debacle had more to do with player dysfunction and lack of leadership than it did with Rex.

    SKIBA-JONES New Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    couldnt agree more. there is a difference

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